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Century Farms
Patron's Directory

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Howard County Iowa Century Farms

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Source: Iowa Dept of Agriculture

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NameCityOrigin YearAward Year
Adamec Family Trust, Elmer L.Cresco18962001
Anderson, Ronald N.Lawler18941998
Bateman, Gerald and LyleCresco18651985
Beran, Daniel J. and ElizabethElma19132013
Bigalk, Clinton and ArvidCresco18571976
Bigalk, Manley H.Cresco18741987
Bina, Raymond and JudithCresco19112014
Bodermann Trust, Dale and DarleneElma19072006
Bouska, DanielProtivin18671977
Bowers, Donald M. and Irlene I.Lime Springs18741985
Boyle, Charles F.Elma19092010
Boyle, Hazel M.Elma18911994
Brandmill, DinsmoreElma18541977
Braniger, Hazel NelsonElma18872011
Bronner, Robert BurdetteCresco18611976
Bronner, Leonard J.Cresco18671976
Buckley, Paul and TomElma18881989
Buckley, NormaElma18881989
Buhr, MelroyElma19082009
Buresh, FredricRiceville18861986
Buresh, Victor and DorisRiceville19002002
Burke, Norbert P.Elma18861994
Chihak, William and CatherineElma19032008
Chyle, Charles W. and BeatriceProtivin18721976
Chyle, Don W.Cresco18611976
Clark, Joseph and MarthaCresco18941995
Cray, Richard and LorraineChester18741976
Cray, Thomas R.Chester19112011
Daley, David and PamelaCresco18992014
Davis, John W. and Hazel M.Lime Springs18681976
Diekmann, EdwardElma18831987
Drtina, GaryLime Springs19132013
Duggan, Jan DingerRiceville19112012
Eggerichs, Judith B.Chester19132014
Ellingson, Lester G.Cresco18822016
Evans Family Farm, Inc., -Lime Springs19112011
Fairchild, GlennChester18681976
Ferrie, Ronald F.Cresco18591976
Fitzgerald, Jerome and MadonnaElma18912007
Flaherty, John L.Elma18501977
Flugge, Albert O.Elma18671976
Fravel, Leonard and DoretteCresco18632010
Friedrich, Rod and ToniElma18961996
Gardner Family Farm, -Elma18912000
Gie and Ginny's LLC, -Riceville19002015
Goetsch, William EarlCresco18831984
Grimm, DorisElma18861990
Groth, Eldon A. and Norma M.Elma18992000
Haskovec, Kenneth and PaulineCresco18831986
Havlik, Clement J. and Janis A.Elma18962001
Heide, KevinCresco19062008
Heimerdinger, Merlin L.Lawler18771989
Henry, John M.Cresco18941998
Hosek, Edward and LucilleCresco18991999
Howard County Farm, James OttCresco18821983
Hubka, Grace G.Cresco19012002
Hubka, JosephCresco18851985
Hubka, Kenneth J. and Mary JoCresco19012001
Hume, Maxine M.Lime Springs18831988
Humpal, Adolph, Ken and Miriam (Byram)Cresco18761996
Ihns, ClarenceLime Springs18591991
Johnson, Steven and WendyCresco19092016
Kelly, John W.Chester18751976
Keune, DaleCresco18751976
Kleve, Roger and ElaineCresco19152015
Koliha, Richard C.Lime Springs19002001
Kostohryz, Evelyn D.Cresco18841997
Kovarik, EdElma19072010
Kubik, Mrs. Alois and Mrs. John A.Elma18651976
Lane, Sigrid Joanne NelsonElma18832006
Laub, Mary A.Cresco18751976
Linkenmeyer, Richard and RitaRiceville18761991
Linkenmeyer, MyrtleRiceville18761991
Marik, William W.New Hampton18901992
Marr, Jim and SusanRiceville18912003
Martinek, Robert T.Cresco19122014
McAllister, Jeff and ShellyCresco19042009
McCarville, Raphael E.Cresco18691976
McGee, Gerald and MarianElma18891996
Miles Land Ltd., Miles Land Ltd.Riceville18862005
Miller, Charles HarissonCresco18571976
Miller, CathyCresco18922016
Minear, IrvinCresco18871988
Mlady, William and MelvinCresco18731976
Moser, Walter and ElaineLime Springs19082008
Moudry, Robert and MarieCresco19112011
Mracek, Daniel and DarleneLawler18941999
Myron, Amalia FrankElma18851986
Nast, Charles G. and FernevaCresco18691976
Nath, RichardRiceville19102010
Natvig, Godfrey and TheodoraCresco18931993
Nelson - Life Lease, GertrudeLime Springs18942001
Nibaur, Francis and MargaretElma18741977
Nolda, Mrs. Ruth Ida BartelsElma18921992
Northness, Ella LewisLime Springs18671977
Nothnagel, Marvin A.Lime City18891995
Novak, Edward F. and Ernest H.Cresco18741976
O'Brien, Kathryn L.Cresco18982001
Pecinovsky, Barbara JCresco19012011
Pecinovsky, David and ConnieCresco18902005
Pecinovsky, RalphCalmar18551976
Perry, Chester R.Lime Springs18571976
Peters, Mrs. Mary C.Cresco18681976
Pietan, GlenElma19102011
Praska, Melvin and CarolCresco18911993
Praska, Joseph and ShirleyElma18901990
Praska, Leonard F.Cresco18931993
Praska, Dorothy M.Elma18982000
Praska, Michael and RethaElma19092016
Reicks, Cyril and FlorenceAlta Vista18651976
Reinhart, Richard and ConstanceCresco19092010
Roberson, John A. and Eileen A.Elma18971998
Roberts, Thomas and ElizabethLime Springs19022002
Sanborn, W.K.Lime Springs18581976
Scheidel, LonCresco18972004
Schmidt, Kenneth and KonnieElma19002001
Schnepper, Robert L. and Evelyn F.Riceville18751991
Schroeder, Miss MarionElma18761976
Seele, Les and IreneCresco18861986
Shatek, Thomas and PaulineElma19072007
Shatek, LeonardElma19122015
Shatek, Donald and TinaElma18901995
Shea, Thomas J. and Janet A.Lime Springs19112014
Shields, Mr. and Mrs. JamesLime Springs18571977
Smith, Francis M.Elma18712015
Sobolik, Arnold and WilmaCresco18872001
Souhrada, Dalyn D.Lime Springs18771986
Stark, Dean and HelenRiceville19002000
Stika, Edmund F.Cresco18801988
Strike, Eldon and JaniceCresco19122015
Swestka, Ronald and JoyceCresco18751984
Thraenert, Joseph H. and Barbara G.Elma18992001
Tlusty, Ronald JamesCresco18741976
Tlusty, Donald E. and Eileen L.Lawler18981998
Vagts, Martin and DorothyCresco18741976
Valvoda, Raymond and MaryElma18901990
Vansickel, Marilyn VrbaCresco18922014
Voves, Linus and Linda MeyersCresco19002000
Voyna, Alvin and KarenCresco19082008
Vrba, Mrs. DorothyCresco18731976
Wacha Sr. Estate, JohnLime Springs18781979
Warnke, DelbertLime Springs18951996
Watson, Carrol A. and Mary E.Lime Springs19002001
Wells, Ruth, Howard WellsRiceville18561995
White, Richard and BeverlyAlta Vista19092010
Whitinger, IreneElma18781984
Whitinger Farm, Inc., J and MElma18942000
Wilson, Floyd E.Cresco18571976
Young, Patricia D.Elma18981998
Zajicek, Edward and WilmaCresco18551976
Zeller, LeonardCresco18571976
Zobeck, LaVernElma18941996