
Menlo Schools

The Cardinal Yearbook 1941-42

Courtesy of Pamela Schuster.

Click images to enlarge

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 11941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 2

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 2

To Jess "Pet" Beghtel, our unfailing Janitor who has served Menlo High School for twenty-eight years, the Senior Class dedicates this Cardinal of 1942.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 4

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 5

FRONT ROW: Lilah Blackman, 4th, 5th, & 6th Grades; Evelyn Gill, Jr. High; Mrs. Inez Stringham, School Nurse; Patricia Traeder, 5th & 6th Grades; Gwendolin Bogh, Commercial;

BACK ROW: Mrs. Virginia C. Van Duzer, English; Helen Till, Kdg. & 1st; C. V. Carter, Principal; R. W. Eckley, Suprintendent[sic]; J. Jay Troxel, Coach; Virginia Agrell, Music; Grace Burt. 2md & 3rd Grades.
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 6

Percy Miller and Jess "Pet" Beghtel

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 7

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 8

William Hogan ("Bill"), Mary Wright ("Debbie"),
Bruce Colbert ("Beefer"), Louise Sackett ("Jinx")
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 9

Arthur Reese ("Hank"), Virginia Groomes ("Ginger"),
John Mc Donald ("Johnny"), Winifred Morris ("Winnie")
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 10

Reese Law ("Sam"), Mary Conway ("Mary Kay")
Max Lynch (Just "Max"), Glenna Varley ("Penny Mae")
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 11

Glenna Varley Cont'd, Mary Jones ("Jonesy")

Left, Page 11:
President, Glenna Varlay
Sec'y Treasurer, John Mc Donald

Mary Conway,
Mary Wright, Glenna Varley,
John Mc Donald,
Virginia Groomes,
Bruce Colbert
  Above, Page 11:
Editor, Max Lynch
Assistant Editor, Reese Law
Photographer, Winifred Morris
Sports, Bruce Colbert
Secretary, Mary Wright
Business Manager, Mary Conway
Activity, Glenna Varley
Typist, Louise Sackett
Art, John Mc Donald
Class Editor, Virginia Groomes

Above, Page 11:
Jane, Virginia Groomes
Katie, Louise Sackett
Aunt Augusta, Winifred Morris
Mother, Bary Conway
Gardiner, Bruce Colbert
Lisa, Mary Wright
Drusilla, Glenna Varley
Peter, John Mc Donald
Sammy, Hank Reece
Emmett Brett, Max Lynch

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 12
Left, Page 12:
Bruce Colbert---SIlly grin to Ivan Burkheimer
Bill Hogan--Lovin' technique to Lloyd Mc Carthy
Bud Schultz--Vacations to anyone who needs plenty of fresh air and rest
John Mc Donald--quiet ways to Jim Wall
Mary Jones--Tips to the lovelorn to Lou Etta Craven
Virginia Groomes--Blond Beauty to Ruth Buttler
Glenna Varley--Quiet wistful ways to Wes Cline
Louise Sackett--Love of Army Uniforms to Mary Barrett
Winifred Morris--Shy, bashful smile to Bill Buttler
Hank Reese--Love Cases to Lloyd Mc Carthy
Mary Wright--the empty spaces in my head to anyone who has room for them
Left, Page 12:

The boy most likely to succeed--John Mc Donald
The girl most likely to succeed--Virginia Groomes
The best dressed boy--John Mc Donald
The best dressed girl--Glenna Varley
The most popular girl--Mary Wright
The most popular boy--Bruce Colbert
The mosthappy-go-luck girl--Mary Wright
The most ambitious boy--John Mc Donald
The most ambitious girl--Virginia Groomes
Boy with best line--Hank Reese
The most conceited girl--Louis Sackett
The most conceited boy--Hank Reese
Best Athlete (Boy)--Bruce Colbert
Best Athlete (Girl)--Mary Wright
The boy with manly looks--Max Lynch
The girl with the cutest form--Mary Wright

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 13

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 14 Left, Page 14:
Front Row (left to right): Russell Tate, Ivan Burkheimer, Robert Handley, Everett Ross, Gene Miller.

Second Row: Delores Herkelmen, Marjorie Mingus, Martina O'Brien, Elain Lyst, C. V. Carter, Sponsor, Vernice Partlow, Lois McDonald, Helen Beane, Lou Etta Craven.

Third Row: Miss Agrell, Sponsor, Bill Brandenburg, Keith Wagner, Helen Elam, Iris Nevitt, Betty Miller, Carry McClung, Betty Partlow, Jim Wall, Harold Kirlin, Miss Gill, Sponsor

Back Row: Kenneth McAtee, Verne Thornburg, Junior Moore Harold Tomlinson, Bill Buttler, Raymond Reischl, Bernard Enright, Lloyd McCarthy, Wesley Cline.

President--Lou Etta Craven
Vice President--Martina O'Brien
Secretary-Treasurer--Delores Herkelman

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 15
One fine spring day the Junior Class left behind the old school WALL to go for a hIKE in the RAYs of sunshine. As they walked down the shadE LAINE they sa w many BUDding flowers. As they passed farmer BUTTLER's home, his dog came out Wagner his tail. They saw a clear spring and stopped, for they were CRAVEN a drink of water.
Along the enCLINE was an orchard where luscious PEACHES were hanging from the trees. Not far away in the pasture, BOSSies eyed them and pigs with a KIRL IN their tails grunted. At last they became hungry. They spread a blanket on the ground but had to move it because the ground was PARTLOW there. The girls had to RUSSELL the food because they were HANDLEY at it. TUNY fish sandwiches than KENNETH, because he was a MILLER and was used to a lot of flour. While they were eating, they saw many birds--a MARTIN, A bluebird, and a meadow lark.
The picnic was over. HAROLD helped MARJORIE and HELEN pick up the dishes. KENNETH tried to Mc DONALD CAREY the lunch basket home, but he CLUNG to the CART HEY ha d brought along. On the way home they saw a BILL advertising a good show, but remembering a LYST of things they had to buy, they decided to go on home.

WANTED--An audience to listen to my music--Lloyd McCarthey
RESOLVED--To hold my temper on those rare occasions.--Robert Handley
RESOLVED--To continue being my "quiet self".--Verne Thornburg
WANTED--Six lessons from Madame La Zonga on how to rumba.--Wesley Cline

RESOLVED--To be graceful as a swan!--Bernard Enright
LOST, STRAYED, or STOLEN***My Hudson!--Carey McClung
WANTED--Advice on how to win and hold a man.--Verniece Partlow
WANTED--Help with shorthand, cause I'M SLOW!--Helen Beane
WANTED--Another Robert Taylor or a cowboy will do.--Delores Herkleman

RESOLVED--To get a Handley-man.--Martina O'Brien
WANTED--A leash and harness to put on my girl to lead her with.--Bill Buttler

RESOLVED--That Fanny and I won't fight any more!!--Jim Wall
FOR SALE--One sweet smile; dimples included. Will sell cheap to the right girl.--Raymond Reischl.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 16

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 17
Left, Page 17
FRONT ROW: Mary Hogan, Gertude Harwood, Ruth Miller, Betty McNelly, Marry Barretty, Bertha Berg, Santa Miller.

MIDDLE ROW: Miss Bogh, Betty Varley, Eleanor Pugh, Barbara Kalbach, Betty Reed, Mary McCain, Beatrice Clark, Beverly Clark, Mrs. Frederick Van Duzer.

BACK ROW: Gene Dickey, Merle Kading, Paul Wright, George Shepherd, Robert Dickerson, Bill Fagan, Brownie Britt, Marvin Brownlee, Billy Partlow.

President--Billy Partlow
Vice President--Eleanor Pugh
Secretary & Treasurer--Betty Reed

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 18
Left, Page 18
Name / Topnotch In / Ambition is To Be / Theme Song

MARVIN BROWNLEE: Laziness / A College Professor / Theme Song: "I Don't Want ot Set the World on Fire"
BETTY MC NELLY: Dancing / Very Bashful / Theme Song: "Three O'Clock in the Morning"
ROBERT DICKSON: Building Model Planes / An English Teacher / Theme Song: "Keep 'Em Flying"
BETTY REED: Piano Playing / Mother of 13 Kids / Theme Song: "Good For Nothing But Love"
MARY MC CAIN: Personal Appearance / A Fat Lady of the Circus / Theme Song: "All ALong and Lonely"
GERTRUDE HARWOOD: Yodeling / Roaming the Range / Theme Song: "Cow Cow Boogie"
BILL FAGAN: Flirting / A Bachelor / Theme Song: "A Romantic Guy I"
BILLY PARTLOW: Giggleing / A History Teacher / Theme Song: "Little Sir Echo"
BARBARA KALBACH: Writing Letters / Having an ARMY OF FRIENDS / Theme Song: "Hot Lips"
BEATRICE CLARK: Sportmanship / An "Oomph" Gal / Theme Song: "Around and Around She Goes"
BEVERLY CLARK: Attending B.B. Games / A Toe Dancer / Theme Song: "High on a Windy Hill"
GEORGE SHEPHERD: Basket Ball / An Orator / Theme Song: "The Wise Old Owl:
MARY BARRETT: Shyness / A Hollywood Model / Theme Song: "I Wish I Had a Sweetheart"
MARY HOGAN: Quietness / Second Woman of the United States / Theme Song: "Chatterbox"
SANTA MILLER: Square Dancing / A New York Chorus Girl / Theme Song: "Turkey In the Straw"
BETTY VARLEY: Sewing / An Old Maid / Theme Song: "In My Solitude"
GENE DICKEY: Attentiveness / A "blues" singer / Theme Song: "Somebody Nobody Loves"
MERLE KADING: Farming / The World's Smartest Man / Theme Song: "Scatterbrain"
BROWNIE BRITT: Basket Ball / Another Superman / Theme Song: "I Got Rhythm"
ELEANOR PUGH: Holding "Honor Seat" / With an 18 inch Waist Line / Theme Song: "Hold Tight"
BERTHA BERG: Studying / A Glamour Girl / Theme Song: "You Talk Too Much"

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 19
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 20 Left, Page 20
FRONT ROW: Don Cameron, Luther Harwood, Duane Lynch, Darrell Bassett.

SECOND ROW: Mary Lillie, Betty Horton, Ruth Butler, Etta Margaret Jones, Jane Weikart, Marjorie Sanborn, Violet Ross, Jean Miller, Margaret Johnson.

THIRD ROW: Gladys Carl, Ruby Colbert, Carol Nelson, Maxine Betts, Mildred Shepherd, Mr. J. Jay Troxel, Sponsor, Marilyn Herkelman, Rita O'Brien, Maxine Glasscock, Gladys Glasscock, Mary Ann Busch.

BACK ROW: Virgil Sanborn, Wayne Taylor, Bill Osborne, Harry Christensen, Charles McIntire, Ray Sackett, Clarence Smith, Walter Johnson.

President--Maxine Betts
Vice-President--Betty Horton
Secretary-Treasurer--Maxine Glasscock

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 21

Left, Page 21

Betty Hornton: Flirting / Marriage
Jean Miller: Crinkling her nose in Algebra class / Change of subject
Mildred Shepherd: Fagan / Change of heart
Mary Lillie: Tongue Twisters / Webster's Dictionary
Maxine Betts: Gold-digging / A W.P.A. job
Luther Harwood: Singing / A recording of his own voice
Bill Osborne: Being late for English class / A good hatpin


Marjorie Sanborn--to be world's greatest glamour girl
Carol Nelson--to be an army camp hostess
Maxine Glasscock--to kiss the boys goodbye
Jane Weikert--to be a swing and sing sister
Margaret Johnson--to be a second Mae West
Duane Lynch--to be President in 1962
Charles McIntire--to be a glamour boy

Left, Page 21

Roby Colbert's pleasing smile and good humor
Etta Margaret Jones' friendliness and kindness
Wayne Taylor's big brown eyes
Walter Johnson's bashfulness

Wanted: Little less social talent and more pleasant disposition--Marilyn Herkelman
Wanted: One admiring look from K.W.--Gladys Carl
Wanted: Less competition from B.V.'s admirers--Virgil Sanborn
Wanted: A little of Ann Sheridan's "oomph"--Mary Ann Busch
Wanted: Less competition--Rita O'Brien
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 22
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 23
Left, Page 23

Front Row (left to right): Ramona Woodson, Doris Lomax, Mary Lee Lomax, Willadene Miller, Joy Dee Kerr, Miss Till, Arlene Harlan, Susan Shank, Sherry Sutton, Mildred Sharon, Dorothy Sharon.

Second Row: Kathryn Mae Miller, Charles Tomlinson, Dale Larsen, Leland Wright, Leland Leeper, Bernard Forcht, Harry Messinger, Gwendolyn Groomes.

Third Row: LeRoy Dailey, John McIntire, Carlton Wall, Jack Ellis, Lyle Leeper, Charles Miller, Robert Reed, Wilbur Wright, Ross Kerr, Marvin Ludwing.
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 24
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Front Row. Marilyn Groomes, Betty Nevitt, Georgia Stemm, Betty Dickson, Grace Burt, Teacher, Veva Loueen Harkins, Wuanita Fleming, Norma Wilcox, Beverly Dickson.

SECOND ROW. Alice Powell, Bobby Thornburg, Paul Reed, Marvin Sharon, Wayne Sharon, Dale Harlan, Sam Sharon, Billy Nelson, Eugene Garland, Mary Alice Siegenthaler.

THIRD ROW. Dean Bloomquist, Vivian Bassett, Gerald Adams, Belva Colbert, Orville Christensen, Vincent Woodson, Shirley Adams, Ruth Winters, Bobby Slausen.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 25
Left, Page 25

Front Row (left to right): Donald Bassett, Russell Slauson, Leonard Leepers, Howard Adams, Billy Wright, Royce Thornburg, Sherwin Miller, Robert Messinger, Charles Colbert.

Second Row: Arlene Bloomquist, Alice Winter, Mary Ann Nevitt, Denelda Miller, Mary Louise Reischl, Mary Sue Rigdon, Marilyn Buttler, Bethene Leff, Coleen Lomax, Eleanor Christensen.

Third Row: Junior Powell, Dickie Colbert, Melvin Green, Wayne Boss, Garth Harlan, James Law, Harry Kalboch, Robert Bloomquist, Jerry Larsen, Bernard Sharon.

Fourth Row: Miss Blackman, Delores Ann Wheatly, Jo Ann Cline, Luella Tomlinson, Juanita Forcht, Ida Marion Russell, Bonnie Lou Miller, Eloise Colbert, Nadine Brown, Ellen Mc Intire, Lillian Cameron, Harles Miller, Miss Traeder.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 26
Left, Page 26

First Row: WIlla Craven, Betty Britt, Vivan Miller, Rose Christensen, Lottie Leeper, Miss Gill, Florence Tomlinson, Marion Greene, Geraldine Christensen, Juanita Miller.

Second Row: Erwin Powell, Billy Chambers, Glenn Christensen, Raymond Sharon, Billy Reischl, Dale Holmes, Glen Baker.

Third Row: Wesley Christensen, Ronald Reed, Nile Forcht, Thomas Mc Donald,Milo Wright, Glen Miller.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 27

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 28

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 29

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 30

TOURNAMENTS (see image)
Marjorie Mingus, Carrie McClung, Ruth Butler, Ruby Colbert
Above Left, Page 28

Front Row (left to right): Clarence Smith, Charles McIntire, Bud Shultz, Bill Brandenburg, John McDonal(d), Wayne Taylor, Art Reece.

Middle Row: Marvin Brownlee, James Wall, Max Lynch, Reese Law, Wesley Cline, Bill Hogan, Bruce Colbert, J. J. Troxel, Coach.

Back Row: Wayne O'Brien, George Shepherd, Verne Thornburg, Bill Buttler, Raymond Reischl, Harold Tomlinson, Bernard Enright.

See above image for RECORD (Results)

Above Center, Page 29
FRONT ROW - (left to right) Wesley Cline, Verne Thornburg, Raymond Reischl, Bernard Enright, Bruce Colbert.

BACK ROW - Coach J. J. Troxel, Kenneth McAtee, George Shepherd, Robert Dickson, Junior Moore, Wayne Taylor, Mgr. Everett Boss.

LETTERMEN: Forward-Raymond Reischl; Forward-Bernard Enright; Center-Verne Thornburg; Guard-Bruce Colbert; Guard-Wesley Cline; Robert Dickson. (See image for stats)
Honorary Captain for the Basket Ball Season: Bruce Colbert.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 31

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 32 1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 33
Above Center, Page 32

Front Row: Maxine Glasscock, Elaine Lyst, Lou Etta Craven, Betty Varley, Carol Nelson, Betty McNelly, Betty Horton, Mary Ann Busch.

Second Row: Margaret Johnson, Mary Conway, Betty Reed, Marjorie Mingus, Delores Herkelman, Helen Beane.

Back Row: Marilyn Herkelman, pianist; Verniece Pratlow, Ruth Burler, Virginia Groomes, Glenna Varley, Ruby Colbert, Marjorie Sanborn.


Front Row: Verniece Partlow, Elaine Lyst, Lou Etta Craven, Maxine Glasscock, Marilyn Herkelman, Betty Varley, Mary Ann Busch, Betty McNelly, Betty Horton, Carol Nelson.

Second Row: Margaret Johnson, Mary Conway, pianist; Ruth Butler, Betty Reed, Delores Herkelman, Virginia Groomes, Ruby Colbert, Helen Beane, Glenna Varley, Marjorie Mingus, Marjorie Sanborn.

Back Row: Billy Partlow, Virgil Sanborn, Robert Dickson, Bill Butler, Harold Tomlinson, Lloyd McCarthy, Verne Thornburg, John McDonald, Bill Hogan.

Above Right, Page 33

FRONT ROW: Milo Wright, Thomas McDonald, Royce Thornburg, BIlly Partlow, Billy Ellis, Mary Sue Rigdon.

SECOND ROW: Mary Lille, Ruby Colbert, Delores Herkelman, Betty Reed, Virgil Sanborn, Vern Thornburg, Robert Dickson.

THIRD ROW: Betty Varley, Verniece Partlow, Betty Partlow, Mary McCain, Lloyd McCarthy.

BACK ROW: Dale Holmes, Willa Craven, Dicky Colbert, Ronald Reed.


FRONT ROW: Vernice Partlow, Willa Craven, Delores Herkelman, Royce Thornburg.

SECOND ROW: Mary Conway, Virginia Groomes, Betty Reed, Lou Etta Craven, Betty Horton, Dale Holmes, Billy Partlow, Robert Dickson, Verne Thornburg.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 34
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 35 1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 36

Left, Page 34 (above): GIRLS TRIO - Lou Etta Craven, Virginia Groomes, Betty Horton, Betty Reed, Accompanist.

GIRLS SEXTET - Elaine Lyst, Lou Etta Craven, Virginia Groomes, Glenna Varley, Betty McNelly, Betty Horton, Betty Reed, Accompanist.

PRE-STATE MUSIC CONTEST - The following ratings were given to contestants at the Pre-State Music Contest held at Guthrie Center, Iowa: Mixed Chorus, and Girls Glee Club received first; Virginia Groomes, Mezzo-Soprano Solo Verne Thornburg, Baritone Solo; Betty Reed, Piano Solo; and Girls Sextet Received second. Those receiving first went to the State Music Contest at Council Bluffs.

1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 37

Jensen's Jack Spratt Store, Menlo;
Fullerton Lumber Co., H. L. Sutton, Mgr., Menlo;
Menlo Savings Bank, Menlo
F. S. Whittum, Pres., I. E. Hitchcock, V. Pres., R. M. Sayre, Cashier, W. F. Dietrich, Harlan Holmes, H. A. Schmidt, A. H. Whittum;
The Printograph Co., Kansas City, Mo.
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 38

The Fair Stores, O. E. Hayes, Menlo, Casey;
Colberts Produce-Groceries, Menlo;
Menlo Oil Col, Menlo;
George's Barber Shop, Menlo;
Johnson & Tuttle, D. B. McCoy, Mgr., Menlo
Cline Brothers Service, Menlo;
Drs. Chaplier & Osborn Clinic,
Dr. C. Robert Osborn, Dr. Keith M. Chaplier, Dexter
Hobart E. Newton, Attorney at Law, Stuart
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 39

Sien's Leader Grocery, Menlo; Adair County Bank, Greenfield;
M. R. McCollum, Abstracts & Ins., Greenfield;
Crook's Clothing Co., Greenfield;
Garnett's Hardware, Menlo; Bickford and Poffenberger, Furniture;
W. E. Ruscher, Insurance, Stuart; Stuart Theater, Stuart
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 40

Fred Tucker, County Sup't of Schools
Arlo L. Kosht, County Auditor
W. K. Rains, Treasurer
E. E. Kunkle, Sheriff
Max Shoesmith, Clerk
Hillis B. Miller, County Attorney
Hillis B. Miller, County Attorney
Lulu Burchfield, Recorder

E. G. Barringer Clothing and Shoes; Stuart's Ben Franklin Store; Morrill Pharmacy; Guthrie County Motor Company; Beach's 5c to $1.00 Store' Sayre Clothing Company; White's Service Station; Bufkin Funeral Home
1941-42 Cardinal, Menlo, Iowa Pg 41

C. H. Williamson, Attorney-at-law; Frank R. Thompson, Lawyer
Dr. L. F. King; Dentist, H. F. Clark, M. D.
Musmaker & Musmaker, Attorneys; Dr. W. R. Van Duzer, Physician
Dr. Fred H. Nolte, Optometrist; E. T. Warren, M. D.

Contributed October, 2018
Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2023.

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