
Coal Mines

Coal was early mined over the entire eastern part of this county to supply the local demand. As early as 1867 there were banks opened in the bluffs of the Middle Raccoon from its entrance into the county to Fanslers and Panora in the eastern part. The Marshall Mines on Longbranch and the Lonsdale mine on Deer Creek were among the most important then in operation and gave their names to the harizons mined. The Marshall coal was of excellent quality, free from impurities and bright and brittle. The Lonsdale was also a good domestic coal and proved a boon to the dwellers of the prairies.

In 1885 there were twenty-three mines operating along the Middle and South Raccoon rivers and their tributaries in the eastern part of the county. All were purely local. Among the most important was the Clipper mine owned by Marchant and Winters and located near Fanslers. It was 126 feet deep and pierced a two-foot vein which was worked longwall. A feature unusual among the small mines was the use of storage sheds, which equalized the demand. Several of the mines near Fanslers were from sixty to eighty feet deep. Those farther to the east were generally shallow shafts or drifts. A mine which supplied an important trade at Panora was that of D. D. Rees 100 feet deep, working and eighteen-inch vein. About 1891 W. D. Simon opened the Greenbriar mine near Jamaica. It was sixty-eight feet deep to a coal bed two feet four inches thick, and was the only one in the county worked room and pillar. Steam hoist was utilized for some time and was the only installation of the kind in the county. At this time coal was selling for $2.50 to $3.00 per ton at the mine and the miners received six cents per bushel. The mines have always had a brisk trade in the winter and woing to the lack of storage facilities have often not been able to keep up with the demand as the coal was especially adapted for domestic use.

All the mines above mentioned are still in operation and of late years a number of others have been located near Yale in the same field as the Jamaica mines and near Bayard and Bagley. In consequence of these developments the industry has assumed quite an importance, although the output is not large as compared with some of the other counties and the country has never had a shipping mine.

Coal mines in Guthrie County: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/maps/coalmines/ (Offsite Maps)

NameAccident DateAgeFatal or
Non Fatal
Roe BittenerSept 1 1908 N
Will GilsonDec 13, 1911 N
Frank Green Feb 1, 1906 N
Archie ThomasMay 11, 1911 N
Joe WhippleDec 22, 1909 F

Coal Companies and Mines of Guthrie County

(There were many other smaller non-named mines acorss our county see map in link above)

Coal MineDates of operationApprox Location by
Present Landmark
Date of
Newspaper Bits' Pieces
Alexander Lamb #11885-1887North of Stuart  
Andrew Muldoon 1885-1889Southwest of Nations Bridge  
Bran  1904Love and Ed Harwood have leased the Bran Coal mine and are now getting out coal
Butler and Graham Coal Co1906-1908South of Springbrook State Park  
Clark Coal Co. Northwest of Springbrook State Park  
Clark Mine North of Lake Panorama  
Deer Creek Mine1898-1908Northwest of Stuart  
D D Reese 1885-1897South of Panora  
Decker Coal Co South of Springbrook State Park  
Driscoll Mine Northeast of Menlo  
Dygart Southwest of Panora  
Eclipse Mine South of Springbrook State Park  
Eureka Mine 1874-1894South of Bayard  
Fisher Southwest of Panora  
Greenbrier Coal Co (Simons Mine)1888-1908   
Gilson Buttler    
Harris Mine1894-NullWest of Lake Panorama  
Hughes Mine Southwest Bayard  
Hughes and Sons Coal Co1906-1908East of Guthrie Center  
Jack Mansell Coal Mine South of Springbrook State Park1900Jack Mansull has placed an engine at his coal mine in Fansler to hoist coal by steam.
J D King Coal Company1903-1908Northwest of Springbrook State Park1900Emerson Stoderage has sold a half interest in his coal mine to John King Jr.
   1900Emerson Stoderage is sinking an air shaft to his new coal mine
   1900Another new house has been built in Kingsvill on John Kings land at the coal mines
John Marshman Mine South of Springbrook State Park  
Jones Mine    
Keeler Mine Southeast of Marlowe Ray Wildlife Managment Area  
Lonsdale1885-1887Northeast of Stuart  
Mallon Mine 1900-1915South of Springbrook State Park1900Mat Mallon has opened up a new coal mine on middle Coon at Fansler. He is now at work getting out coal of very superior quality, which he will deliver to parties in town or at the bank. During the fall months all that are able should fill up the coal bins avoiding the bad roads and the increase price of the weather months.
Mansell and Sweeney Coal Co South of Springbrook State Park  
Mansell Soal Co1905-1912South of Springbrook State Park  
Moon and Smith1920-North of Stuart1922The rain Tuesday flooded the Moon and Smith coal mine north of Stuart. Workmen were able to resume work there Wednesday.
Middleton (Black Diamond) Coal Co North of Guthrie Center  
M N Thomas Coal Co (Thomas Shaft)1894-1899South of Springbrook State Park  
Merchants  1904Mr. Shrory, of Jamaica moved Bill Winters' house from the spring run upon the top of Merchants big hill. Also moved Dayton Long's house from near Merchants coal mine up onto the old Chambers hill. Ouite a crowd was present to see the houses moved up the big hills with a steam engine.
OK Mine1908-1914South of Panora  
Old Mount Mine South of Bayard  
Ole Oleson Mine #1 South of Springbrook State Park  
Old Scott Bank Northwest of Springbrook State Park  
Old Thomas Mine Northwest of Springbrook State Park  
Orillia Coal Co South of Springbrook State Park  
Orillia Coal Co #21939-1942South of Springbrook State Park  
Panora Coal South of Panora  
Renslow Coal Co South of Springbrook State Park  
Renslow Coal Co (Fay)1932-1934South of Springbrook State Park  
Renslow Coal Co (Lloyd) South of Springbrook State Park  
Scott Brothers Coal Co1899-1905South of Springbrook State Park  
Scott Coal Co South of Springbrook State Park  
Scott Mine1894-NullSouth of Springbrook State Park1904John Fickle and wife have moved into the old Scott house by the Scott coal mine.
Sipe Coal Co 1924-1939South of Springbrook State Park  
Sipe Jentz Coal Mine South of Springbrook State Park  
Stapes Mine Southeast of Marlowe Ray Wildlife Managment Area  
Suggert and Saint 1894-NullNorth of Stuart  
Tann Mine Northwest of Marlowe Ray Wildlife Management Area  
Wales Coal Bank1887-1896South of Bayard  
Wasson Mine South of Panora  

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