
1865 Iowa State Gazetteer

Guthrie County

Was organized in 1851, and is in the fourth tier of counties north of Missouri, and the fourth east of the Missouri River.

The principal streams traverse the county with a general direction from the northwest to southeast, the Mosquito Creek in the northeast part, the Raccoon river in the north half, the South Raccoon river and its branches in the centre, and the Middle river in the south. There is a fair supply of timber on these streams, and abundance of fine springs. There are limestone and large quantities of excellent iron ore in the hills, especially between the Middle river and South Raccoon. The county is general rolling and rich land, and the west half is broken and reported to be rich with mineral. There are some good mill sites along the chief streams, and detached groves of timber scattered over the county, away from the valleys.

Several large ponds, some clear and with fish, are in the north part of Guthrie. In the north near the head of the Mosquito, is a sulphur spring. Near the centre of the county, and on both sides of Brush creek, the iron ore is so abundant that its ledges rise to the surface, and mineral is obtained without mining. Capital and machinery alone are wanted to develop and use its hidden wealth.

PANORA is the county seat, and is on the Raccoon River, forty-five miles west of Des Moines. It contains three churches, Baptist, Methodist and United Brethern, and a Lodge each of Masons and Good Templars; also three general stores, one drug store, one grocery, one flour mill, two woolen factories and two saw mills.

The Guthrie County News is published weekly by E. B. Feron, and the Panora Ledger, weekly, by D. M. Harris. Population, 800; of township, 1,500.

GUTHRIE CENTRE is near the centre of the county, and on the west fork of Raccoon River. It contains two general stores.

DODGE is situated in the northwestern portion of the county, twenty miles from the county seat. The surface of the township is undulating, and the soil rich, adated particularly to corn, wheat and potatoes. The Middle Coon River furnishes good water power. Coal is abundant. Population of township, 50.

MORRISBURG is on the west fork of Raccoon River, near the southeastern corner of the county. It contains two flour mills, one saw mill, one general store, blacksmith and wagon shops, &c.

The remaining post offices and villages in the county are Bear Grove, Brushy Valley, Dalmanutha, Macksville and Moffat's Grove.

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, April, 2024, from Iowa State Gazetteer published by Bailey and Hair, Chicago (1865), pg. 202. Original images may be viewed offsite at Babel.Hathitrust.org (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=chi.18966337&seq=208)

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