
Guthrie County 4-H Hall of Fame Inductees 2002-2024

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2024Jim and Karwyn GibsonJim and Karwyn Gibson live near [Continue reading]
2023Jeff and Natalie DerryJeff and Natalie Derry have been [Continue reading]
2022Sam and Sherry CarneySam and Sherry Carney have been [Continue reading]
2021Jimmy HummelAlthough Jimmy wasn't in 4-H when [Continue reading]
2020Mike & Karen FinneganMike Finnegan was an active member[Continue reading]
2019Douglas Frels DVMDr. Doug Frels is a familiar face [Continue reading]
2018Cindy LundyCindy Lundy has served as a 4-H [Continue reading]
2017Frank JohnsonFrank was an avid 4-H’er [Continue reading]
2016Brenda and Scott Shook Scott Shook was very active in [Continue reading]
2015Jim and Lisa Calvert Jim Calvert began his 4-H career [Continue reading]
2014Jim and Mary Jo Laughery4-H has been a large part of the [Continue reading]
2013Carol DorseyCarol Dorsey has served as the [Continue reading]
2012Verlin & Susan KraftVerlin & Susan Kraft were [Continue reading]
2011Dennis & Jacque HooverDennis and Jacque Hoover have [Continue reading]
2010Bryan and Teresa MowrerBryan began his 4-H experience [Continue reading]
2009Donna BentonDonna began her involvement with [Continue reading]
2008Dean WhiteheadDean has been a volunteer at the [Continue reading]
2003Bob ElginBob Elgin lived and farmed [Continue reading]
20022002 Guthrie County - James Leo James was as a leader of [Continue reading]

Jim and Karwyn Gibson (2024)

Gibson, Jim & Karwyn 2024 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Jim and Karwyn Gibson live near Panora, where they farm row crops and raise show pigs with their two daughters, Reagan and Riley. They both found a passion for the organization through showing livestock in their youth. They exhibited their animals at the local, state, and national level. This love of animals is what led them to Iowa State University. Karwyn graduated from ISU with degrees in horticulture and agricultural studies. When their daughters were old enough to start Clover Kids, Karwyn became the club leader. This grew into her becoming the Wichita Wildcats 4-H Club leader in Guthrie County. She has been a leader for Guthrie County 4-H for over fifteen years.

Jim graduated from ISU with a bachelor's in agricultural economics and continued his education at Western Kentucky University, where he coached the livestock judging team. His love of livestock led him to join the Guthrie County Youth Committee, where he served for over twelve years, with a five-year term as president. He also helped coach local livestock judging teams.

It is hard to list all of the ways that Jim and Karwyn have served their community. Some include starting a local swine show, helping raise money for projects, volunteering in the community, and serving in leadership roles. Beyond that, however, they have always shown a helping hand to any youth who needed it. Whether helping with 4-H entries, hosting educational clinics, providing project guidance, or simply offering advice, Jim and Karwyn have always been there. Guthrie County greatly appreciates everything they have done for the community's youth.

Jeff and Natalie Derry (2023)

Derry, Jeff & Natalie 2023 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Jeff and Natalie Derry have been involved in the Guthrie County 4-H Program for many years. Natalie started out taking over leadership duties of the Clover Kids Club, when her oldest son became an aspiring 4-H member.

When both of their boys were ready to become full-fledged 4-H members Jeff and Natalie started the Guthrie County SESS Range Finders Club as the first Safety and Education in Shooting Sports program in Guthrie County. Natalie serves as the Organizational Leader, while Jeff works as an instructor trained to teach Shotgun, Air Rifle, Small Bore Rifle, Muzzleloader, and Archery disciplines. Natalie can be counted on to figure out the best project area to enter a static exhibit and knows how to navigate the online system to get those last-minute livestock projects entered correctly. Jeff works with 4-H youth on the shooting ranges that he has set up on their own property and can be found outdoors on many hot summer Sundays helping kids hone their skills, supporting the State Shoot or coaching members for the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships.

When the Guthrie County Fair needed a Goat Superintendent, Jeff stepped up to fill the position. When the previous Goat and Sheep Barn needed to be torn down for new construction projects at the fairgrounds, Jeff was there to disassemble, move, and reassemble every single pen into their new location. Natalie was also an active member of the Guthrie County Youth Committee where she donated countless hours every year organizing the 4-H Silent Auction during the Guthrie County Fair. She was instrumental in gathering donations, setting up the auction displays, and making sure that the 4-H program could raise as much money as possible for future programs.

Guthrie County is honored to have volunteers like Jeff and Natalie Derry who have lived and breathed the 4-H program for all the families that they have served over the years.

Sam and Sherry Carney (2022)

Carney, Sam & Sherry 2022 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Sam and Sherry Carney have been involved in 4-H since their childhood days as members of the Grant Sky Eagles 4-H club. They provided direction and support for their three children throughout their time in 4-H showing cattle, swine, sheep, rabbits, and a variety of static displays.

Sam has served as a swine assistant superintendent at the Guthrie County Fair for the past 36 years. He volunteered to help install the panels during the new swine barn construction at the fairgrounds. He has also served on the Guthrie County Extension Counsel, Adair-Casey school board, Guthrie County Farm Bureau Board, Farm Service Board, and was a member of the Guthrie County Pork Producers. In addition, he has been President of both the Iowa Pork Producer Association and the National Pork Producer Counsel and a member of the United States Meat Export Federation Executive Committee.

Following in her father's footsteps, Sherry was the leader of the Grant Sky Eagles club for 10 years during her children's 4-H years. Sherry served as coordinator of the 4-H food stand and volunteered many additional years working in the stand. She also assisted with the judging of static exhibits and chaperoned a 4-H backpack trip in the mountains of Wyoming. Outside of 4-H, Sherry has served on the Adair Chamber of Commerce, the Adair Sesquicentennial Committee, and as a member of the Iowa Porkettes.

Sam and Sherry continue to be active supporters of 4-H through their encouragement and involvement with their grandchildren's 4-H projects and as members of the Adair Support Group. Guthrie County is proud to recognize Sam and Sherry Carney as advocates for the 4-H program.

Jimmy Hummel (2021)

Hummel, Jimmy 2021 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Although Jimmy wasn't in 4-H when he was young, he saw the value when his daughter joined and has been advocate since. His enthusiasm is contagious when he talks about all the different areas of 4-H. He has served as a 4-H leader and a member of the Guthrie County Youth Committee, Workshop Committee, and Food Stand Committee. Jimmy hasn't met a stranger, which has really helped us broaden our focus on county wide workshops. He doesn't like to be the center of attention, so he never gets the credit he deserves.

Jimmy's occupation as a mechanic has helped fuel the Bucket of Junk contest as a fun annual fundraiser at teh county fair. Not only did he work out the rules, but he is constantly finding new and different items to put in the buckets. Rarely is Jimmy found without a trailer on his truck which is beneficial for picking up Bucket of Junk supplies, move rabbit and poultry cages, relocating Static Building materials, or even bringing supplies to workshops.

Guthrie County is lucky to have a volunteer like Jimmy. When our Fair Board was working on fundraising for a new Poultry and Rabbit Barn, Jimmy co-led an effort to hold a big garage sale at the fairgrounds. He took time from his family and business to pick up donations just so the youth could have a new barn. The garage sale was a huge success due to his dedication.

Jimmy's focus isn't just on 4-H at fair time. He is committed to ensuring youth have an opportunity to explore different interests with different workshops. He has been instrumental in getting the garden box challenge set up, annual welding workshops, small engine workshop, solar workshop and much more.

Jimmy has given countless hours and many sleepless nights to ensure that everyone has a positive experience. Guthrie County is honored to have a volunteer as selfless as Jimmy Hummel.

Mike & Karen Finnegan (2020)

Finnegan, Mike & Karen 2020 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Mike Finnegan was an active member on the Guthrie County Youth Committee from 2011 through 2017. Through his membership, Mike helped design and evaluate youth programs, review budgets, establish policies to promote and regulate the 4-H program, and establish rules to coordinate the program at county fair. He always enjoyed helping youth learn through yearly Food Safety and Quality Assurance activities. He served for many years on the Silent Auction Committee which helps raise funds for the 4-H program.

Karen Finnegan began her 4-H involvement when her oldest son, Shaun, was a member of the Wichita Wildcats group and her younger son, Caleb, desired an interest in 4-H activities. Caleb was 4 years old and too young to join a transitional 4-H club. In 2003, out of a need for trying to meet younger kids’ desires to be members in a 4-H program similar to their older siblings, Karen organized Clover Kids 4-H group in Guthrie County and remained the leader until 2008. She implemented Clover Kids’ first animal show at the county fair where the members either took a real animal or a stuffed animal and explained to a judge how they care for their project. This show remains an annual event at the county fair. The members also display their craft projects, along with the older members’ projects in the static exhibit building. Monthly curricular lessons include similar transitional 4-H projects such as photography, sewing, livestock, community service, etc. After 2008, she helped with the Wichita Wildcats group where both her sons were members. Over her years of volunteering with 4-H, Karen always encouraged members to engage in a new project that they had not necessarily considered. Karen's highlights of activities included chaperoning at the National 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington, D.C. in 2015. She continues to keep in contact with several of the 4-H members that she met. Each year at the county fair, Karen assists with the 4-H Dog Obedience Show. She enjoys seeing how the kids within her county counties to make 4-H a priority in their lives.

Mike and Karen were honored recipients of the 4-H Alumni Award in 2019. Both have not missed an Iowa State Fair in years. They enjoy touring the livestock barns and shows and visiting with members about their projects, and spend hours in the 4-H Exhibit Building admiring all the members’ innovative exhibits. Outside their 4-H roles, Mike and Karen engage in both livestock and row crop farming on their century and heritage farms. Mike works as a United State Postal Service rural route carrier, and Karen has been employed with the Iowa Attorney General’s Office for 44 years this summer.

Douglas Frels DVM (2019)

Frels, Douglas DVM 2019 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Dr. Doug Frels is a familiar face at the Guthrie County Fair as he has been the official vet for the fair since 1986. Doug grew up in Hershey, Nebraska and was involved in 4-H from a young age. He graduated from the University of Nebraska with a BS in Animal Science in 1982 and then received his DVM degree with honors from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1986. After graduation, he and his wife Donna joined a practice in Guthrie Center before building their own practice, Guthrie County Veterinary Services, in 1998.

Dr. Frels has been a long time 4-H and Extension supporter. He has served in many capacities in 4-H; as a member of the Youth Committee, leader of the Wichita Wildcats 4-H Club, and as a dad with 2 children active in the program. He also was a member of the Extension Council for 12 years, served as chair for the Extension Council and on the nominating committee.

Doug gives significant time to 4-H’ers at the fair. He is the key player in keeping 4-H animals healthy. He is present at livestock check-ins, makes numerous trips to the fairgrounds to check on and treat animals at all hours of the day, donates the use of his gates for the show ring staging area and donated the photo backdrop. Doug has also donated his time to test all the poultry that come to the fair. This is a huge undertaking as the project has continued to grow and we have had over 450 birds for the last two years! All of this time spent at the fair doesn’t even count the time spent with kids teaching them how to care for their animals and write their vet papers.

When Doug isn’t busy with veterinary work, you can find him donating his time and service to other organizations including Guthrie County Community Foundation, Prairie Woodland Conservation Foundation, and the School Improvement Advisory Committee.

The 4-Hers, leaders, and supporters of the Guthrie County 4-H program, Iowa State Extension in Guthrie County and the Guthrie County Fair are pleased to honor Doctor Doug Frels for his endless contributions to 4-H in Iowa.

Cindy Lundy (2018)

Lundy, Cindy 2018 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Cindy Lundy has served as a 4-H leader in Guthrie County for 25 years empowering youth to "make the best better". She encourages youth involvement in the community and aims to build a “giving-back” perspective to members within her club.

As a leader, she has assisted in leading several community service projects over the years including renovating the local school’s flower beds, cleaning up yards and parks across local towns, sewing receiving blankets for a local hospital nursery, and collaborating with other local 4-H groups to provide youth activities during holidays and town celebrations. Over the years of her service, Cindy has also served on the Youth Committee Board, as a static exhibit judge, Livestock Judging Committee and on the Food Stand Committee.

Supporting local youth has always been a priority of Cindy’s. She goes above and beyond for club members whether it is giving them advice on preparing their exhibits for the fair or pushing them to step outside their comfort zone to try something new. She makes a point to be at every livestock show during the county fair offering support, words of encouragement, and congratulating the youth on a job well done. However, her mentorship of members of her club doesn’t stop at the fair.

Outside of her 4-H leadership role, Cindy has been actively involved in the community through working with youth on a daily basis while working at the ACGC Community Schools. In addition, she is an active member of Adair United Methodist Church with a mission to feed the community where she has been a leader in establishing a successful local food pantry as well as a community garden. Cindy strives to lead by example and provide youth with opportunities that build life-long skills.

Frank Johnson (2017)

Johnson, Frank 2017 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Frank was an avid 4-H’er from the start. He joined the Pioneer Hawkeyes 4-H club in the fall of 1956 and was active in showing hogs, sheep and woodworking. He held various officer positions within the club and county 4-H while also being involved in livestock judging, camps, and a leader’s short course at Iowa State University. He was able to be a junior leader which gave him the opportunity to practice rules and skills that he used later in life. Frank was also active in FFA and received the FFA star farmer award.

After he graduated high school, Frank was active with sheering sheep for friends and 4-H members to earn extra money for college. He became a 4-H leader in the 1970’s and held many meetings at his home. As a leader, he organized a club tour annually visiting each member to see their projects before fair. The youth always attended the club tour as it was everyone’s favorite activity. 4-H was in his blood so he was always there for the 4-H kids and his own kids to make the Guthrie County Fair an enjoyable and memorable experience. He believed in keeping a detailed record book with accurate records for profit, loss or even breakeven times and helped youth learn lessons about responsibility as well as reaping rewards for hard work.

While Frank was busy being a leader and 4-H parent, he envisioned a place near the livestock barns and show ring for the 4-H and FFA kids to get a good meal at a reasonable price. With his love for cooking he started the 4-H food stand which is now the most popular place to eat at the fair. Frank kept freezers of meat at his home and took food to the fair daily, sometimes driving the 20 miles one way many times a day. He donated all of his time, energy and heart so the 4-H clubs could keep the profits made from the food stand. It was many hours every day cooking over hot grills just to make sure there was fresh food for families to eat. He enjoyed it all and never missed a day.

Frank served on the Guthrie County Extension Council from January 1972 to December 1973. He was very involved in the Guthrie County Pork Producers, holding several offices. He later became a district director for the Iowa Pork Industry and took leadership of the big grill at the World Pork Expo for several years. He was chairman of the Iowa Chop Tent for many years and never missed a day there either.

Brenda and Scott Shook (2016)

Shook, Brenda and Scott 2016 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Scott Shook was very active in the Guthrie County 4-H program. Along with helping with Extension Office summer programs and Farm Safety Day, Scott was also one of the leaders of the SESS Sporting Group from 2010 to 2013 when he passed away from cancer.

Being an avid hunter Scott was always eager to help children and share his knowledge of wildlife, the outdoors, and gun safety. His love for agriculture was passed on to many kids as they worked on livestock projects. He made sure that there was never a child that felt left out or left behind. At the time of his illness Scott made sure his wishes were known to contribute to 4-H after his death. The Scott Shook Memorial Fund donated a shelter for additional seating outside the 4-H food stand.

Brenda Shook was an active 4-H member from the time she was in 4th grade through her high school years. She was also the leader for the US Sunbeams 4-H group until her husband’s illness. Brenda also served as co-leader to the Trailblazers. Brenda has always had a passion for 4-H and has been very active in Guthrie County.

She has served on the Youth Committee, spent long hours helping her daughter and other children in the community on exhibits for static judging and livestock projects. She assisted many kids with keeping their record books accurate and up to date. Brenda is always eager and willing to help out whenever needed.

Jim and Lisa Calvert (2015)

Calvert, Jim and Lisa 2015 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees   Calvert, Jim and Lisa 2015 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Jim Calvert began his 4-H career as a member of the Wichita Wildcats 4-H club in Guthrie County. After going to college and receiving a degree in agricultural education he returned to Guthrie Center High School as the agricultural and FFA instructor where he taught for the past 35 years. Although he is very involved in FFA, he has had an impact on the 4-H program in Guthrie County as well. He has served on the county youth committee and just started a 3rd term on the County Extension Council where he has been elected president for the 3rd year. Jim has been the backbone to many improvement projects such as fundraising for the new larger 4-H food stand at the Guthrie County Fairgrounds. He has helped at the Guthrie County Fair is numerous capacities including sheep superintendent and organizes the livestock judging contest each year.

Lisa Calvert began her 4-H career as a member of the Fremont Farmerettes in Page County. After getting married to Jim she moved to Guthrie County. When her three children, Jodi, Lindsay, and Jared were old enough to join 4-H, she became involved in the 4-H program as leader of the girls’ group, the U.S. Sunbeams. She led the club for over 10 years. A quilter and sewer, she loved teaching new members how to sew. She continues to be a crucial part of the 4-H program, serving as treasurer for the Guthrie County 4-H Foundation and is the bookkeeper for the 4-H/FFA Auction.

The Calverts are a huge asset to the success of the Guthrie County Fair. Jim spends countless hours donating his handyman skills to get the fairgrounds ready. He concentrates his efforts helping the youth work on and understand their feeder pen records and is also busy in the sheep barn. After the county fair, Jim is busy with cleaning up the sheep barn and helping the Guthrie County Cattlemen clean the beef barns.

Lisa is usually found working with Jim on the open class sheep show, volunteering in the livestock office, and helping with the pie auction. She still manages to find time to stop into the Extension Office to offer help. Lisa spends hours donating her services to cutting all the checks for the fair. This dedication and passion help make the best better in Guthrie County.

Jim and Mary Jo Laughery (2014)

4-H has been a large part of the Laughery family. Mary Jo Laughery grew up in Guthrie County 4-H and was a part of the Beaver Valley Girls 4-H Club. While in 4-H she was busy with clothing, home improvement, and demonstrations. She was unable to show cattle in the girls club so she joined the Valley Boosters Boys 4-H Club. While in the boys’ club she finally got the opportunity to show her Hereford cattle. She learned many life lessons from both clubs. She then became a 4-H leader for eight years for the US Sunbeams while her children were in 4-H. She also received the Guthrie County Alumni Award in 1983 for all of her hard work and dedication to the program.

Although Jim was never in 4-H he is no stranger to the program. He has served on the county fair board for many years. Together, they own the Guthrie Livestock Auction. They allow the 4-H’ers the use of their scale before, in-between, and during county fair. They support the 4-H program by running the fair livestock auction in which Mary Jo clerks all of the animals by hand. They also have purchased animals from the 4-Hers when the buyers fell through so the members didn’t lose their premiums.

The third generation is currently in 4-H and Jim and Mary Jo enjoy watching them experience the lifelong lessons the 4-H program provides.

Carol Dorsey (2013)

Dorsey, Carol 2013 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Carol Dorsey has served as the Rabbit & Poultry Superintendent at the Guthrie County Fair for the last 28 years. In addition to her role as a superintendent, Carol oversees the coordination of the pet show held each year at the county fair. She has been, and continues to be, a dedicated volunteer for the Guthrie County 4-H program. She works tirelessly to ensure the kids receive all the help they need with their animals; from working with kids on show techniques to helping with proper care and security of the animals in their new, temporary homes on the fairgrounds. She takes pride in the work that she does and expects rabbit and poultry exhibitors to have the same respect and pride in their work, no matter how small. Carol played an instrumental role in obtaining and installing new and much-needed rabbit and poultry cages in the barn. Each year, Carol rolls up her sleeves to ensure her barn is cleaned and prepped for the animal’s arrivals at the end of August.

4-H families enjoy working with Carol because she takes the time to work with each child individually from the moment they arrive for check-in until the moment they leave at the end of the fair. As a seasoned Rabbit & Poultry Superintendent, she understands the affect extreme heat, coupled with the stress of transporting, can have on these animals and she has been known to modify the check-in times to ensure a minimal amount of stress for both exhibitor and animal.

During the livestock sale at the end of the fair, she helps ensure the 4-H members and their animals are ready when they need to be, rain or shine, the rabbit and poultry portion of the sale always runs like clockwork. Throughout the years, Carol has shown herself to be a very thorough and dedicated 4-H leader with the knowledge necessary to oversee the animals in her care successfully while imparting that knowledge to the participating 4-H’ers every year. It is always clear that her main goal is to ensure the kids do the best they can, have fun and always take something away from the showing experience that they didn’t have before.

With a heart of gold that leaves a lasting impression on all the kids she interacts with, she helped create a program where rabbit, poultry and pet exhibitors receive respect, honor and recognition in the same manner given to other livestock -- a very valuable gift for these 4-H’ers indeed.

Verlin & Susan Kraft (2012)

Kraft, Verlin & Susan 2012 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Verlin & Susan Kraft were involved with Guthrie County 4-H for over 30 years. They supported their children through 13 years of 4-H. Their children were involved in goats, sheep, horses, turkey and home economics projects. During this time they also hosted 4-H exchange members from Colorado and Wisconsin.

During those 13 years, Susan served as leader of White Cloverettes and Dodge Dodgers 4-H Club for 7 years. Verlin and Susan both served on the county extension council. Verlin served as assistant sheep superintendent, then as head superintendent until 2008. Susan helped with the paperwork at sheep weigh in before and during fair for all those years. Their daughter, Kim, also served as assistant sheep superintendent during that time. They continue to sponsor sheep trophies for the fair.

Susan managed the 4-H food stand for a number of years. Susan received a 5 year award for 4-H leadership in 1989. Verlin and Susan were both recognized as county Honorary 4-H members.

The Krafts like to travel in their spare time.

Dennis and Jacque Hoover (2011)

Hoover, Dennis and Jacque 2011 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Dennis and Jacque Hoover have been involved with 4-H for over 19 years. As members of the Valley Boosters, both Dennis and Jacque exhibited livestock. Whether it was Dennis showing his hogs or his cattle named Mr. Sam, Lady and Ginger or Jacque with her cattle named Frisky, Bullet, Huck and Heck.

Dennis and Jacque Hoover then continued to support their four children through 13 years of 4-H in Guthrie County encouraging exploration in all areas of 4-H including fair time (from livestock exhibits to the many exhibits projects in the 4-H building including horticulture, clothing, food and nutrition, citizenship, woodworking and home improvement to name a few) and throughout the entire year (volunteering, 4H camps, host family for Goodtimers, working at the 4-H food stand, group meetings, and fundraising events) and now volunteer and mentor in grandchildren’s 4-H activities.

During those 13 years, Jacque served as leader for the US Sunbeams and on the Extension Council. Even after the kids finished their years in 4-H, Dennis and Jacque have remained active in 4-H serving as swine and poultry superintendents at the Guthrie County Fair. Their love for 4-H and kids can be seen whether it is assisting a current 4H member with a project or attending a local club meeting to give a presentation.

Throughout the years, Dennis and Jacque sold swine and cattle to 4-H kids and offered their farm to help them learn about livestock. This is never more evident than with their grandchildren who now use their facilities for their 4-H livestock.

Dennis and Jacque take their civic duty to heart and are positive, contributing community members. They have been active in the pork producers, booster club, members of the First United Methodist Church and served on numerous boards including the school board, school advisory committee, legion, auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, soil commissioner, homestead board, zoning committee and veteran’s affairs board.

Dennis and Jacque farm near rural Guthrie Center, have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

Bryan and Teresa Mowrer (2010)

Mowrer, Bryan and Teresa 2010 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Bryan began his 4-H experience as an 8-year 4-H member in Boone County and later the Bear Grove/Union Bears in Guthrie County. As a club member, he served as president and exhibited swine, horses, beef and sheep at the fair. He was also active in the County Council group.

Teresa was a 7-year member of the Boone County Union Livewires 4-H Club. She held the president, reporter, historian and secretary office positions. Teresa regularly exhibited in Home Economics/SAM and beef at the Boone County Fair and served as county camp counselor.

As adults, Bryan and Teresa were 10-year 4-H leaders, Bryan for the Wichita Wildcats and Teresa for the U.S. Sunbeams 4-H Clubs. Both were formerly members of the Guthrie County Youth Committee and both received the Guthrie County 4-H Alumni Award. In the past, they hosted an IFYE Exchange Student from Austria and 4-H Exchange members from South Dakota. Bryan was a member of the Guthrie County Extension Council. Teresa worked the 4-H food stand and the exhibit and livestock buildings at the Guthrie County Fair. She continues to help at the 4-H judging day as a comment writer.

Bryan and Teresa always encouraged their children and their 4-H members to look beyond the county level for 4-H activities and watched both of their children excel by serving on the State 4-H Council. Bryan was always a big promoter of youth livestock judging and Teresa encouraged presentations and the importance of record books.

Bryan describes 4-H as the “ultimate home schooling experience.” Teresa stated “I always wanted my children to have an active 4-H life. When I learned that Bryan and I would live six miles from the county seat and fairgrounds, I was so excited as I had grown up about 30 miles from mine.”

Bryan and Teresa contribute their successes as 4-H leaders and volunteers to enthusiastic 4-H members, strong parental support and helpful county extension staff. Without each of those components, they could not have experienced such success. Bryan and Teresa farm near rural Guthrie Center and have two children and two granddaughters.

Donna Benton (2009)

Benton, DOnna 2009 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Donna began her involvement with the 4-H program as a member of the Deep River Lassies from Poweshiek County from 1967 to 1975. As a 4-H member, she participated in both County Council and Central Iowa Area Council.

Donna's participation also extended to the state level by representing her county in Fashion Revue and with several 4-H projects at the Iowa State Fair. A highlight of her 4-H career was attending the 4-H Washington D.C.trip as a youth. As an adult, Donna continued to support the 4-H program in Guthrie County. She began working for Guthrie County Extension in 1984 part time as an Office Assistant and soon became involved with the program as a 4-H leader for her three daughters' club, the U.S. Sunbeams. Then in the early 1990's, she became a Program Assistant and continued in that role until 2003. Over the years, Donna helped to build a strong youth program by encouraging youth to get involved in State Council, various trips, and 4-H opportunities. Throughout her career, she valued the volunteers of Guthrie County and enjoyed working side by side with them on numerous projects. One major accomplishment was the remodeling and building of their 4-H Foodstand at the fairgrounds.

Dean Whitehead (2008)

Whitehead, Dean 2008 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Dean has been a volunteer at the Guthrie County Fair for over 30 years serving on the 4-H swine committee and as Swine Superintendent. He participated in the share- a calf program and has sponsored 4-H trophies and supported the livestock program. He is always willing to help a 4-H member on any 4-H project.

  • Participated in share-a calf program in 1988
  • Helped with the Guthrie County Swine Show for over 30 years.
  • Helped with meals on 4-H entry day and on sale day.
  • Always ready to help a 4-H’er with any project.
  • A trophy and premium sponsor for 25 years.

Member of the Jackson Go-Getters 4-H club.

Bob Elgin (2003)

Elgin, Bob 2003 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Bob Elgin lived and farmed in the Adair area with his wife Janyce and their four children until he passed away in 1975. During that period of time he was a leader of the Grant Sky Eagles club from 1955-1971. He also served on the Guthrie County Youth Committee form 1971-1975. He contributed much time and dedication to 4-H and the community.

A former 4-H member himself, Bob always encouraged 4-H’ers to set their sights on greater expectations. The Grant Sky Eagles club today still remains very active in the county with approximately 30 members. An “Outstanding Intermediate Award” was established by the Youth Committee in Bob Elgin’s name in 1975 and has been supported by the family ever since. Criteria for this award include showing leadership qualities in the club and community, and that is exactly what Bob is remembered for.

James Leo (2002)

Leo, James 2002 Guthrie Co. 4-H Service Inductee

James was a leader of the Cass Pioneers Club in Guthrie County in the 1980’s and early 90’s. His gift to life was the “gift of giving” as he was always one of the first to volunteer when volunteers were needed. He was a role model to many members by the examples he set from day to day. Not only did he encourage 4-H’ers to get actively involved, but he also encouraged parents to get actively involved with their kids.

James is remembered for many community service projects. For example, in 1987 he helped his club organize the first countywide basketball tournament to provide entertainment and fun for all club members. This event was a hit for everyone and the tradition continues each year in January.

It was also easy to see James believed in the 4-H motto “to make the best better” by his dream to make the 4-H food stand at the county fairgrounds a better place. First he helped his club organize and build a storage shed to hold extra appliances, food, and paper products. But the dream did not end there. James was a key player in the renovation of the main food stand building in 1994. James secured many donations and worked long hours beside other volunteers to complete the wonderful facility we have today on our fairgrounds.

Formatted and added April, 2024 by Cheryl Siebrass, with permission from the Iowa 4-H Foundation: .

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