
Iowa State Gazetteer.
and Business Directory
Volume XVII

R. L. Polk & Co.



BAGLEY. Population, 500. An incorporated town on the C. M. & St. P. Ry. in Dodge township, Guthrie county, 16 miles n. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat. Has Christian, Dunkard and Methodist Episcopal churches, 2 banks and weekly newspaper, the Gazette. Exp., W., F. & Co. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. J. J. Chapman, postmaster.

Bagley Gazette, F. H. Plumb publr.
[End Page 193]

Brownlee & Son, drayage.
Bush W T, physician.
CHAPMAN J J, Insurance and Postmaster.
Dennis P S Co, grain, lumber and coal.
Farmers' Elevator Co, H W Cramer mngr.
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $15,000), E D Carter pres, C E Nichols cashr.
First National Bank (capital $25,000), H L Moore pres, C W Cain cashr.
Fullerton A K, r r, exp and tel agt.
Howard Hotel, P E Bennett propr.
Maas F F, harness.
Machesney Drug Co.
Montgomery Frank, contr.
Moriah & Son, general store.
Morton Fred, general store.
Muir Robert, general store.
Neola Elevator Co, E C Phipps mngr.
Nowels J E, livery.
O'Malley Wm, harness.
Pastime Theater, A Brownlee propr.
Peters George, mason.
Plumb F H, publr Bagley Gazette.
Rider & Peterman, hardware and furn.
Rometsch Auto Co.
Sawyer R C, clothing.
Shank Reuben, carpenter.
Thyberg Louis N, shoes.
Tyler H B, restaurant.
Vaux Geo B & Bro (Geo B and Frank T), meats.
Wingert N M, milliner.

[From Pages 193-194.]


BAYARD. Population, 700. An incorporated town located on the C., M. & St. P. Ry. in Highland township, Guthrie County, 16 miles n. of Guthrie Center, the judicial seat. Has Catholic, Christian and Methodist churches, a graded public school, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Advocate. Tel., W. U. Exp. W. F. & Co. Telephone connection. Wm A. Cooper, postmaster.

Bayard Advocate.
Bayard Hospital.
Bayard Opera House, Dick Wailes mngr.
Bayard Savings Bank (capital $30,000), J J O'Malley Pres, Chas P McDonald cashr.
Boots James, veterinary surgeon.
Bower M M, garage.
Broch W W, live stock.
Capple John J, carpenter.
COOPER WM A, Physician and Postmaster.
Corbitt James H, drugs.
Corrigan John W, general store.
Curry Maurice, produce.
Curtis Bros, moving pictures.
Deaton L, general store.
Dolzer Elevator Co, grain and coal.
Farmers' Elevator Co, John Davidson mngr.
Ford F G, grain and coal.
Grove Vane, drayage.
Guthrie Center & Northwestern Telephone Co, Hugh Carothers mngr.
Hall John, carpenter.
Halliman Martin J, lawyer.
Harvey R A, hotel.
Hidelbaugh Frank O, general store.
Hill John W, apiarist.
Hill P W, jeweler.
Iowa Telephone Co, O M Corrigan mngr.
Lewis Andrew J, junk.
Lockwood Edward H, physician.
Love Z T, carpenter.
McDonald John, live stock.
McDonald P J & Co, live stock.
Maxwell C J, harness mkr.
Mayer Earl B, painter.
Moles W L, general store.
Morrical James, livery and feed.
Munger Frank E, dentist.
Murphy Jeremiah, well borer.
Murphy John F, jeweler.
O'Brien W J, live stock breeder.
Ocheltree C F, grocer and shoes.
Ocheltree H D, general store.

[From Page 198]

Ocheltree J D, carpenter.
Ocheltree L A, thresher.
Ocheltree Orchestra, A D Ocheltree mngr.
Peoples Savings Bank (capital $15,000), T C Lundy cashier.
Pulser F B, lumber.
Rawlings George C, mason.
Rawlings George W, mason.
Regan Charles B, auctioneer.
Selley C J, live stock.
Senteney Bros, flour mill.
Senteney W J, hardware and agrl implts.
Smith Bros, meats.
Snider Frank G, painter.
Strauser E E, insurance.
Strauser Isaac, furniture.
Strauser Wm H, hardware.
Thompson H C, meats.
Thompson Wm L, physician.
Vader Daniel, hardware.
Western Elevator Co, grain and coal.

[From Page 197-198]


BEAR GROVE. In Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, 9 miles southwest of Guthrie center, the county seat, nearest railroad station and banking point. Telephone connection. Has rural delivery from Guthrie Center.

[From Page 198]


CASEY. Population, 700. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., and on the Middle river, in Thompson township and Guthrie county, 14 miles s. of Guthrie Centre, the county seat, and 52 from Des Moines. Has Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, a graded public school, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Casey Vindicator. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U.

Abram Rutt National Bank (cap $25,000), Abram Rutt pres, S. Lincoln Rutt cashr.
Applegate A F, harness.
Askern Isaac M, photographer.
Ball H L, furniture.
Beam Holt, mason.
Berry Charles E, lawyer.
Betts W C & Co (Wm C and Ellis A Betts), grocers.
Blackmar C R, restaurant.

[End Page 247]

Blackmar W W, painter.
Brown F, dray.
Bryant C F, notions.
Buchanan D D, publr The Vindicator.
Burkey J V, druggist.
Burns T W, general store.
Bryne John, veterinary surgeon.
Casey Creamery Co.
Casey Lumber Co.
Casey Mutual Telephone Exchange.
Casey Orchestra, W Warren leader.
Casey Vindicator, D D Buchanan, publr.
CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK (Capital $15,000), Fred Gray Pres, C B Gray Cashier.
Corrigan Patrick S, general store.
Doop James O & Co, meats.
Duncan Wm T, physician.
Evans & Cunningham, furn and undertakers.
Fagan Augustine M, lawyer.
Fagan C E, restaurant.
Folsom A B, carpenter.
Fuller Isaac N, carpet weaver.
Fullerton Lumber Co, W B Crawford mngr.
Galiher Chas S, hardware and implts.
Goodwin Frank M, restaurant.
Graham L E Mrs, milliner.
Grinnell Edward, apiarist.
Hollenbeak R W, cattle and hog breeder.
Hubbard G H, harness.
Ivers Ettinger & Co (E A Ivers, F E and C E Ettinger), general store.
Jones David R, auctioneer.
McConkey John A, carpenter.
Maulsby Ellis P, physician.
Miller Elmer W & Co, grain and coal.
Overmeyer George, livery.
Plummer & Son, feed.
Priebe W F Co, whol produce.
Pritchard F, wagon maker.
Prudy O K, drugs.
Robinson Edward, poultry breeder and autos.
Safeside Telephone Co.
Schwab J L, jewelry.
Seeley H L, autos.
Smith John T, general store.
Stadnard C D, dentist.
Stoffel & Earl (Nicholas Stoffel, John C Earl), clothing.
Valentine Wm & F R, lumber and hdwr.
Warren Wm, musical instruments.
Wilson & Co, live stock.

[From Pages 247-248]


DALE. Population, 80. In Jackson township, Guthrie county, 13 1/2 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, 8 from Stuart, the nearest banking point and 3 1/2 from Glendon, the nearest shipping point. Telephone connection. Chas Lonsdale, postmaster.

Lonsdale Charles, postmaster.
Spillers C A, general store.

[From Page 367]


ERASTUS. A discontinued postoffice in Orange township, Guthrie county, 15 miles n. w. of Guthrie Center, the seat of justice, and 7 s. of Coon Rapids, the nearest shipping and banking point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

[From Page 542]


FANSLEARS. Population 100. On the Middle Coon river, in Victory township, Guthrie county, 7 miles n. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 5 from Yale, the nearest railroad station and banking point. Telephone connection. Has rural delivery from Guthrie Center.

[From Page 551]


GLENDON. Population, 50. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Beaver township, Guthrie county, 9 miles southeast of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 6 from Menlo, the nearest banking point. Telephone connection. George J. Moore, postmaster.

Barker Bros, general store.
C R I & P Ry, Wm Johnson agt.
Eyer J H, grain and live stock.
Johnson Wm, r r, exp and tel agt.
MOORE GEORGE J, Builder and Postmaster.
Mutual Tel Co.
U S Express Co.
Wells Bros & Clay, brick and tile mnfrs.

[From Page 587]


GUTHRIE CENTER. Population, 1,400. The judicial seat of Guthrie county, is an incorporated town located on the South Coon river and Guthrie br., Iowa div., C., R. I. & P. Ry., 14 miles n. w. of Menlo, the junction with the main line, and 59 n. w. of Des Moines. Has an excellent system of water works, a well equipped fire department, electric light, 3 banks, an opera hall, 6 churches and a good public school system. Two weekly newspapers, the Guthrian and the Guthrie Times, are published. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. George W. Cook, postmaster.

Alexander & Co (S R Alexander), general store.
Applegate James H, district court judge.
Bechley Fred W, osteopath and coroner.
Biggs W W & Son (Wm W and Clyde C), grocers and shoes.
Bokirk E H, county treasurer.
Boots Dennis, sheriff.
Bower Edward L, physician.
Brown Earl, live stock.
Brown James B, vet surgeon.
BROWN & BATSCHELET (Joseph D Brown, J E Batschelet), Lawyers and Abstracters. (See classified Abstracters.)
Cahail David L, real estate.
Cahail Ernest E, men's furnishings.
Cahail & Bowen (Wm H Cahail, John E Bowen), real estate loans and ins.
Cahow L A & E J, feed barn.
Compton Stephen, grain and live stock.
COOK GEORGE W, Postmaster.
Cottage Hotel, Thomas L Knappe propr.
Crawford David A, physician.
Cristy Fred M, shoes.
Daugherty Thomas E, dentist.
Delahoyde Samuel E, sherriff.
Dellitt Frank, grocer.
Dewey Henry K, real estate.
Dowd Bros (Ira E and Pearl W), drugs.
Duffield Robert E, lawyer.
Dunley Bros (P H and Ed), genl store.
Earl Stephen, carpenter.
Eby Harriet, milliner.
Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Assn, J L McLaughlin mngr.
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $15,000), A D Lemmon pres, A H Sayre cashr.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Surplus $15,000, Undivided Profits $4,000), John W Foster Pres, C H Lane Cashier.
Ford E H, dentist.
Foster Automobile Co, T J Foster propr.
FOSTER JOHN W (Foster and Foster), Pres First National Bank.
Foster-Jones Abstract Co, Earl Vincent mngr.
Foster Thomas J, real estate.
Foster & Foster (John W and Carl S), lawyers.
Gillespie Arthur B, dry goods.
Glassner Fred, bill poster.
Green Bay Lumber Co, R M Crane mngr.
Grisell Alex H & Son, publrs The Guthrian.
Guthrian The, A H Grisell & Son publrs.
Guthrie Center Co-operative Creamery, John A McLaughlin sec.
Guthrie Center Electric Light Co, C T Harnay supt.
Guthrie Center Flour Mill, Clearchus Reed propr.
Guthrie Center Hardware Co, R F Duncanson propr.
Guthrie Center Military Band, J F Shreves leader.
Guthrie Center Mutual Tel Co, F M Christy mngr.
Guthrie County Fair Assn, W E Edwards sec.
GUTHRIE COUNTY LAW AND ABSTRACT COMPANY (Capital $50,000), Edward R Sayles Pres and Counsel, C H Taylor Vice-Pres and Attorney, Law, Abstracts and Collections. (See adv opp.)
Guthrie Times, H W Stoy & Son publrs.
Hanson Sven Lumber Co, Glenn Holmes manager.
Harney C T & Co, C T Harney mngr, auto garage.
Harrison Joseph W, physician and hospital.
Hartz Sherman, painter.
Hawkeye Telephone Co, W R Hurley manager.
Haynes Emmett, furniture.
Higgins A F, restaurant.
Hill Charles W, lawyer.
Hogelin Isaac E, painter.
HOLSMAN HENRY B, Attorney-at-Law.
Hoyt, Samuel A, real estate.
Kenworthy Maurice P, baker.
Kidney Edward, vet surgeon.
Knapp Thomas L, propr Cottage Hotel.
Lee W Lee, laundry.
Lemmon Drug Store (Albert D and Ray A Lemmon), drugs and jewelry.
Lower Bros Garage, Milo Lower mngr.
Lyons James L, racket store.
McLaughlin Cigar Co (J L, J P and J A McLaughlin), cigar mnfrs.
McLuen James, contractor.
McLuen J Samuel, real estate and ins.
McLuen T V Powderly, pianos.
Mahan & Baird (Al Mahan, Ira Baird), meats.
Mann Ike B, grocer.
Masters & Son (Thomas and Wm), grocers and shoes.
Miller Elmer W, grain and coal.
[End of Page 604]
MILLIGAN & MOORE (Wm D Milligan, Wm F Moore), Lawyers and Abstracts. (See adv)
Milligan & Moore
Guthrie Center, Iowa
Abstracts of Titles   Notaries

Mingus C W, restaurant.
Moore Bros (L E and P E), auto supplies.
Moore L B Mrs, milliner.
Moore & Lanhart (L E Moore, Abner J Lenhart), real estate.
Moraine Albert, real estate.
Motz Opera House, Isaac Mann mngr.
Murray M I, propr Pilgrim House.
Nelson Charles H, drugs and jeweler.
Nesselroad Ed L, real estate.
Newton A J, harness.
Olmstead Harry, garage.
Parry Charles W, photographer.
Payne A, apiarist.
Pennock Luther L, harnessmaker.
PEOPLES STATE BANK (Capital $50,000), F M Hopkins Pres, H J Hess Vice-Pres, W K Hamilton Cashier.
PILGRIM HOUSE, M I Murray Propr, Rates $2.00 Per Day, Headquarters for Commercial Men.
Public Library, Sam Hoyt librarian.
Reeves Bros (Robert and Claude), livery.
Robinson A C, furniture.
Rorick F H, tailor.
Ross & Son (John W and Farmer), livery and garage.
Salisbury Leonard D, clothing.
SAYLES EDWARD R (Established 1881), Attoryney-at-Law and Counsel for Guthrie County Law and Abstract Company. (See adv).
SAYLES & TAYLOR (E R Sayles, C H Taylor), General Law Practice, Real Estate and Notaries. (See adv.)
Selby-Lyle Co, H S Selby pres, M S Selby sec, agrl impts.
Shearer Daniel, contractor.
Stoy H W & Son (Henry W and Gus G), publrs The Gutherie [sic Guthrie] Times.
Swain Henry A, mason contractor.
Swank Samuel, painter.
TAYLOR C H, County Attorney (see adv).
Thomas Clarence I, physician.
Thomas Edward Y, live stock.
Van Cleef Joseph W, carriages.
VINCENT EARL W (Weeks, Vincent & Weeks).
Warrington & Ely (Bert Warrington, J E Ely), blksmiths.
Webb Frank C, hardware and auto garage.
Webb John T, live stock.
WEEKS ELBERT W (Weeks, Vincent & Weeks).
WEEKS SETH B (Weeks, Vincent & Weeks).
WEEKS, VINCENT & WEEEKS (Elbert W Weeks, Earl W Vincent & Seth B Weeks), Laws, Abstracts adn Collections (See adv).
Williams David P, meats.
Williamson M M, harnessmaker.
Wolfe R F, veterinary surgeon.
Wright W E, r r, exp and tel agt.
Young L B, wagonmkr.
Younger C M, poultry.

[From Pages 604-605]


HERNDON. Population, 150. Located on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Richland township, Guthrie county, 21 miles n. e. of Guthrie Centrr, the county seat. Has a Methodist Episcopal church and a bank. Exp., W., F. & Co. Tel., W. U. John R Hutchinson, postmaster.

Booth H C, real estate.
Herndon Grain and Coal Co, J R Hutchinson mngr.
HUTCHINSON JOHN R, Postmaster and General Store.
Hutton Alexander C, exp and tel agt.
Johnson Thomas M, general store.
Kinney Benjamin, livery.
Lockwood Walter C, junk.
Mallone Wm, restr.
Neola Elevator Co, A C Woodring mngr.
Shorey P G, house mover.
Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, W E Rose agt.
Western Union Tel Co, W E Rose agt.
Yale Savings Bank (branch).

[From Page 620]


JAMAICA. Population, 400. An incorporated town on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Richland township, Guthrie county, 22 miles n. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 50 from Des Moines. Has Catholic, Christian, Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren churches, a graded public school, an opera house, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Journal. Exp., W., F. & Co., Tel., W. U. M. M. Heater, postmaster.

Aylsworth T M, grocer.
CITIZENS BANK (Capital $10,000), George W Heater Propr, Mahlon M Heater Cashr, Insurance, Real Estate and General Banking Business.
Commercial Hotel, Mrs Ora W Correy propr.
Correy O W Mrs, propr Commercial Hotel.
Crimmegan Bon, harness.
Dennis Philip S Co, Earl Adams mngr, lumber.
Donovan Michael J, physician.
Dunn Thomas A, hardware.
Estey E L, publr Jamaica Journal.
Farmers' Grain & Coal Co, Chas J Kempf pres, Chas P King vice-pres, J C Thompson sec, George W Heater treas, George E Lamp mngr.
Garrity J E, drugs.
Head Roscoe C, hardware and furniture.
HEATER GEORGE W, Propr Citizens' Bank.
Heater Guy E, insurance.
Hohanschelt Hiram, jeweler.
Jamaica Journal, E L Estey publr.
Jewell Opera House, Ivan Adams mngr.
Lair W E, poultry.
Lundy Charles W, undertaker.
McClatchey Rex J, garage.
Morris C F, meats.
MOSES & MORGAN (Lorenzo D Moses, Edward Morgan), Automobile Livery, Rates Reasonable.
Murphy J H, r r, exp and tel agent.
Seidler W A, physician.
Shannon Elmer S, drugs.
Thompson & Parmenter (J F Thompson, Smith Parmenter), general store.
Towne Ernest L, general store.
Wells, Fargo & Co Express, J H Murphy agt.
Western Union Telegraph Co, J H Murphy agt.
Willis Charles E, restaurant.

[Transcribed from Page 651]


JOBES. A discontinued postoffice in Guthrie county. Send mail to Exira.

[From Page 654]


MENLO. Population, 400. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Beaver township, Guthrie county, 14 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 45 w. of Des Moines. Has 2 banks, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches and a weekly newspaper, the Menlo Journal. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. J. W. Kirkpatrick, postmaster.

American Express Co, J H Toler agt.
Bell Telephone Co.
Brown R M, physician.
Buckley George C, hardware.
Darling W L, restaurant.
Dietrich Jacob, mason.
Fullerton Lumber Co, Wilton Willey mngr.
Glover W R, restaurant.
Grant M R, general store.
Iowa Telephone Co.
KIRKPATRICK J W, Postmaster.
Manwell & Freese, real estate.
Menlo Co-operative Creamery Assn, F L Hitchcock sec.
Menlo Journal, M S Varley publr.
Porter C E, physician.
Raridan H, hotel.
Rigdon Bros & Co, general store.
Sanborn & Johnson, live stock.
Shaver & Burrows, drugs.
State Bank (capital $25,000), M J Sanborn propr.
Toler J H, r r, exp and tel agt.
Varley M S, publr Menlo Journal.
Wildman C A, grain buyer.
Willey W L, mayor.
Wilson Bros, meats and live stock.

[From Page 752]


MONTEITH. Population, 75. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Valley township, Guthrie county, 5 miles from Guthrie Center, the judicial seat and banking point. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. S. F. Clampitt, postmaster.

Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co.
Hawkeye Telephone Co.
Johnson A V, tel and exp agt.
Masters Bros, lumber, furniture and coal.
Reed S R, cattle and hog breeder.
Reed Willis, carpenter.
Reed W L & Son, grain and live stock.
Reed & Clampitt, general store.

[From Page 761]


NELSON. In Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, 13 miles w. of Guthrie Center, the seat of justice, shipping and banking point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

[From Page 784]


NORTHBRANCH. Population, 75. In Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, 14 miles w. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, railroad station and banking point. Has rural delivery from Adair.

[From Page 797]


PANORA. Population, 1,200. An incorporated town, located on the Middle Coon river and on the C., M. & St. P, Ry., in Guthrie county, 8 1/2 miles e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 42 w. of Des Moines. Has 4 churches, an opera house, 2 banks, electric light plant, telephone exchange and 2 weekly newspapers, the Ledger and the Vedette. Mail stage daily to Guthrie Center. Ships coal, live stock, grain, produce, butter and poultry. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co. Jasper W. Morris, postmaster.

Abbott & Brown (Frank O Abbott, Clarence W Brown), general store.
Beck Albert A, dentist.
Bokirk Manning, mason.
Briggs C C Co (C C Briggs, J L Butler), ins and real estate.
Brown Calvin A, carpenter.
Brown Cap, clothes clr and presser.
Brown Samuel J, physician.
Bunham James, livery.
Burgess Clarence W, drugs.
Burrichter Wm C, drugs and jeweler.
Campbell Joseph, dray.
Citizens' State Bank (cap $25,000), Frank Culbertson pres, H M Culbertson cashr.
Clark Milford R, general store.
Colee C A W, optician.
Collins George, garage.

[End of Page 842]

Cunningham H E, R R, tel and exp agt.
Davis John R, live stock.
Emery Walter, mason.
Evans Edgar, real est and ins.
Fairmont Creamery Co, Orvis A Sutherland mngr.
Farmers Mutual Telephone Co, Alexander Taft pres and mngr, Stephen Koehler sec and treas.
Fitz & Miller (Earl N Fitz, Clarence R Miller), garage.
Funk Samuel G, drugs.
Gillhan John C, restaurant.
Godown & Shelton (Floyd Godown, John Shelton), drayage.
Graff & Graff (Henry O and Herman G), clothing.
GUTHRIE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK (Capital and Surplus $73,000), M M Reynolds Pres, H L Moore Vice-Pres, Wade Spurgin Cashier, T R Swanson, Asst Cashier.
Guthrie County Vedette The (weekly), H L Rowen & Son publrs.
Hanson Lumber Co, J W Kuhl mngr.
Hanyon Sylvester E, hardware.
Hart Wm S, live stock breeder.
Hawkeye Telephone Co, Leslie A Byers mngr.
Healey Michael C, tailor.
Hitchins Wm L, produce.
Hood Grace, milliner.
Hotel Dean, L C Morlan propr.
Howe John, carpenter.
Jennings Edwin O, wall paper and painter.
Jennings George H, furn and undertaker.
King Robert, auctioneer.
Kirkendall Owen, restaurant.
Kramer C F, general store.
Laidley A E, general store.
Lake Zene, carpenter.
Lennon James B D, flour mill.
Logan Charles I, harness.
McKinley & Waters (R M McKinley, G F Waters), proprs Royal Theatre.
McManus Printing Co (Robert and Myrtle McManus), publrs The Panora Ledger.
Maddich James F, horse dealer.
Michaels Louis H, jeweler.
Moore Horace C, general store.
Morris Jasper W, lawyer.
Mount James R, lawyer.
Neola Elevator Co, J T Develbiss mngr.
Nichols Oliver C, carpenter.
Panora Electric Light Co, D D Reese mngr.
Panora Ledger The, McManus Printing Co publrs.
Panora Opera House, M M Reynolds mngr.
Panora Water Works, John Harris mngr.
Parks Amsey, painter.
Parks Russell R, confr.
Peterson Charles E, sewing machines and monuments.
Pierson Charles A, hardware.
Political Equality Library, Mrs R V Haden librarian.
REYNOLDS M M, Pres Guthrie County National Bank and Insurance.
Roberts Wm G, drugs and notions.
Rogers Irving W, meats.
Rowen A L & Son (Abraham L and George A), publrs the Guthrie County Vedette.
Royal Theatre, McKinley & Waters props.
Smith Harry E, meats.
Sones Calvin O, physician.
Templeton G A, grocer.
Tesky Al, express.
Thornburg J N, livery.
Towne Frank A, dentist.
Trulin J M, lumber.
Turner Gill J, live stock.
Warner Isaac, repair shop.
Weldman Amelia C T, physician.
Wilson David, poultry breeder.
Wolfe Irvin, well borer.
Wright & McQuinny, W W Eaton mngr, grain.
Yontz Louisa M Mrs, milliner.

[Transcribed from Pages 841-842]


STUART. Population, 1,900. An incorporated city located on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., partly in Guthrie and partly in Adair counties, the postoffice being in the former, and is 18 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the judicial seat, 41 s. w. of Des Moines, and 215 w. of Davenport. The town is lighted by electricity, has 7 churches, fine public schools, local and long distance telephone facilities, 2 weekly newspapers, public library, and 3 banks. Ships grain, live stock, poultry, butter, eggs and produce. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. J. R. Smull, postmaster.

Armstrong A M, auctioneer.
Atlantic Produce Co, Ed Van Hemert mngr.
Backus & Kirlin (J S Backus, Jesse Kirlin), real estate.
Ball Frederick E, lumber and coal.
Ball John, general store.
Ball Joseph A, physician.
Bates Hall, Crocket & Ball mngrs.
Boatright George W, r r, exp and tel agt.
Bowman & Lovely (Ralph Bowman, Varney Lovely), jewelers.
Brink Arlie, tailor.
Brown John J (Estate), harness.
Bunch C L, house mover.
Cahow Edward, livery.
Caldwell Joseph R, carpenter.
Central Iowa Produce Co, J M Smith mngr.
Clark H F, physician.
Commercial House.
Compton Bros, live stock.
Crosby I F, physician.
Diebold Jas B, meats.
Diebold Leo A, meats.
Dosh R H, lawyer.
Edwards Ira, vet surgeon.
Estes H M, livery.
Exchange State Bank (capital $25,000),J P Fox pres, H L Hackthorn cash.
Fagan W P, baker.
First National Bank (cap $25,000), J W Foster pres, R M Sayre cash.
Foltz Joseph B, livery.
Glover Lee J, real est.
Gray Lewis B, dentist.
0 Green Bay Lumber Co, C A McCrea mngr.
Griffin C P, apiarist.
Grove J B, drygoods.
Hartman G W & Sons, George W and Jonas L), hardware.
Hartzell Elijah, real estate.
Hawkeye Telephone Co, John Gookin mngr.
Herriott John, drugs.
Hinkson Fred O, lawyer.
Hodges Bros (Bert R and Verne E), laundry.
Hornby Benjamin, carpenter.
Huntington Lettie, ladies' furnishings.
> Keelar Benjamin W, carriage maker.
Kerlin Samuel, photographer.
Knox Carl P, lawyer.
Knox J A, physician.
Lincoln Mutual Telephone Co, E E Perry sec, Andrew Lawson treas.

[End Page 951]

McBride & Whitaker (J D McBride, R C Whitaker), feed mill.
McFarland E C & Son (Ray A), notions.
McGhee John F, implements.
McGrew W R, physician.
McMullen F J, photographer.
McPherson Forrest, livestock.
Mainwaring & Liska (Beulah Mainwaring, Emma Liska), milliners.
Martin & McKee (G A Martin, R J McKee), clothing.
Miles Wm, furniture.
Monahan Stephen, real estate.
Montgomery & Zenor (A A Montgomery, H T Zenor), cigar mnfrs.
Morgan Oscar W, lawyer.
Nelson John Q, carriage mkr.
O'Brien Shoe Store (Thomas and J G O'Brien).
Oldham Marble Works (branch).
Pease Ella Mrs, Milliner.
Piner Henry E, dentist.
Piner John, brick mnfr.
Potter Elmer E, well digger.
Proctor & Kein (E R Proctor, J J Kein), clothing.

Raber A S & Bro (Arthur S and Dolce), drugs.
Repperd D F, horse shipper.
Richardson James B, publr Stuart News.
Riden George W, contr.
Roads George R, real est.
Ryan George, dry goods.
Ryan Michael, general store.
Satterlee Wm H, restaurant.
Seeley Mortimer L, jeweler.
Seeley Wm W, livestock.
Sever & Benson (P L Sever, Clarence Benson), lawyers.
Seward F O, vet surgeon.
Sexton The, L E Johnston propr.
Shaw & Healy (T J Shaw, D J Healy), livestock.
Smith Frank, express.
SMULL J R & SONS (Elmer and Charles), General Store.
Star Theatre, C C Mendenhall mngr.
Stuart Auto Co (Geo W Thrower).
Stuart Electric Light Co, G A Burkhart supt.
Stuart Herald, Stuart Herald Pub Co publishers.
Stuart Herald Pub Co (J E Thode, O M Tevilligan, B C Moulton), publrs Stuart Herald.
Stuart News, J R Richardson publr.
Stuart Public Library, Harriet Williams librarian.
Stuart Savings Bank (capital $25,000), M S Kile pres, F M Kile cashier.
Suffel & Williams (Lee Suffel, E B Williams), bakery and restaurant.
Swartz Jacob A, plasterer.
Tassell Reuben, livery
Taylor A A, undertaker.
Taylor W J, real estate.
Wallace Wm, flour and feed.
White Ernest, restaurant.
Wildman Newcom, grain.
Williams Bros (Ray and Earl P), restaurant.
Williams J H Co, hardware.

[From Pages 951-952]


WICHITA. Population, 15. In Seely township, Guthrie county, 8 miles n. w. of Guthrie Center, 8 miles, n. w. of Guthrie Center, the seat of justice, shipping and banking point. Mail daily.

Johnson Ada B, teacher.
LATHROP F E, General Store.
Smith Goldie, teacher.

[From Page 1033]


YALE. Population, 300. An incorporated town on the C., M, & St. P. Ry., in Cass township, Guthrie county, 16 miles northeast of Guthrie Center, the county seat and 50 from Des Moines. Has a bank. Exp., W., F. & Co. Telephone connection. Mrs Belle Beck, postmaster.

Bartholow A H, pumps.
BECK BELLE MRS, Postmaster.
Caple M M, undertaker and rugs.
C, M & St P Ry, D Rundburg agent.
Cooper Virgil, hardware and furniture.
Farmers' Elevator Co, grain and tile.
Fisher G A, live stock.
Flansburg & Timmons, harness.
Heater & Weidman, general store.
Iowa Dairy Co.
Lakin A M, physician.
Leonard W M, grain.
Lookingbill A C, veterinary surgeon.
Price N M, grocer and meats.
Sheets W A, grocer.
Stotts O D, drugs.
Strock W T, hardware.
Thornburg W V, physician.
Weigle Samuel G, carpenter.
YALE SAVINGS BANK (Capital $30,000), S Jasinsky Pres, L M Swindler Cashier.
Yale Tribune, E C Howell publr.

[From Page 1042]


Index to Advertisements.
A List of Prominent and Successful Men of Iowa.

17Brown & Ratschelet1385
17Guthrie County Law & Abstract Co.605
17Milligan & Moore605
17Weeks, Vincent & Weeks605


from pg. 76-77

Guth-rieGuthrie CenterW. M. WellsH. W. StoyE. H. BokirkF. &? A. G. EdmandS. E. DelahoydeO. G. Hamilton C. H. Taylor

Chairmen of Boards of County Supervisors.

from pg. 96

GuthrieA. MarchantYale


from pg. 126


Guthrie Center (c. h.)

ch = county seat


from pg. 80-1xxx

82BagleyFarmers Savings BankT. K. Peterson15,000
82BagleyFirst National BankC. W. Cain25,000
82BayardBayard Savings BankChas. P. McDonald30,000
82BayardPeople's Savings BankT. C. Lundy15,000
85CaseyAbram Rutt National BankS. L. Rutt25,000
85CaseyCitizens' Savings BankC. B. Gray15,000
97Guthrie CenterFirst National BankC. H. Lane50,000
97Guthrie CenterPeople's State BankW. K. Hamilton50,000
98HerndonBank of HerndonD. W. Atkinson 
100JamaicaCitizens' BankM. M. Heater10,000
106MenloMenlo State BankE. G. Rigdon25,000
111PanoraCitizens' State BankH. M. Culbertson25,000
111PanoraGuthrie Co. National BankT. R. Swanson73,000
118StuartExchange State BankH. L. Hackthorn25,000
118StuartFirst National BankR. M. Sayre25,000
119StuartStuart Savings BankF. M. Kile25,000
124YaleYale Savings BankL. M. Swindler30,000

Transcribed and contributed by Cheryl Siebrass, March, 2025 from Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1914-1915 Volume XVII, Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., 1914. Original images may be viewed offsite at:

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