Oelwein, Fayette co. Iowa 31 Mar 1909 Page 2 |
A man who would rob a dog should be fired out of the
city without benefit of clergy, and still that is what
an individual did on an Oelwein business street Monday.
A lady and her dog had just come from a meat market
where she had purchased some bologna for her canine, and
as is the custom the dog was carrying the meat in his
mouth. The lady met a friend and stopped to talk. The
dog became tired of holding the meat and laid it down on
the walk. A man came along, picked up the meat, putting
it in his pocket disappeared up the street. The lady was
naturally indignant, and as she purchased another
supply of bologna remarked: "The horrid man to steal
Buster's meat, he out to be thrashed." Wonder what sort
of a meal the dog meat made!
A certain Hub City tonsorial artist is chuckling at the
result of a few amateur, out of doors cock fights that
have occurred recently in his back alley. Up to a few
days ago male fowls of his neighborhood have been
putting it all over his chanticleer, but now the tables
are turned. A friend on leaving the city last week
presented him with a game cock that is a whirl wind in a
scrap. The neighbors roosters strolled over the other
morning, with the purpose of doing up the new fowl as
they and the old one. One at a time they mixed with the
game fighter, and one by one they retired with heads and
tails drooping. They were not in it at any stage of the
game. And the new bird crows long and loud as boss of
the back alley.
It is on a certain Hub City tailor, and is a living
illustration of the need of taking a local daily it you
want the times. His wife is out of town at a health
resort, and he ordered the Daily Register sent to her
for company, although he gets his local news in the
weekly Register. Tuesday he received a letter from his
wife in which she commented on a somewhat startling bit
of Oelwein news that she had read in The Daily
Register, and of which he knew nothing. And when he
began to talk about news that was some days old. And
that his neighbors had read about, he was given the
merry ha! Ha! And advised to take a local daily paper
and keep up with the procession, and as he is a good
fellow he probably will do so.
The local political game seems to be largely made up of
knocking on the acts of those candidates who have served
the city in various positions and when it comes to
knocking it is probable that the Hub City has it is
rumored that the infant progeny of some of the leaders
of the clan reach for a hammer very early in life. With
quite a bunch the song is something like this: "Knock
brothers, knock early and late, but knock in the absence
of the candidate." In the past ten years we do not
recall that the sound of the hammers was heard on the
street any louder than at present.
It may not be generally known that Oelwein has a Lime
Kiln Club that was daily and evening sessions, and where
checkers backgammon, political or any other old question
is cussed and discussed to a frazzle, but such is the
case. The club room is in the rear of Gates hardware on
East Charles street where Shoemaker Jones acts as
residing officer, and tells the bunch where to head in
at. It is a very democratic aggregation, and when a
Register man dropped in there for five minutes Friday a
bank president and an old vet were trying out a trio of
games of checkers. It was subsequently learned that the
vet won two out of three. The municipal political
situation was up for discussion, and the members of the
club were evidently not a unit for either ticket. One
peculiarity noticed was that while the presiding officer
is a tobacco prohibitionist he pegs shoes amidst clouds
of smoke manufactured by the rank and file of the gang.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the kind
friends and neighbors who in any way assisted us during
the sickness and death of our beloved mother, for the
beautiful lowers they bestowed. The kindness will always
be remembered by the children and grandchildren of the
late Katherine McHugh.
From Whom the Jury Will be Picked for the Trial in
April Term |
It is probably that Mike Halen will be tried in the April
term of the District Court for the murder of George Bennett of
this City, and the venire of forty men from whom the jury will
probably be obtained has been drawn. The April term will open
the 19th, and the trial will be the center of interest,
especially in the southern part of the country where Bennett had
been a resident many years. It is learned that Halen remains as
unmoved as when first landed in the county jail at West Union.
Following is the list of the venire as drawn: |
Alfred Bergeson, Auburn Ole Mosby, Auburn Jess
Fish, Bethel S. W. Conklin, Bethel Fred Ginter,
Banks Oren Larson, Clermont James Sullivan,
Clermont M. V. Dibble, Clermont J. S. Briggs,
Center Peter Pape, Dover Knut Kleppe, Jr., Dover
Ed Lockwood, Fayette William Bunnell, Fayette
Peter Jubb, Fayette C. F. Allen, Fayette John
Cline, Fairfield A.A. Humphrey, Fairfield J. A.
Beattie, Harlan J. A. Robbins, Harlan P. P.
Stewart, Harlan Fred Wilbur, Illyria John Manning,
Jefferson J. H. Behrens, Oelwein 1st Ward William
Snavely, Oelwein 2nd ward Floyd Martin, Oelwein 2nd
ward J. A. Welch, Oelwein 3rd ward E. O. Pleimling,
Oelwein 4th ward W. G. Barr, Scott M. J. Leahy,
Union J. R. Jensen, Union L. D. Shaffer, Westfield
F. M. Poppenhagen, Westfield W. H. Tiffany, Windsor
Herm Beilfuss, Windsor R. D. Smith, Windsor F. M.
Limbeck, West Union 1st ward A. J. Gurney, West Union
1st ward John Keegan, West Union 2nd ward J. W.
Bopp, West Union 2nd ward |
It is learned that
recently the court has decided that the State Medical Examiners
exceeded their authority in refusing to issue a state itinerant
license to Dr. Shallenburger after he had deposited the required
fee, and the license was granted. To a man up a tree or on an
elevated section of land it would seem that when a traveling
physician puts up the money for a license it should be granted,
and not left in the air for six months to the detriment of the
man who puts it up. If the State Board of Medical Examiners keep
up the present gait it will begin to look as though Charley
Miller's "doctor's trust" is not all in his eye. The people
favor a square deal as far as physicians and those not in the
union are concerned.
Now that Senator Dolliver and
Cummins have arrived at an understanding in regard to
distributing pie, et cetera, it is hoped that peace and harmony
will prevail in the Iowa delegation at Washington, and that in
due season the delegation may occupy as prominent a position
down to the Capital at Washington D. C. as it did a few years
It begins to look as though tariff revision may not
be downward but that the schedule along several lines may be
boosted. It is a local issue all right, as General Hancock
remarked on a certain occasion, and the representatives of
various sections of Uncle Samuel's domain feel called upon to
look out for their constituents, and incidentally for No. 1.
Fining Drunks They Should be Made to Saw Wood Under
Marshall. |
On Friday morning in the Superior Court there was but on
solitary and went his way drunk. He got $5 and trimmings.
The chances are that the fine of $5 fell heavier on his than
on anybody else, and that instead of being a punishment to him
it was a punishment to the innocent.
If this man had been
sentenced to saw two cords of wood under direction of the city
marshal, the money to be given to his family, the detention
would have deterred him from further drunks and no doubt proved
a blessing to those dependent on him. Not until the law-makers
and courts begin to see that it is work the regenerates the
vicious, as well as protects society, will punishment for crime
amount to anything. - Des Moines Tribune.
Judge Porter,
of the Superior Court, was interviewed in regard to this
particular instance, and is authority for the statement that it
is not a matter of court or other record that the party be
sentenced $5 was ever married or has any intentions of becoming
a benedict. On general principles, however, it is probable that
the Tribune is right.
The ladies of the Oelwein W. R.C. and the gentlemen of the G. A.
R. to the number of about two score enjoyed a very pleasant
social evening at the Wm. Refsnider residence Tuesday evening.
It was a time of the customary sociability, and there was
instrumental and vocal music in plenty. It was interesting to
hear them sing "Marching Through Georgia." And when ration time
came they all fell to and did splendid trencher service. The
"boys" ate as heartily as in the 60's when they were down among
the Johnies, and the "girls" got up better rations than they
could have at that early period in their lives.
It occurred on the stairway of the First and Last Chance Tuesday at
high twelve. H. J. Gardner was going up the stairs and met Walt
Linder who requested him to go back. Some words followed and Gardner
alleged that Linder smote him in the vicinity of his nose, much to
Gardner's discomfort. The assaulted party had the assaultee arrested
and brought before Judge Porter who set the time for the hearing
at 1 p.m. Wednesday. For some unknown reason Gardner did not appear
and the case was accordingly dismissed. Possibly he concluded after
due deliberation that the smash with the fist was hardly sufficient
to make a full fledged case.
Saturday, March 20, at 4 p.m. was set the last line in this office
on the adjustable Simplex that for the past five years has put up
the type for The Register. Tuesday morning the new Model 5
Mergenthaler began doing business, and the linotypes take the place
of the Simplex type. A good operator on the Simplex will do the work
of three men on the Merganthaler will do the work of at least six in
composition. The old machine has passed out of the office and we
hail the new. The Simplex will do the business for a weekly paper,
but it is not fast enough for a daily, and with the Model 5, which
is considerably faster it is expected that the Oelwein Daily
Register will be considerably improved in amount of news furnished
its readers - after the operators gets the hang of the machine.