Arthur Baptist Church
Arthur, Iowa
90th Anniversary
Table of Contents
Arthur Baptist History
75th Anniversary History
85th Anniversary Program
90th Anniversary Program
Article on Disbanding
Article in Odebolt Chronicle
Arthur Baptist Church
Charles Waterbury,
Interim Lay Minister
90th Anniversary Program
October 22, 25, 26, 1975
O Praise the Lord,
Praise Him, all ye people.
For His merciful
kindness is great toward us;
and the truth of the Lord endureth forever.
Praise ye the Lord.
Psalm 117: 1, 2
"Let's just praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let's just lift our hands t'ward heaven
and praise the Lord."
Women's Missionary Guest Day
90th Anniversary Program
Wednesday, October 22nd, 1975
Let us Praise the Lord for the Past and Our Challenge for Our Tomorrow. "His Mercy is everlasting and His Truth endureth to all generations. "
Organ Prelude ------------------------------ Ruth Olson
Hymn of Praise -------------------------------Ladies Choir
Invocation ----------------------------------- Gladys Lindberg
Welcome -------------------------------------- Ruth Olson
History of Our Women's Missionary Society ... Evelyn Johnson,
In Memoriam ---------------------------------- Hazel Belstene,
Ollie Houser
Ladies Choir -------------------------------- "O Glorious Day"
Recognition of Early Members ------- Lucile Fries, Goldie Palm
Esther Samuelson --- Ollie Houser--------Hazel Anderson
Ellen Lindquist ---- Mabel Hamlin ------Evelyn Johnson
Which Hat Fits You Best? ------------- W.M.S. Members
Vocal Solo -------------------------- LaVon Van Houten
Closing Prayer ------------------------- Agnes Gustafson
A Bit of History
In 1883 the "Sewing Society" was organized by Mrs. Jonas Fanberg with four other ladies, Mrs. Johanna Samuelson, Mrs. Louisa Sederberg, Mrs. Martha Anderson, and Mrs. Margareta Hallander. They helped support the Sunday School and other Missionary projects. From this group, our present Women's Missionary Society had its beginning.
The "Sewing Society"' was more formally organized in the home of Mrs. J.B. Samuelson in 1889; Mrs. C.J. Almquist, chairman; Viola Johnson, vice-chairman; Mrs. Hans Levin, treasurer; and Miss Anna Bergman, secretary. Through ninetytwo years, the Women's Missionary Society has played an important part in the church - both spiritually and financially.
Saturday, October 25, 1975
Ken-A-Bob's Restaurant, Storm Lake 7:30 P.M.
Church Banquet -----------------------------------Let's Just Praise the Lord
For Our Reminiscenses ---------------------------- Mrs. Carl Sonichsen
Dennis Lindberg
Sunday, October 26, 1975
Morning Worship Service, 10 A.M.
Let Us Praise the Lord by Our Worship
Organ Prelude
Call to Worship -----------------------------------Mr. Charles Waterbury
Congregational Hymn #10 ------------------- Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty
Pledge to the Flag -------- Led by Susan, Cathy, Steven and David Brown
Words of Welcome ---------------------------------- Mr. Charles Waterbury
Scripture and Prayer ---------------------------- Rev. Ritchie Peterson
Special Number -----------------------------Barry, Barbara and Brenda Peterson
Sunday School represented by a Welcome ------------Jack Davenport
Vocal Solo --------------------------------------- Susan Jamieson
Our Tribute -------------------------------- To God Be The Glory Women's Chorus
Mrs. James Schubring, Director
Announcements, --------- Offertory prayer, ------- Doxology
Morning Message ----------------------------------Rev. Alrik Blomquist
Cong. Hymn #394 --------------------------- Near the Cross Hymn of Preparation
Communion Service ---------------------------- Led by Rev. LeRoy Carter
Served by Rev. David C. Brown, Rev. R.W. Forsman and Rev. Ritchie Peterson
Vocal Duet-Sweet, Sweet Spirit ------------ Rev. & Mrs. Ritchie Peterson
Scripture and Prayer ------------------------- Rev. LeRoy Carter
Cong. Hymn ------------------------------------Blest Be the Tie With hands clasped
Closing Prayer -------------------------------Rev. R.W. Forsman
Prayer Response -------------------------------Postlude
Sunday Afternoon
October 26, 1975 2:30 P. M.
Anniversary Program
Let us Praise the Lord for the Past and Our Challenge for our Tomorrow. "His Mercy is everlasting and His Truth endureth to all generations. "
Piano and Organ Prelude --------------------- Mrs. Michael Houston,
Mrs. Oscar Olson
Invocation ------------------------------ Mr. Charles Waterbury
Cong. Hymn #241 ---------------------------- To God be the Glory
Let's Just Praise the Lord
Welcome ------------------------------- Mr. Charles Waterbury
Scripture and Prayer --------------------Rev. R.W. Forsman
Let Us Praise the Lord in our Remembering.
We Praise the Lord as we Honor Those Who began the
Work of this Church --- A short historical summary
Mrs. Maurice Krusenstjerna
We Praise the Lord in a Song of Faith
Wonderful Grace of Jesus ----------------------- All former choir members
We Praise the Lord for the Christian Witness and Faithful Service of the 16 of Our number who have left us for the Heavenly Home since we had our last Anniversary and Memorial services, only five years ago.
Candlelight Memorial Service ----------------------- Mr. Oscar Olson, Vice Moderator
Solo ---- Children of the Heavenly Father --------------Rev. Alrik Blomquist
We Praise and thank Him for all the people this Church has reached these past 90 years --- for their Faithfulness and the Faithfulness of God to us.
Presenting those who have worshipped and served here for almost 50 years to 66 years. -- Mr. Joe Samuelson
Joe Samuelson -------------------------------------------------- Oscar Olson
Esther Samuelson ------------------------------------------- Clarence Olson
Arvid Gustafson ------------------------------------------------- Ellen Linquist
Ollie Houser ----------------------------------------------------- Milford Barker
Evelyn Johnson --------------------------------------------- Dennis Lindberg
Hazel Anderson --------------------------------------------- Duane Johnson.
Adele Krusenstjerna
Message --------------------------------------------------Rev. David C. Brown
Presentation of Honored Guests ---------------------------Mr. Dennis Lindberg,
Mrs. Carl Sonichsen
We Praise the Lord today as we continue to serve Him.
Message -------------------------------------------------Rev. Ray Shodin
Theme Song --- Let's Just Praise The Lord
Closing Prayer, Blessing and Benediction ---------- Mr. Charles Waterbury
We are pleased you could attend our services today and we cordially invite you to stay for a time of fellowship and refreshments. Kindly remain seated until served.
Our Heritage
We, the congregation of the Arthur Baptist Church, dedicate this brief history to the consecrated men and women, who ninety years ago, possessed the vision, courage and faith in their Lord, to organize the First Swedish Baptist Church of Arthur, Iowa.The early settlers who came from Sweden felt the urgent need to come together to worship and serve their Heavenly Father in this "New Land". They found the distance between their homes and the Kiron Baptist Church quite long to travel by horse and wagon; so it was decided they form their own group.
In the "Larson" school house one mile north of our present location, on October 25, 1885, the church was organized under the name "The First Baptist Church" of Arthur, Ida County, Iowa.
The Charter members were:
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hallander and daughter, Amanda
Olaf Gradin
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Samuelson
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
Gust Belstene
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Fanberg
K.J. Palm
Mrs. Cedarberg
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Carlson
One of the outstanding leaders in the organization of the church was Hans Hallander who was elected to serve as pastor. The deacons were: John B. Samuelson and Nils Carlson; clerk, John B. Samuelson; trustees, John Anderson, Jonas Fanberg and Olaf Gradin; treasurer, Jonas Fanberg. Two years previous to the organization of the church, the "Sewing Society" was organized by Mrs. Jonas Fanberg with four other ladies; Mrs. Johanna Samuelson, Mrs. Louisa Sederberg, Mrs. Martha Anderson, and Mrs. Margaretta Hallander. They helped support the Sunday School and other missionary projects. From this group, our present Women's Missionary Society had its beginnings. The "Sewing Society" was more formally organized in the home of Mrs. J.B. Samuelson in 1889; Mrs. C.J. Almquist, chairman; Viola Johnson, vice- Chairman; Mrs. Hans Levin, treasurer; and Miss Anna Bergman, secretary. Through ninety-two years, the Women's Missionary Society has played an important part in the church both spiritually and financially.
The Sunday School had its beginning in the Lund school house, one mile south of the church, in 1882. Miss Dorothy Pluver, a rural school teacher, was responsible for its organization. Some of our Sunday School members who attended as children still continue to attend the Adult Sunday School Class. The Sunday School helps in various missionary projects, including the support of a Korean orphan.
The Willing Workers was organized in June, 1927. This group continues to meet with the purpose of helping others through their White Cross work and other worthy community projects.
In 1951 the Family Fellowship was organized; its purpose to be a time of worship and fellowship for the entire family.
Through the years the following pastors have served the church:
()indicates summer pastorate; * indicates interim pastorate
1885-1886 Hans Hallander
1886 A. Pearson
1889-1892 C.J. AhImquist
1892-1896 C.J. Granquist
1896-1898 N.A. Lindholm
1898-1901 C.J. AhImquist
(1900) C.R. Osbeck
1901-1903 Andrew Swartz
1904-1907 A. Berglund
1907-1909 O. Lindholm
1909-1910 V.E. Peterson
1911-1914 Herman Bergman
*(1913) Benjamin Nelson
*1914 N.S. Miller
1914-1918 A.E. Carlson
1918-1920 Bennett Erickson
1920-1922 Carl A. Anderson
1922 John A. Roos
1922-1924 E.J. Nordlander
1924-1933 Peter Lovene
1933-1942 A.W. Erickson
1943-1952 Alrik Blomquist
1944-1946 C. I. Peterson
*1952 Gordon Hasselblad
1953 James Schubring
1953-1956 R.W. Forsman
1956-1961 David C. Brown
1961-1968 Ritchie Peterson
1968-1975 LeRoy Carter
Thus we "Praise the Lord" for the Arthur Baptist Church which has stood at the "Crossroads" for ninety years. It stands as our heritage out of the past, a witness for Christ in this our rural community, but continues to prove itself alive for the present.
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