Arthur Baptist Church
Arthur, Iowa
Table of Contents
Arthur Baptist History
75th Anniversary History
85th Anniversary Program
90th Anniversary Program
Article on Disbanding
Article in Odebolt Chronicle
Arthur Baptist Church
Eighty - Fifth Anniversary
Program For The Week of
October 25th - November 1, 1970
October 25th, 10:30 a.m. Combined Service
SUNDAY SCHOOL ------------------------- Supt. Mrs. Carl Sonichsen
Call to Worship ------------------------Organ
Congregation Hymn No. 257 ------------- "He Lives"
"The Way to Happiness" ---------------- S.S. Young People
Talk ------------------------------------Miss Ruth Haglund
Quiet Time ------------------------------ Mrs. Oscar Olson, Organist
Call to Worship
MIN: Serve the Lord with gladness.
PEO: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.
MIN: O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
PEO: He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.
Congregational Hymn No. 164 --------- "The Church's One Foundation"
Invocation ---------------------------------Pastor Carter
Greetings ------ Welcome -------------------Announcements for the day
Presentation of our tithes and offerings
Doxology (Congregation will please stand)
"The Day of Christ -------------------------Vocal Group
Mrs. William Davenport, Mrs. A. E. Lindberg, Mrs. James Bolton, Miss
Evelyn Johnson, Mrs. Carl Sonichsen, Mr. Dennis Lindberg and Pastor Carter
Scripture and Prayer -------------------------Pastor Carter
Congregational Hymn No. 444 -----------------"Jesus Shall Reign"
Message -------------- Miss Ruth Haglund, Conference Missionary Nurse, Ethiopia
Closing Hymn No. 435 ------------------------- "The Call for Reapers"
Benediction ----------------------------------- Benediction Response
Postlude ---------------------------------------Mrs. Oscar Olson
Sunday, October 25, 1970 - 2:30 P.M.
Organ Prelude ------------------------------------ Mrs. Oscar Olson
Invocation ---------------------------------------Pastor LeRoy Carter
Congregation Hymn No. 241 ----------------------- "To God Be The Glory"
Prayer ------------------------------------------- Pastor LeRoy Carter
Words of Welcome --------------------------------- Pastor LeRoy Carter
Greetings from The Iowa Baptist Conference
Executive Rev. J. Stanley Rendahl, represented by Rev. Lee Giddings,
Kiron Baptist Church; Tri-County Ministerial Ass'n, Rev. Robert
Lundberg, Arthur Free Church
Vocal Solo ----------------------------------------Mrs. Val Oswald
A Time to Remember --- A presentation of our church history and organizations
-Mrs. Carl Sonichsen and Lori Bergman
The Chapel by the Road -----------------------------Mrs. Norman Van Houten
Time to Honor Dear Ones and Memorial Com.
Time to Acknowledge Gifts ------------------------- Mrs. Milford Barker
Dedicatory Prayer ----------------------------------Vice Moderator, Oscar Olson
Time to Appreciate Those serving our Church, our Country, and in Christian work ----Mrs. Duane Johnson
Time to Look Ahead - "Vision" ----------------- Message Pastor LeRoy Carter
"Bless Thy Church"-Vocal Solo ----------------------Dennis Lindberg
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness -- ----------------------Double Quartet
Mrs. James Bolton, Miss Evelyn Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Van Houten,
Mr. and Mrs. Val Oswald, Dennis Lindberg and Pastor Carter
Closing Prayer ------------------------------------ Pastor Carter
A Time to Fellowship -------------------------------Coffee Time downstairs
A cordial invitation to everyone present
8:00 o'clock
Missionary Speaker ------------Rev. Dana Larson Conference Missionary, Argentina
Special Music
2:00 o'clock
NOVEMBER 1st ------------------ SUNDAY
10:00 A.M. Sunday School Hour
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:30 P.M. Harvest Festival
Speaker ----------------------------------------------------------- Rev. Robert Swanson
Baptist General Conference Missionary, Mexico City, Mexico
Special Music
The Chapel by the Road There's a little country church by the roadside,
And its steeple rises upward to the sky;
O it almost seems to say to the ones who pass this way,
"Come to Jesus! O ye weary passerby!"
Many saints have left this dear familiar chapel
And have gone to worship with the angels fair;
What a day of days for me when my Savior I shall see,
And I'll worship with His children over there!
How I love this little church by the roadside,
For within its humble walls I learned to pray;
I accepted Jesus at its tear stained altar,
Now His presence lingers with me day by day.
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