50 Year High School Class Of Murray

This year of 1968 is 50 years "out of school" for the class of 1918. This is a group picture taken during their sophomore year.

Olive Saffel, Beaumont - Des Moines, Office work.

Harold Martindale - Golden, Colorado, "Silver State Printers".

Ruth Mitchell - Lived with her aunt, Mrs.Frank Bosserman, moved from Murray before graduation.

Dorothy Lower - Parents operated the theatre - moved before graduation.

Kathryn Perry Fein - Peoria, Illinois, Elementary Teacher.

Nathan Vanderlinden - Marion, Iowa, Mail Clerk, dropped before graduation.

Hazel Cone Farr - Murray, Housewife.

Claude Cone - Lincoln, Nebraska. Retired after 35 years of service with Consumers Public Power.

Martha Freeman Waugh - Edinburgh, Indiana. Moved from Murray before graduation.

Marshall Hamm - St. Louis, Missouri, Hospital work.

Paul Stephenson - Sacramento, California. Engineer for State of Calif. Dept. of Water Resources - Deceased.

Harold Cregar - Fort Dodge, Iowa. moved from Murray before graduation.

Louise Schultz Esslinger - Lives on a farm near Bayard, Iowa, a teacher 18 years, eight years as high school principal.

Grace Kamerer Housholder - Des Moines, Business Teacher 34 years, Retired.


Lora Stierwalt Burgus - Murray, lived on the farm and Elementary Teacher.

Harold Duncan - California, Enlisted in Army before graduation, went overseas. Later became a dentist. Deceased.

Alma Katzenberger Martindale - Golden, Colorado. Helps operate the "Silver State Printers".

Cecil Lambertson - Three Rivers, California, Assistant Controller with an Insurance Co. Retired,

Eulah Scroggin Swartslander - Des Moines, Moved before graduation.

George Abernathy - Omaha,Nebraska, Moved before graduation.

Vera Kelley Loomis Rimmer - Rural Murray. Deceased.

Herbert Burgus - Murray. Farmer, deceased.

Charles Cecil Bosserman - Murray (Not in Picture)






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Last revised September 28, 2013