Basketball Girls 1915 (Played outdoors on south school yard) Back row ­ Pauline Donner, Ruth Hamilton (teacher), Carrie Selby, Nellie Gore, Mabelle Guthrie, Ada Dykstra, Hazel Townsend

Back row — Marie Soaps, Edith
Mitchell, Eunice Bell, Alma Katzenbarger, Dorothy Lower, Lora Stierwalt




Boys Basketball Team 1915 Back row — Clarence Friday, Herbert Thomas, Cecil Lambertson, Glenn Baughman, Harold Duncan, Ralph Bell, Prof. C. B. Hightower (Supt.), Willie Lafferty. Front row — Burtie Simmons, Homer Dusenberry, Galen Freel, Harold Vanderlinden, Merle Sanders, Harold Creger, DeMoss Rayburn, Bruce Kelley, Herbert Burgus



Class of 1913 — taken when Sophomores, Back row — Lottie Fuller, Marie Donner, Chester Huffman, D. R. Miller, Stanley Klein, Richard Ballard. Front Row — Bonita Daniel, Florence Bell, Bealuh Palmer, James Miller. Teacher Darl Miller.



Picture at left — Class of 1908. Taken in 1906. Back row — Rebecca Vreeland, Guy Vanderlinden, Mabel Vance, Francis Johnson, Annetta Lorimor. Second row — Charles Dewey, Mabel Morgan. Front row — Clarence Ries, Beatrice Andrews, Stanley Lochrie


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Last revised September 28, 2013