Prize Chapter No. 332 , Order of the Eastern Star Of Iowa


Prize Chapter No. 332, Order of the Eastern Star of Iowa was organized July 11, 1902.

Mrs. Freda Oppenheimer, Worthy Grand Matron was present and instituted the Chapter, to be known as Prize Chapter.

Twenty-two ladies and gentlemen were present.

Degrees were conferred on all present and the following officers were elected and placed in office; Worthy Matron, Cora Hermance Boers; Worthy Patron, J. W. Stiffler; Associate Matron, Mayme Hasty Carpenter; Secretary, Carrie Carr; Treasurer, Mae Miller; Conductress, Minnie Smith; Associate Conductress, Addie Myers; Chaplain, Mae Morris; Adah, Truth Cathels; Ruth, Mae Freel; Esther, Florence Guyton; Martha, Mabel Stiffler; Electa, Nellie Garrett Allison; Warder, Maud Garrett; Sentinel, Wm. Guyton.

Two of these charter members are still living. Florence Guyton, now living in California, and Nellie Garrett Allison, who operates the Allison Drug Store in Osceola, Iowa. Mrs. Mae Miller, mother of D. R. Miller was the only other picture obtainable of the charter members.

The first Lodge Home of Surprise Lodge #396 AF and AM was located in the building, on the alley; the second building east of Murray Cafe.

The next meeting place was located in the upper story of the Fair Store Bldg. until in 1947-48 when the Surprise Lodge bought the Second story of the Watts-Soil Furniture Store Bldg. Both Surprise Lodge and Prize Chapter have their permanent home there.

Prize Chapter observed its Golden Anniversary in 1952. At that time there were 107 members. Present membership is 73.

Charter was granted on October 23, 1902, and still hangs in our Chapter room.

Prize Chapter has been recognized several times by Grand Chapter of Iowa. Mrs. Minnie Smith, Grand Representative of Louisiana in Iowa; Mrs. Lila Westerfield, Grand Representative of Arizona in Iowa; Mrs. Mildred Matthew, Grand Chapter Teller; Mrs. Arlene Gaumer, Grand Committee Member; Mrs. Lorena Wallace, Grand Page at Grand Chapter; Mr. Clarence Arnold, Grand Usher at Grand Chapter.




On April 9, 1879, a called meeting of Free and Accepted Masons of Murray and vicinity was held in the Daniel Barrett Hall for the purpose of forming a Lodge of same, in the town of Murray.

On May 31, 1879, the Murray Lodge of Instruction was assailed by a group of Sisters, causing the Lodge to close with out form. The sisters having baskets filled with the necessities of life, which was enjoyed by all. The brethren, being so highly honored, asked the Sisters to name the Lodge which they named "Troy".

While the Sisters above referred to did not give the Lodge its present name, it is to be inferred that the name "Surprise" was later bestowed on it as a lasting memorial to their social visit.

April 9, 1979 to Aug. 2, 1869, the Lodge was known as the Murray Lodge in Instruction. On Aug. 2, 1979, the Murray Lodge of Instruction received the Dispensation, signed June 19, 1879 and became known as Hall of Surprise Lodge U.C., with D. D. Cathels, W. M., E. T. Durfur, S. W., .S. L. Landis, J. W. appointed by the Grand Master of Iowa with 21 other


Admin note: it appears that the April 9, 1979 date possibly should be 1879 and the Aug. 2, 1869 possibly should be 1879.

brethern names signed thereto. The Surprise Lodge No. 396 received their Charter June 1, 1880. The election of officers was held June 14, 1880 with J. J. Jeters, W. M., E. T. Durfur, S. W., S. L. Landis, J. W. being duly elected.

The lodge to, dare had occupied 4 different halls. The first was Daniel Barretts, situated on Lot 2, Block 29. Next was the Griggs Bldg., third was the Smith Bldg., situated on Lot 4, Block 29. From the Smith Bldg., the Lodge moved in 1948 to its present home situated on Lots 1 and 2 in Block 20. The first meeting in the present building was held Jan. 1, 1948.

In 1879, the Lodge had 24 Charter members. In 1886 their membership was nearly sixty; and meetings were held at Masonic Hall on Saturday evening on or before each full moon.

On April 1, 1968, there were 64 members. The present officers are Ross Wetzel, W. M.

The bestowal of Charity to a worthy brethren in distress, their widows and orphans, has always been practiced as a Cardinal Virtue by this Lodge. Records are full of such practical relief. So may it ever be.


Admin note: it appears that dare in second paragraph above should be date.


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