American Legion William Lochrie Post 405 was organized in 1919. They lost their charter in 1930 and reorganized in 1935. The present members are — D. R. Miller, Galen Burgus, Hazel Jones, Eldon Carns, James Hickman, A. L. Wolfe, Milt Wilkens, B. L. Funkhouser, Marion Garrett, H. Stanley Klein, Guy Bower, Clair Dugger, A. L. Adams, Bob Davies, Larry Woodard, Joe Miller, Gerald Kerns, Curtis Burgus, Geo. Booth, Phil Gennovario, Robert Aller, Donavon Soll, Riley Sanders.

Few Iowa towns can boast that they have a real log cabin for an American Legion building but an exception to this is the Murray Legion. The Legion cabin was built in 1939 by the Clarke County National Youth Administration, with the finances coming from funds raised by dinners, ice cream socials and donations. The building is a one room structure with a fire place and a kitchen in the basement. The fire place and chimney are built of stones.

The liost was named for William Lochrie the first Murray boy killed in World War I.


Memorial Day Parade 1919


Back row, L-R — Phil Genervario, Leonard Wolfe, Bob Davies, Bart Funkhouser. Front row -- Clair Dugger, Ronald Maffett, Walter Williams, Curtis Burgus.


Memorial services at the cemetary. Front row, L-R —Wayne Smith, Ernest Poil, Bernard Allen, Dean Hutcheson, Charles Arnold

L-R — Bart Funkhouser, Clair Dugger, Lee Parker, Leland McConnell, Alton Smith, Leonard Wolfe, Vaughn Woods, Leland Fuller. 3rd Row -- Milt Wilkins, Lloyd Westafer, 2nd Row —Donald Burgus.


American Legion Post 405


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Last revised September 28, 2013