
Marray has had what seems to be more than its share of fires over the years. As described in the early history of the town, the first fire was the first building erected -- the railroad warehouse.

The fire records disappeared somewhere through the years so it's almost impossible to find a complete record of them. The early buildings were of wood construction and the methods of heating and lighting were of such as to create a fire hazard.

Several of theā€¢ first buildings on the site were destroyed by fire in 1885. In April of the same year Dr. Griggs Drug Store was described as being badly injured by fire. The same year Bitners house, Dr. Griggs house and a barber shop were burned. Whether these fires occured at the same time or singley it is difficult to determine.

The depot burned in 1886 and was rebuilt.


In 1887 a midnight tire destroyed several
buildings as shown in the accompanying pictures, The buildings burned were not identified.

In 1890 the opera house was destroyed by flames. It was located one block east of the present post office where Richard Browns Station is at present.

In 1901 fire started in a bakery and also burned O. E. Garrets building.

In 1903 Mrs, Holcombs Millinery and Dr. Freels building were consumed by fire. These two buildings were located on the two north lots where the buildings burned Jan. 1, 1968, The frame building that housed "The Fair", owned by Stephen Andrews stood only a couple of feet from Dr. Freels building, but was saved from burning by Robert Carder, who stood on the peak of the roof and played a stream of water on the roof, which made a curtain of water which saved the building.

Fire of September 6, 1887

Building at left is Murray Bank. The large brick building was Dr. Griggs. At present is owned by Glen Winn.

1887 Fire on Fifth Street

The buildings in the back ground were on the west side of Maple St.


The same fire of 1887 looking south across Fifth Street



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Last revised September 25, 2013