A fire in 1908 destroyed the Murray Hotel,
Cathells Millinery and 2 vacant frame buildings. According to reports the flames were stayed from crossing the alley by the stubborn fight by the fire boys and the bucket brigade. The Murray Hotel covered three lots and stood where Clarke County State Bank is at present.

About 1911 or 1912 the photograph studio and the building north of it were destroyed by fire by a kerosene lamp exploding. These two buildings were located just south of the three that burned Jan. 1, 1968.

The opera house that stood close to where Richard Browns house is at present, burned in 1912.

In August of 1925 fire was discovered in the iron clad businesses of several rooms on Main St. The buildings damaged were — Elmer Browns Grocery Store, W. J. Badgers meat market, Bosserman and Cathells Bootery, James Browns restaurant, and C. T. Zink bakery.

The Murray School was completely destroyed by flames also in 1925.

About 1930 the 3 store buildings west of Badgers Meat Market (now Murray cafe) were destroyed by fire.

Sollies Store burned in 1935.

The fire that occurred New Years Day 1968 is one the local residents will remember for a long time. The fire destroyed Kanes Store, Murray Theatre, and Powers Drug Store. For the older residents the fire was a blow because they realize it's a struggle to keep a small town alive in this day of modernization. Businesses in a community of our size are hard to keep going without being destroyed completely three at a time. But to the young people the fire was a tragedy beyond this for destroying the only source of entertainment for young people the community provided. The following song was written by Jim Camp just after the fire and is an example of how one teonager felt and how it effected him.


The year was 1968 the day was number one,

A fire was found in Murray and it was really gone.

The firemen sprayed their water upon the ragin' flame,

But the fire in the show house, it could not be tamed.

I can't believe my eyes today, oh say it isn't true.

Without a show in Murray what will the kids all do?

The people stared with wonder and they said how did it start?

The show burnt down in Murray, it like to broke my heart.

Oh me, Ohy My, Oh tell me why, does any body know?

What will the Murray kids all do now that there is no show?

Well the sight where it burned had hardly gotten cold,

Til the Murray people came alive and future plans were told.

But on Main Street an empty space stood where the show had been,

I could hardly wait for the builders to begin.

My hopes are up high and it must come I know.

Someday in Murray there'll be a brand new show.

And kids will come from miles around just to be present there.

Then in Murray on Saturday nite main street will not be bare.



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Last revised September 27, 2013