Anton Scholl Family

Anton Scholl was born at Etrikausin, Germany, February 8, 1846, and came to Burlington, Iowa, in 1866.

In 18'72, he moved to Clarke County settling on a farm in Madison Township.

He was married to Fredericka Audlehelm in 1875. There were eleven children, three of them dying in infancy; Caroline, Jennie, Minnie, Anton, Katie, John, Arthur and Nicholas.

Jennie Scholl was married to Wiliam Camp

in 1913. Their five children are Edith, Galen, Charlotte, Margaret and Jean.

They farmed for several years in Madison Township before moving to Murray. He worked in the garage for Clarence Wetzel and was Night Marshal for a time, then run a filling station.

Margaret married Frank Cox and their children are Joyce, Herbert, Beverly, Kenneth, Philip and Phyllis.


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Last revised October 6, 2013