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  Marne 1875-1975 Bios

Red Rose Divider

EGERTON DUNHAM was born in Ontario, Canada, on April 20, 1845. At age twenty, he went to Wisconsin where he was a lumberjack for two years, then he lived in Boone and Linn Counties, Iowa. On February 23, 1871, he married Cordelia (Blakeslee) Swinburne, the sister of Obed Blakeslee, later of Brighton Township. In 1878, the Dunhams moved to Brighton Township and bought a 240-acre tract of land in Section 3, which lay north of Obed Blakeslee's lands. Egerton and Cordelia Dunham had four children - Charles, Rufus, Grace and Elsie. Mrs. Dunham had three children by her former marriage - Carrie, Cornelia and John.

Transcribed from "The First Century, A History of Marne, Iowa 1875 - 1975", published in 1975, Marne, Iowa: The Marne Centennial Historical Committee, pg. 26. Transcribed (2015) by Cheryl Siebrass and contributed September, 2019.

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