Cass County Register of Births - 1880

For the Year ending October 1st, A. D., 1880.

No.Date of ReturnName of
SexNo. of
Date of
Place of
If in another
give name of
of Father
Father's Place
of Birth
of Mother
Mother's Place
of Birth
Full Name
of Mother
Maiden Name
of Mother
of Mother
Full Name
of Father
Name & Address
of Medical Attendant
Name & Address
of Person
Making Certificate
Returned byTranscriber
1July191880____ FranklinMaleWhita??WhiteJuly 18th, 1880Brighton Tp, Cass Co., Iowa AmericanIowa39AmericanIowa Alice M FranklinAlice M. OstranderBrighton Tp, Cass Co, IowaWilliam C. FranklinFarmerJ F FitchMarne, Cass Co IowaJ F Fitch 
2   ____ ByrdMaleEighthWhiteJuly 4th, 1880Atlantic, Cass County, Iowa AmericanIndiana51AmericanIowa Mary J. ByrdMary J. GleasenAtlantic, IowaThomas J. ByrdFarmerB A Wilder, Atlantic Cass Co IowaB A Wilder, AtlanticB A Wilder 
3   ____ HamiltonMaleFirstWhite Atlantic, Iowa AmericanIllinois23AmericanIowa A. B. HamiltonA. B. TurnerAtlantic, IowaW. E. HamiltonMechanicB A Wilder, Atlantic IowaB A.Wilder, AtlanticB A Wilder 
4   Eva AlexanderFemaleFirstWhiteJuly 22, 1880Atlantic, Iowa 3rd Ward AmericanMass40AmericanOhio30Jessie AlexanderJessie CaldronAtlantic, IowaJames H. AlexanderGrocerH K Macomber, Atlantic IowaH K MacomberH K Macomber 
5   ____ McFaddenMaleSecondWhiteJuly 29th, 1880Atlantic, Iowa 4th Ward American 49AmericanAtlantic, Iowa37Julia I McFaddenJulia I WhitingAtlantic, Cass Co., IowaSamuel T McFaddenMerchantH K Macomber, Atlantic IowaH K MacomberH K Macomber 
6   Isabel Anna WebsterFemaleThirdWhiteJuly 5th, 1880Bear Grove Tp, Cass Co, Iowa American 35American 30 Loraine Eliza Wilson Roger N. WebsterFarmerL M Andrews, Lewis Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M Andrews 
7   ____ SandoMaleFourthWhite(No date)Bear Grove Tp, Cass Co, Iowa AmericanPennsylvania Irish  Francis Riddlemosier Fisher - Sando PennsylvaniaCalvin D. SandoFarmerL M Andrews, Lewis Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M Andrews 
8   Minnietta FisherFemaleFifthWhiteJuly 10th 1880Lewis Cass County Iowa AmericanOhio37GermanGermany35Caroline FisherCaroline SmithGermanCharles FisherFarmerL M Andrews, Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M Andrews 
9   Clarance HedrickMaleFourthWhiteJuly 9th 1880Pymosa Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanIndiana28AmericanIowa24Lucy HedrickLucy HarrisPymosa Tp Cass Co IowaWilliam HedrickFarmerC V Wilder MD, Atlantic Cass Co IowaC V WilderC V Wilder 
10   Eva May DavisFemaleTenthWhiteJuly 6th 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanOhio49AmericanOhio41Martha Jane DavisMartha Jane MeekAnita Cass Co IowaJessie DavisLaborerV D Rood, Anita Cass Co IowaV D RoodV D Rood 
11   John Peter MacomberMaleFirstWhiteJuly 1st 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanMass49AmericanOhio37Anna Bell MacomberAnna B HalsteadChicago IllinoisJ A MacomberCorn MerchantV D Rood, Anita Cass Co IowaV D RoodV D Rood 
12   ____ Cate  WhiteMay 11th 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanMichigan27AmericanIowa25Nellie E CateNellie E HouffAnita IowaFrank E CateClerkV D Rood, Anita Cass Co IowaV D RoodV D Rood 
13   Joseph KempsterMaleFirstWhiteJune 24th 1880Audubon County IowaAudubon County IowaEnglishEngland35GermanGermany Mary KempsterMarty NortonAudubon Co IowaJohn KempsterFarmerV M Rood MD, Cass Co IowaV M RoodV M Rood 
14   Carrie ParsisFemaleFirstWhite Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanVermont31AmericanVermont31Ada M ShermanAda M PrattAnita IowaJohn ShermanFarmerE E Major, Anita Cass Co IowaE E MajorE E Major 
15   Ada CaseFemaleThirdWhiteJuly 19th 1880Bear Grove Cass Co Iowa AmericanLewis Cass County Iowa30AmericanLee Co Iowa28Martha Case  George F CaseFarmerJ G Rishel MD, Lewis Cass Co IowaJ G RishelJ G Rishel 
16   John Patrick PrayMaleFirstWhiteJuly 29th 1880Shelby County IowaShelby County IowaIrishIreland AmericanCarvey County Idiana Anna Hugh Pray(Davis McFarden)Shelby County IowaHugh PrayFarmerAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von EgertFather's Place of Birth: sic Indiana
17   Karl Henrich RemeinMaleThirdWhiteAug 1st 1880Marne Cass County Iowa GermanNeustdat Holstein28GermanNeustadt Holstein24Anna Remeine____ Greve Olof RemeineMasonAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von Egert 
18   Earl Elroy CampbellMaleEighthWhiteAug 4th 1880Marne Cass County Iowa AmericanOhio42AmericanHenderson Co Indiana37Elizabeth Louisa CampbellElizabeth L RankinMarne Cass Co IowaJames Bartholomew CampbellFarmerAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von EgertEntry stamped "AMENDED"; "Charley Henry" crossed out "Earl Elroy" written in. Light notation in col. 8: cc 12-6-56 MLW.
19   ____ ClureFemaleFirstWhiteJuly 1st 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanIowa21AmericanIowa Amelia ClureAmelia HedeleAnita Cass Co IowaCharles ClureLaborerJ S Bennett MD, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S Bennett MDJ S Bennett MD 
20   ____ BucklesFemaleFifthWhiteJuly 3rd 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanIndiana46AmericanVermont31Jane Harriett BucklesJane Harriett AmdenAnita Cass Co IowaFrancis M BucklesMechanicJ S Bennett MD, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S Bennett MDJ S Bennett MD 
21   Maud Ethel FolsomFemaleFirstWhiteJuly 18th 1880Lincoln Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanArkansas27AmericanIowa22Mary Ellen FolsomMary Ellen DabneyLincoln Tp Cass Co IowaWilliam K. FolsomFarmerJ S Bennett MD, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S Bennett MDJ S Bennett MDEntry stamped "AMENDED"; given name added. Light notation in col. 2-3: cc 1-16-56 CP
22   ____ WheelerMaleFourthWhiteJuly 19th 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanIowa29AmericanIowa27Mary WheelerMary TownsendAnita Cass Co IowaHenry WheelerMerchantJ S Bennett, Anita Iowa Cass CoJ S BennettJ S Bennett 
23   ____ PettyMaleFirstWhiteJuly 28th 1880Grant Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanNew Jersey31AmericanIowa25Ella PettyElla HubbleGrant Tp Cass Co IowaSamuel PettyFarmerJ S Bennett, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S BennettJ S Bennett 
24   Isabella Caldwell HopperFemaleThirdWhiteAug 17th 1880Atlantic Iowa AmericanMichigan31AmericanBurlington Iowa31Jessie L H HopperJessie L H HaydenAtlantic IowaIsaac HopperLoan BroakerH K Macomber, Atlantic IowaH K MacomberH K MacomberSic: Broaker s/b Broker
25   ____ SchranilingFemaleFirstWhiteJuly 21st 1880Pleasant Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanJackson County Iowa23AmericanManard County Illinois22Julia M ScramilingJulia M HigganbothenPleasant Tp Cass Co IowaDaniel J SchranilingFarmerMrs Gifford Elliott IowaE G Wands MD Griswold IowaE G WandsSic? "Manard" Co s/b "Menard" Co?
26   May FowbleFemaleFirstWhiteAug 19th 1880Atlantic Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanBaltimore Maryland30AmericanOhio29Ann Eliza FowbleAnn Eliza CrosierGrove City Cass Co IowaDavid A FowbleFarmerA P Macomber Atlantic IowaA P MacomberA P Macomber 
27   Estella McClintockFemaleSeventhWhiteAug 1st 1880Lewis Cass County Iowa AmericanIowa AmericanIowa Mary McClintockMary ConradLewis Cass Co IowaAugustus McClintockFarmerJ G Rishel MD, Lewis Cass Co IowaJ G RishelJ G Rishel 
28   Wm Edward BoydMaleSecondWhiteAug 1st 1880Iranistan Cass County Iowa AmericanPennsylvania AmericanIowa Clara BoydMiss GreshonIranistan Cass Co IowaFranklin BoydFarmerJ G Rishel MD, Lewis Cass Co IowaJ G RishelJ G RishelMother's surname Greshan s/b Gresham?
29   Marrah E AllenFemaleFirstWhiteJuly 25th 1880Griswold Cass Co Iowa American 43American 28Ruth Etta Allen Griswold Cass Co IowaS W AllenGardening or Nursery BuisnessL M Andrews, Lewis Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M AndrewsCol 22: sic Nursery Business
30   ____ ShearerMaleFirstWhiteAug 5th 1880Washington Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanPennsylvania23AmericanPensylvania20Lovina ShearerLovina HetrickWashington Tp Cass Co IowaRobert ShearerFarmerL M Andrews, Lewis Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M AndrewsCol 16: sic Pennsylvania
31   ____ KerrigMaleSeventhWhiteAug 31st 1880Atlantic Cass Co Iowa GermanGermany30AmericanDeavenport Iowa21Lucy KerrigLucy SimmondsAtlantic IowaDaniel KerrigDon't KnowC V Wilder, Atlantic IowaC V WilderC V WilderCol 16: sic Davenport
32   ____ ClarkMaleEighthWhiteAug 10th 1880Benton Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanIllinois41AmericanIllinois36Josie ClarkJosie HallBenton Tp Cass Co IowaJohn W ClarkFarmerJ S Bennett, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S BennettJ S Bennett 
33   ____ FennerMaleSecondWhiteAug 16th 1880Audubon Co IowaAudubon County IowaAmericanNew York31AmericanIowa21Sila FennerSila DeedsAudubon Co IowaTheodore N FennerFarmerJ S Bennett, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S BennettJ S Bennett 
34   ____ Van SlikeFemaleSecondWhiteAug 17th 1880Audubon County IowaAudubon County IowaAmericanNew York41AmericanVirginia38Sarah F Van SlikeSarah F CourtneyAudubon Co IowaOrin W Van SlikeFarmerJ S Bennett, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S BennettJ S Bennett 
35   Belle OgdenFemaleNinthWhiteAug 25th 1880 7 A.M.Grant Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanIowa37AmericanIowa36Anna Eliza OgdenAnna E HollidayGrant Tp Cass Co IowaEdwin OgdenFarmerJ S Bennett, Anita Cass Co IowaJ S BennettJ S Bennett 
36   Hattie E ChestnutFemaleFirstWhiteJuly 5th 1880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanPennsylvania31AmericanIllinois22Hattie A ChestnutHattie A MorrisAnita Cass Co IowaDeKalb ChestnutClerkW Bradway, Anita Cass Co IowaW BradwayW Bradway 
37   Viola WilkinsonFemaleFourthWhiteJuly 9th 1880Grant Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanOstego County New York45AmericanDeKalb Co Indiana32Carrie WilkinsonCarrie HiteGrant Tp Cass Co IowaWilliam H WilkinsonFarmerW Bradway, Anita Cass Co IowaW BradwayW Bradway 
38   Clara M CheneyFemaleSecondWhite Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanNew York AmericanNew York Laura CheneyLaura MartinAnita Cass Co IowaAmerigo CheneyLaborerW Bradway, Anita Cass Co IowaW BradwayW Bradway 
39   ____ MoyerMaleThirdWhiteAug 10th 1880Atlantic Iowa American  American  Rosa Moyer Atlantic IowaAllen MoyerLaborerJ M EmmerttAtlantic Cass Co IowaJ M EmmerttPhysician surname sic: Emmert
40   Mary E VorheisFemaleSecondWhiteAug 10th 1880Cass County Iowa American 25American 22Elizabeth Vorheis Atlantic Cass Co IowaGeorge VorheisFarmerJ M Emmertt, Atlantic IowaJ M EmmerttJ M EmmerttPhysician surname sic: Emmert
41   Frank E SherwoodMaleFourthWhiteAug 15th 1880Pleasant Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanNew York38AmericanNew York35Sebra SherwoodSebra MausPleasant Tp Cass Co IowaFrancis SherwoodFarmerE G Wands, Atlantic Cass Co Iowa E G Wands MD 
42   ___ GrubMaleFirstWhiteSept 1st 1880Atlantic Cass County Iowa American 25American  Carrie GrubCarrie WistonAtlantic IowaL. C. GrubMerchantJ M Emmeret, Atlantic IowaJ M EmmeretJ M EmmeretPhysician surname sic: Emmert
43   ____ ChapmanFemaleFirstWhiteSept 2nd 1880Griswold Cass Co Iowa AmericanOhio AmericanMinn Kittie ChapmanKittie AllenGriswold Cass Co IowaFrank H ChapmanStation AgentE G Wands MD, Griswold Cass Co IowaE G WandsE G Wands 
44   ____ RadekeFemaleFifthWhiteAug 16th 1880Anita Cass County Iowa GermanPrusia40GermanGermany36Caroline RadekeCaroline MerlingAnita Cass Co IowaHerman RadekeLaborerV D Rood MD, Anita Cass Co IowaV D RoodV D Roodsic Prussia
45   ____ Van SchanckMaleWhiteAug 20th 1880Lincoln Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanNew York38AmericanOhio27Ellen Van SchanckEllen GrayLincoln Tp Cass Co IowaHershall Van SchanckFarmerV D Rood MD, Anita Cass Co IowaV D RoodV D Rood 
46   Fred LaskerMaleWhiteAug 24th 1880Marne Cass County Iowa AustrainAustria in Germany31AustrainAustria in Germany26Barbery LaskerBarbery StartishmetzMarne Cass Co IowaGeorge LaskerBlacksmithJ T Fitch, Marne Cass Co IowaJ T FitchJ T Fitch 
47   Elias Garfield WillisMaleWhiteJuly 16th 1880Cass County Iowa AmericanWisconsin24AmericanWisconsin21Ellen WillisEllen WarriorCass Co IowaCharles WillisFarmerMrs Willis, Fontainell Adair Co IowaC B Scott MD sic Fontanelle
48   David JamesMaleWhiteAug 19th 1880Shelby County Iowa AmericanIndiana28AmericanMuscartine Iowa38Malise Jane WilsonMalise J JacksonShelby Co IowaJames C WilsonFarmerAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von Egert 
49   ____ Bell ThreeWhiteAug 23rd 1880Atlantic Iowa AmericanOhio48AmericanOhio32Minervy J BellMinervey J TenerAtlantic IowaA Carver BellTeamster & LaborerE E Hutchinson, Atlantic Cass Co IowaE E HutchinsonE E Hutchinson 
50   Paul Max BarnholdtMaleFourthWhiteAug 24th 1880Marne Cass County Iowa GermanSchleswig Holesteine20GermanHolesteine Caroline BarnholdtCaroline WeiseMarne Cass Co IowaMarcus BarnholdtButcherAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von Egert 
51   Friedrich GrodtMaleSixthWhiteAug 24th 1880Marne Cass County Iowa GermanHolstein Pankergrat45GermanHolstein Germany40Dorothea GrodtDorothea StarkMarne Cass Co IowaWilheilm GrodtTeamsterMrs Tina JochiersonAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von EgertMedical attendant surname sic? Jochierson? Jochurson? Johnson?
52   Loran Lester RowlandMaleFourthWhiteAug 26th 1880Bear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanBear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanPennsylvania33L. M. RowlandL. M. BerryBear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaS M RowlandFarmerJ. G. Rishel, Lewis Cass Co IowaJ. G. RishelJ. G. Rishel 
53   Anna M WalterFemaleSixthWhiteSept 2nd 1880Cass County Iowa GermanHolstein Germany35GermanHolstein Germany30Maria D WalterMaria D SteeterCass Co IowaJohann H WalterFarmerMrs Hermin E WalterAlbert Von Egert, Marne Iowa  
54   ____ NielsonFemaleFirstWhiteSept 6th 1880Atlantic Cass Co Iowa DaneDenmakr28DaneDenmark22Anna K NielsonAnna K ClousenAtlantic IowaSoren C NielsenGrocerH K Macomber, Atlantic IowaH K MacomberH K Macomber 
55   Helen DemingFemaleFirstWhiteSept 12th 1880Atlantic Iowa AmericanWilton Vermont25AmericanWilton Vermont24Mary Dora DemingMary Dora CrowWilton VermontPortius C DemingMerchantH K Macomber, Atlantic IowaH K MacomberH K Macomber 
56   Clarance S MurnanMaleSecondWhiteSept 12th 1880Cass Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanIndiana38AmericanIllinois24Katie MurnanKatie ParesCass County IowaSamuel C MurnanFarmerL M Andrews, Lewis Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M Andrews 
57   ____ FusonMaleThirdWhiteSept 15th 1880Pleasant Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanOhio35AmericanOhio23Emma FusonEmma ProctorPleasant Tp Cass Co IowaWilliam J FusonFarmerJ G Rishel MD, Lewis Cass County IowaJ. G. RishelJ. G. Rishel 
58   John Gordon StoeksMaleFirstWhiteSept 19th 1880Atlantic Iowa AmericanLouisiana33AmericanVermont18Emma M StoeksEmma M OliverAtlantic IowaWilliam E StoeksCookE E Hutchinson, Atlantic IowaE E HutchinsonE E Hutchinson 
59   Mary E PharesFemaleFirstWhiteSept 20th 1880Atlantic Cass Co IowaAmericanIowa25AmericanIowa17Elizabeth PharesElizabeth WelcherAtlantic IowaAllen E PharesLaborerE E Hutchinson, Atlantic IowaE E HutchinsonE E Hutchinson 
60   ____ Ross
____ Ross
Males Twins WhiteSept 23rd 1880Wright Tp Pottwattamie CoPottawattamie County IowaAmericanOhio38AmericanOhio33Mary S RossMary S RossWright Tp Pott Co IowaJoseph RossFarmerL M Andrews MD, Lewis Cass Co IowaL M AndrewsL M Andrews 
61   Almira McCartheyFemaleFirstWhiteSept 24th 1880Bear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanNew York AmericanPennsylvania Mary S McCartheyMary S SwitzerBear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaChas. P McCartheyFarmerJ. G. Rishel MD, Lewis Cass Co IowaJ. G. RishelJ. G. Rishel 
62   Grace Genervia CapperFemaleFirstWhiteSept 29th 1880Bear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanIllinois26AmericanIowa19Susanna CapperSusie PredmoreBear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaHenry Howard CapperFarmerJ. G. Rishel MD, Lewis Cass Co IowaJ. G. RishelJ. G. Rishel 
63   ____ AnglerMaleThirdWhiteSept 8th 1880Pottawattamie County Iowa AmericanKentuckey25AmericanKentuckey23Mary E AnglerMary E DuttonWright Tp Pott Co IowaR N AnglerFarmerSibbina Collins MidwifeT J WakefieldSibbina Collins 
64   ____ GarlandFemale WhiteJuly 3rd 1880  AmericanNew Hampshire AmericanMass Grace M GarlandGrace M SanborneMarne Cass Co IowaHerman J GarlandRail Road AgentT N Kirkpatrick, Marne Cass   
65   Guy Willis CocklinMaleSecondWhiteAug 31st 1880Pottawattamie County Iowa AmericanPennsylvania36AmericanIllinois24Milissa Jane CocklinMilissa Jane Wallace William L CocklinFarmerSibbene Collins MidwifeWright Tp Pott Co Iowa  
66   ____ MackrillFemaleThirdWhiteSept 14th 1880Pleasant Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanCalhoun Co Illinois23AmericanCalhoun Co Illinois23Cora MackrillCora CampbellPleasant Tp Cass Co IowaJoseph MackrillFarmerT J Wakefield, Griswold Cass Co IowaT J WakefieldT J Wakefield 
67   ____ WakefieldMaleFirstWhiteSept 20th 1880Griswold Cass County Iowa AmericanJefferson Co Pennsylvania AmericanIowa Sarah J WakefieldSarah Jane SmullGriswold IowaThomas J WakefieldDoctorT J Wakefield, Griswold Cass Co IowaT J WakefieldT J WakefieldLight notation col 11: cc2-1-78
68   ____ Buckney  WhiteSept 22nd 1880Noble Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanNew York Livington Co33AmericanLivington County N. Y.31Mary E BuckneyMary E PiperNoble Tp Cass Co IowaWilliam E BuckneyFarmerT J Wakefield, Griswold Cass Co IowaT J WakefieldT J Wakefield 
69   Clara ParkerFemaleFourthWhiteJuly 26th 1880Benton Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanIllinois32AmericanIllinois Jane ParkerJane DillBenton Tp Cass Co IowaJohn ParkerFarmer Georgiana McGrain, Benton Tp Cass Co Iowa  
70   ____ Hall  WhiteSept 22nd 1880Grant Tp Cass County Iowa EnglishYorkshire England38IrishIreland35Mary A HallMary A MeredithGrant Tp Cass Co IowaJohn HallFarmer Georgiana McGrain, Benton Tp Cass Co Iowa  
71   Ernest W CrowMaleSecondWhiteSept 30th 1880Cass Co Iowa on Farm AmericanColumbus Ohio37AmericanVermont37Nellie CrowMalesCass Co IowaHenry W CrowFarmerAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von Egert 
72   Fay Andrew HowardMaleFirstWhiteSept 1st 1880Benton Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanJasper County Ia38AmericanAudubon Co Iowa19Doly HowardDoly KempCass County IowaBeldon HowardFarmerAlbert Von Egert, Marne Cass Co IowaAlbert Von EgertAlbert Von Egert 
73   Edith Rose KinsmanFemaleThirdWhiteSept 15th 1880Washington Tp Cass County Iowa AmericanIowa34AmericanIndiana31Eliza Jane KinsmanEliza Jane BarnesWashington Tp Cass Co IowaOwen KinsmanFarmerB A Wilder MD Atlantic IowaB A WilderB A Wilder 
74   ____ ConradMaleThirdWhiteOct 6th 1880Atlantic Cass County Iowa AmericanPennsylvania48AmericanOhio39Sarah Jane ConradSarah Jane HockoxAtlantic IowaC C ConradMerchantB A Wilder Atlantic IowaB A WIlderB A WIlder 
75   Niva C Herbert TaylorWhiteFemaleThirdWhiteAug 9th 1880Cass County Iowa AmericanOhio29AmericanIowa22Sarah Ida TaylorSarah Ida HerbertCass County IowaBenjamine F TaylorFarmerD Findley Atlantic IowaD FindleyD Findley 
76   Oriere C AndrewMaleFifthWhiteJuly 21st 1880Bear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanConnecticut31AmericanNew York28Mahala G AndrewMahala G FortBear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaCharles W AndrewFarmerNone   
77   Dan Herbert BailesMaleFirstWhiteAug 12th 1880Cass County Iowa AmericanIowa27AmericanMahaska County Iowa20I Bell Herbert BailesI Bell HerbertPymosa Tp Cass Co IowaMadison C BailesFarmerD Findley MD Atlantic IowaD FindleyD Findley 
78   Henry B DickersonMaleThirdWhiteAug 17th 1880Atlantic Iowa AmericanIowa26AmericanIowa25Sarah C DickersonSarah C Runkles Albert W DickersonCashier BankJ H Barnwell MD, Atlantic, IowaJ H Barnwell MDJ H Barnwell MD 
79   Catharine M WhislerFemaleSeventhWhiteAug 18th 1880Bear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa GermanGermany40GermanGermany Catharine WhislerCatherine DeutschBear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaJacob WhislerFarmerJ G Richel Lewis Cass Co IowaJ G RishelJ G RishelInconsistent spelling , Richel/Rishel
80   Beatie ButlerFemaleSeventhWhiteAug 20th 1880Pymosa Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanIndiana42AmericanIndiana40Florentine ButlerF;premtome EdwardsCass County IowaJohn W ButlerFarmerD Findley MD Atlantic Cass Co IowaD FindleyD Findley  
81   Sylvia Clyde ParkerFemaleSecondWhiteAug 29th 1880Bear Grove Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanHuntsville Indiana27CamadoamLowbow Canada26Sarah ParkerSarah StonehouseBear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaVolney ParkerFarmerMrs Rolley Viersen. Bear Grove Tp Cass Co IowaSameSame 
82   Bell J WheatleyFemaleFourthWhiteSept 15th 1880Brighton Tp Cass Co Iowa AmericanVermont33AmericanPennsylvania27Susanna WheatleySusanna ShafferBrighton Tp Cass Co IowaR W WheatleyFarmerD Findley MD Atlantic IowaD Findley MDD Findley MD 
83   ____ CateFemaleSecondWhiteSept 21st 18880Anita Cass County Iowa AmericanNew Hampsh24AmericanIowa Bell O CateBell O CateAnita Cass Co IowaSamuel M CateLaborer  S M Cate, Anita Iowa 
84   ____ SalisburyMaleFirstWhiteSept 24th 1880Atlantic Iowa American 26American  23Margaret SalisburyMargaret HammondAtlantic IowaHorrace SalisburyMerchantJ H Barnwell MD, Atlantic, IowaJ H Barnwell MDJ H Barnwell MD 
No.Date of ReturnName of
SexNo. of
Date of
Place of
If in another
give name of
of Father
Father's Place
of Birth
of Mother
Mother's Place
of Birth
Full Name
of Mother
Maiden Name
of Mother
of Mother
Full Name
of Father
Name & Address
of Medical Attendant
Name & Address
of Person
Making Certificate
Returned byTranscriber

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, May, 2024 from Register of Births vol. 1, 1880, FHL film #106795888.
Original handwritten pages dated Nov. 30th, 1880 and certified by T. R. Wallace, Clerk District and Circuit Courts.

Transcribed as recorded, and please note that these records are NOT in chronological order.
If you identify what you believe to be an error, please contact the County Coordinator so a notation can be included with that entry.

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