Terpstra, Ritske 1836-1904 & Pietje Harkema Family
Posted By: Wilma J. VandeBerg -volunteer (email)
Date: 3/9/2025 at 15:30:10
Terpstra, Ritske 1836-1904 & Pietje Harkema Family
This family biography was composed by Wilma J. Vande Berg of the Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society. This narrative was made from various sources including records from the Netherlands web site www.wiewaswie.nl ; our local web site www.iagenweb.org/sioux ; family reports and vitals collected from ancestry.com records and it’s public member trees, Find A Grave index and various local archives, newspapers, books and publications.
Disclaimer: Names, dates and places may very form one source to another, but have been stated in this biography as presented in the source. Family data taken from ancestry.com public member trees is subject to the submitter of data to ancestry.com and was not verified by this submitter. Information was cross checked from sources where possible. Cynthia Christenson Terpstra, wife of Philip Terpstra, also added some information. Note: the ancestral birth place of Ritske Terpstra family was in Oosterbierum, which at the time was in the municipality of Barradeel, later it was changed to the municipality Franekeradeel, Friesland Netherlands
EVENTS Timeline:
Immigration: 1888-1890 Found in ancestry.com records, Immigration, Passenger lists.
1888 – Sjoerd born 1871 came 1888 on ship Amsterdam.
1889 – 1 Mar 1889 Jochum and Peter came to New York on Ship Amsterdam.
1890 - 3 Mar 1890 Left Rotterdam and France was Risdti (Ritske) 53, Hilltje (Boersma) 26,, Pietertje 25, Jelle 11, Sippe 8. Klaas 1873, all left for New York on the Ship P. Caland.
1892 – Rienskje Terpstra and husband Jelle Veenstra with daughters Phoebe and Elizabeth born 1890 immigrated.Marriages Timeline: added by Cynthia Terpstra; Netherlands marriages - www.wiewaswie.nl ; Ancestry.com stats and public member trees.
1861 – 11 May 1861 Ritske Terpstra, 25 yrs born at Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, married Pietje Pieter Harkema born at Sexbierum 19 yrs married at Barradeel
1887 – 30 July 1887 Rinskje Terpstra (daughter of Ritske), 25 yrs born Oosterbierum, Barradeel Friesland, married Jelle Veenstra 24 yrs born Oosterbierum, married at Barradeel
1890 – 20 Sep 1890 Pietertje Terpstra born 1864 Oosterbierum, Barradeel Friesland (daughter of Ritske) married Hermanus Zoet, married at Sioux Center IA.
1890 – 22 Oct 1890 Ritske Terpstra and second wife, Baukje ‘Bertha’ Tymensma Haagsma were married iRev. De Pree First Reformed church of Sioux Center, Sioux County IA.
1890 – 24 Dec 1890 Pieter Terpstra (son of Ritske) born 1865 Oosterbierum, Barradeel Friesland and Hiltje ‘Hilda’ Boersma were married at Sioux Center IA.
1892 – 10 Mar 1892 Sjoerd Terpstra (son of Ritske) born 1871 Oosterbierum, Barradeel Friesland, and Tryntje ‘Kate’ Aardema were married in Sioux County IA.
1893 – 24 Mar 1893 Jochem Terpstra (son of Riske) born 1867 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland and Doetje ‘Dora’ Veenstra were married by Rev. De Pree of the First Reformed church of Sioux Center IA.
1894 – 7 Mar 1894 Klaas Terpstra (son of Ritske) born 1873 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland and Minka ‘Minnie’ Statema were married in Sioux County IA.
1910 – 26 Jul 1910 Sippe Terpstra (son of Ritske) born 1881 Oosterbierum, Barradeel,Friesland and Florence Druger were married in Sioux County IA.Church Records Book 1. of First Reformed Church of Sioux Center IA
1896 – Membership page 115, of Klaas Terpstra and Minke Statema left the church along with son Jan Terpstra born 27 Sep 1894.
1895 – Oct 1895 family of Ritske Terpstra and Boukje Tiemersma Haagsma book 1, page 86, left Sioux Center for Orange City. Terpstra Children were Jouke (Jochum) 1867, Sjoerd 1871, Klaas 1873, Jelte 1877, and Sippe 1881. Boukje Haagsma’s children were Sarah 1881, Jacob, Beitske and Fannie 1889. Assumed they transferred to the Christian Reformed Church of Orange City as Ritske’s funeral was from there in 1904.
1895 – after transferred to Orange City Chr. Ref. Church found the names of Terpstra, Ritsche and wife Boukje Teimmertsma, stated only that he had made profession of faith and then a note he is deceased, no dates. That church also had brief listings for Klaas, Jepke, Sjerd, Ritske and Peter Terpstra. (spellings as listed in source)Census Records:
1895 Iowa State census of Welcome Tsp. Sioux County IA lists Ritske Terpstra age 59 born abt 1836 Netherlands His wife was Boukje Terpstra age 41 born 1854 Netherrlands Children: Jelle 1878, Sippie 1882, Step children -Sara 1882, Jacob 1889, Bessie 1880, Fannie 18901900 Federal Census of Orange City IA Ritske P. Terpstra was 64 years born Jan 1836 in the Netherlands, his wife was Boukje Terpstrs, they married 1890, he was not naturalized, he was a day laborer, owned his mortgaged home. His step children were Sarah Haagsma 18, Jacob Haagsma 12, Bessie Haagsma 12 and Fannie Haagsma 10.
1904 - Ritske Pieters Terpstra died 27 Apr 1904 at Orange City, buried West Lawn Orange City however there is no headstone to mark burial location records said to have been destroyed by fire. His first wife and mother of his 11 children, Pietje Pieters Harkema, died in the Netherlands 23 Feb 1887. See accounts later in this biography. After coming to the USA Ritske married Boukje Tymensma Haagsma 22 Oct 1890 she had four Haagsma children. Eleven Terpstra children were born though only 8 lived to adulthood. All 8 immigrated, in 4 separate trips, to Sioux County IA.
RESEARCH Family – Ritske and Peitje from wiewaswie.nl, ancestry.com, and ancestry’s public member trees.
Ritske Pieters Terpstra born 6 Jan 1836 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 27 Apr 1904 Orange City, Sioux, IA. He was the son of Pieter Jogchums Terpstra 1794 Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 18 Mar 1850 Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands; married 15 Jan 1814; to Reintje Sjoerda Bakker born 1795 Sexbierum, Franeferadeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
Ritske Pieters Terpstra married Pietje Pieters Harkema on 11 May 1861 Baradeel Friesland, Netherlands.
Pietje Pieters Harkema born 29 May 1841 Sexbierum, , Friesland, Netherlands died 23 Feb 1887 Friesland Netherlands. She was the daughter of Pieter Sippes Harkema born 30 Nov 1813 Sexbierum, Barradeel, Friesland Netherlands died 7 Dec 1861 Barradeel, Friesland, Netherland, and Reinskjen Oenes Wieringa born 7 Jan 1813 Wonseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 25 mar 1892 Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands, married 1847. Ritske and Pietje had 11 children, 8 survived to adulthood.
Ritske Terpstra 1836 -1904 married Baukje Tymensma Haagsma 22 Oct 1890 at Sioux Center IA. She had Haagsma children – Sara, Jacob, Bessie and Fannie.
Ritske and Pietje had the following children: Note: Ritske had 3 grandsons named ‘Richard’ after him, following the Dutch Patronymic naming system.
CHILDREN: Sources – Ancestry.com, local archives – obits, Find a Grave – additional information on the children was supplied by Cynthia ‘Cindy’ Mrs. Philip Terpstra.
I. Reinskje Ritskes Terpstra born 28 Feb 1862 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 11 Jun 1938 Sheldon, IA She was buried in Orange City IA. She married Jelle Veenstra born 30 Apr 1863 on 30 Jul 1887, he died Feb1947. Children listed from Jelle’s obit were Lizzie Mrs. Jake Hop of Alton and Phoebe Mrs. Gerrit Boone of Sanborn.
OBIT - Source: Sioux County Capital (6-16-1938) Born: February 28, 1862 Died: June 11, 1938 Mrs. Jelle Veenstra died at Sheldon Holland Home, Saturday and was buried in West Lawn Cemetery, Orange City, Monday. Rienskje Terpstra was born February 28, 1862 and she married Jelle Veenstra in 1887. She passed away June 11, 1938. She was the mother of Mrs. Jake Hop.
OBIT -Source: Alton Democrat (2-6-1947) Born: April 30, 1863 Died: 1947 Jelle Veenstra, former Orange City resident, died at Holland Home in Sheldon Monday. He married Rienskje Terpstra in 1887. She passed away June 11, 1938. He was the father of Mrs. Jake Hop of Alton and Mrs. Gerrit Boone of Sanborn. Funeral services will be held Thursday at the Home, with burial in the Orange City Cemetery.II. Pietertje Ritskes Terpstra born 24 Apr 1863 Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 4 Sep 1863 Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands. Infant death
III. Pieterje Terpstra born 28 Jun 1864 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 6 Feb 1939 Sheldon IA she married Hermanus Zoet (6 Dec 1863- 18 Aug 1936) ) Find a Grave lists one adopted child as Jennie Zoet.1905-1979.
OBIT De Volksvriend of 9 Mar 1939, Zondag avond, den 26 Febr 1939 ontvingen wij hier een telegram, meidende het overlijden van onze zuster, Mrs. Hermanus Zoet in het Holland Home te Sheldon, IA. Zij stierf, ouf zijnde 75 jaren, waar van ze de laatste 12 jaren in the Home sleet. Wij mochien gelukkig vernemwn, dat ze aan het einde getuigde, bereid te zijn om ontbonden te worden. Zij outsliep zacht en kalm. Haar echtgenoot stierf in 1936 Er aijn geen kinderen, behalve een aangenomen kind dat in he Glenwwod, Iowa, Home vertoeft. Hare drie broeders, Peter, Joe and Klaas Terpstra. Ogilvie, MN 2 Mar 1939.
Translated: translation by Google Translate:
Sunday evening, the 26th of Febr 1939 we received a telegram informing us of the death of our sister, Mrs. Hermanus Zoet in the Holland Home in Sheldon, IA. She died, being 75 years old, of which she spent the last 12 years in the Home. We are fortunate to learn that at the end she testified that she was willing to be dissolved. She slept softly and calmly. Her husband died in 1936. There were no children, except for an adopted child who resides in Glenwood, Iowa, home. Her three brothers, Peter, Joe and Klaas Terpstra. Dated - Ogilvie, MN 2 Mar 1939. Couple buried in East Lawn Cemetery Sheldon Iowa. (Glenwood was a home for feeble minded children).
Another article same page
Holland Home Sheldon 4 March den 26 th of Feb overleed Mrs. Hermanus Zoet oud 75 jaar, ze ging zacht en kalm heen, 2 Maart, begraenisdienst in het Home, geleid door Ds. W. Bajema van de Chr Ger. Gem. Alheir, als volgt zingen. Ps. 73 13, lezen Openb. 1. gebed, toespraak over Openb. 1 :17 b en 18 n, zingen Ps. 25 6, gebed. Het stoffelijk overschot ging niet naar de kerk, en werd ter aarde beteld op het kerkhof oost van Sheldon. De famiie uit Minnesota wn uit Wisconsin was niet aanwezig.
Translated: per Google Translation
Holland Home Sheldon 4 March the 26th of Feb Mrs. Hermanus Zoet died aged 75 years, she passed away gently and calmly, 2 March, funeral service in the Home, led by Rev. W. Bajema of the Chr Ger. Gem. Alheir, sing as follows. Ps. 73:13, read Rev. 13:13. 1. prayer, sermon on Rev. 1:17 b and 18 n, singing Ps. 25:6, prayer. The remains were buried in the churchyard east of Sheldon. The family from Minnesota and Wisconsin was not present.IV. Pieter Terpstra born 3 Sep 1865 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland Netherlands died 11 Nov 1943 at Ogilvie MN buried Ogilvie MN. His wife was Hiltje Boersma born 27 Nov 1862 Tzummarum, Friesland, Netherlands died 17 Apr 1935 Ogilvie MN both buried in Graceland Cemetery Ogilvie MN Children listed on Find a Grave were – Richard Peter Terpstra, William Terpstra, Joe P. Terpstra and Hattie Terpstra DeSoto
V. Jochum Terpstra born 20 Feb 1867 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, died 25 Dec 1943 Isanti County MN buried Graceland Cemetery. Wife 1. Doetje ‘Dora’ Veenstra born 16 Jul 1869 Netherlands died 27 Jun 1915 Orange City IA Buried West Lawn. Children listed were Richard Terpstra, Melvin Terpstra, Peter Terpstra, and Elizabeth Terpstra Kooistra Wife 2. Elizabeth de Zoute Roussaint born 1869 died 12 Jul 1941 Kanabec Co. MN.
On 17 Aug 1922 Ogilvie MN, Joe married Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ de Zoute Toussaint 1869-1941 Kanabec Co. MN, is buried Graceland Cemetery.VI. Sippe Terpstra born 14 Jun 1869 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland died at 10 years on 10 Feb 1880 at Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland
VII. Sjoerd Terpstra 9 Aug 1871 Oosterbierum Barradeel Friesland and died 3 Dec1902 Orange City IA Find a Grave lists Sjoerd Ritskes Terpstra born 9 Aug 1871 Oosterbierum Frandkeradeel Friesland Netherlands, died 3 Dec 1902 Orange City IA of Consumpstion (TB) he is buried at West Lawn Cemetery Orange City IA. His wife was Trijntje ‘Kate’ Nannes Aardema born 12 May 1867 Friesland she died 2 Jun 1923 at Doon IA and buried at Hillside Cemetery Doon. Kate Terpstra married Frans Hessels Faber 1862-1940 on 6 Jan 1904
From the Alton Democrat of Dec 6, 1902
Sjoerd Terpstra died at his home in this city Tuesday evening at the age of thirty two. He had been sick a year with consumption. He had just recently bought the R. Bos building and moved it to the north side of the square for a grocery business. The funeral was held Friday.
Sjoerd and Trijntje had four children
1. Richard Terpstra born 12 Feb 1893 Orange City IA died Dec 1981 Nampa, Canyon Co. ID buried Dry Creek Cemetery Boise ID. Wife #1. Bertha F. Thompson born 1894 died 11 May 1968 Star, Ada Co. Idaho. They had two children: (1)Sadie Terpstra born 15 Aug 1915 Pipestone MN died 25 Dec 1931 at Orange County CA buried Fairhaven Memorial Park at Santa Ana Orange CA (2) George Terpstra born 1919 Iowa died 8 Mar 1827 Santa Ana Orange CA buried same place as Sadie.
2. John Terpstra born 5 Jun 1896 Orange City IA died 5 Oct 1920 Doon IA. He married 1917 Maggie Vander Plaats born 22 Mar 1895 Hull IA died 22 Sep 1988 Ripon, CA buried Hillside Doon, IA . Child: Katheryn Josie Terpstra born 26 Nov 1919 Iowa died 8 Nov 2020 Ripon CA She married William Boersma. 1918 died 21 Mar Ripon CA.
3 Jelta Terpstra born 27 Sep 1899 Orange City IA died 28 Apr 1950 Ann Arbor MI. He married Katherine Toering in 1927 she was born 14 Nov 1905 Hospers IA and died 30 Aug 1995 Kent Co. MI. They had five children (1)Thelma Arlene Niehof (3) Stewart Eugene Terpsra, and (5) Marilyn Gae Leisman. Number 2 and 4 are still living.
4. Tietje ‘Tillie’ Terpstra Gort Langerak born 10 Aug 1901 Sioux County IA died 1 May 1997 Grand Rapids Mi. She married Ralph Gort in 1919. Ralph was born 27 Aug 1898 SD and died 3 Jun 1930 Detroit MI, Their children were (1) Alvina Kathryn Goorhouse (2) Esther Lillian Noel, (3) Hilbert Gort. (4) Raymond Eugene Gort and (5)Elenaor June BrownVIII. Klaas Terpstra born 17 Sep 1873 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, Netherlands died 18 Jun 1955 at Mille Lacs County MN His wife was Minnie Statema born 4 Jun 1871 Friesland Netherlands, died 16 May 1933 Ogilvie, MN. Both are buried in Graceland Cemetery. One child listed on Find A Grave as John Klaas Terpstra.
IX. Rientje Terpstra born 3 Jun 1875 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, died 14 Apr 1876 Sexbierum Friesland Neth.
X. Jelta Terpstra born 5 Nov 1877 Barradeel, Friesland died 8 May 1897 Orange City IA.
DeVolksvriend of May 13, 1897 In Dutch
Translated: Obituary
As a result of a horse's blow to the stomach region, death resulted today,
Saturday evening half past seven, an end to the life of our beloved, more than 19 year old son, Jelte Terpstra. Is a shocking event, and we are deeply saddened. But we turn for comfort and comfort to the Lord our God only He can dry the tears. It is encouraging, in this very sad event, that a son as a child looked eagerly to the forgiveness of his sins, and to eternal life; no one has ever sought God in vain. In the obit the children also named of Ritske Terpstra, Bouwkje Terpstra born Tiemersma (Tymensma) , Orange City IA dated 8 May 1897.XI. Sippe Terpstra born 17 Jun 1881 Oosterbierum, Barradeel, Friesland, Netherland died 17 Sep 1926 near Maurice, Sioux County IA. Buried at Hospers Cemetery at Hospers. Married (Florence Druger 6 Jul 1887 – 27 Jan 1973) on 26 July 1910. Child: Eugene Terpstra born 21 Apr 1919 at Hospers IA, and died with his father in a flooded river near Maurice IA. .
On Friday afternoon word was received here that the body of Mr. Sip Terpstra had been found after a search extending over a period of nearly two weeks. It was on Friday evening two weeks previous that Mr. Terpstra lost his life when in company with his little son Eugene he attempted to cross the flooded road on their way to Sioux Center via Orange City. They had planned to meet Mrs. Terpstra after the conference program of the Women’s Missionary society which was held at Sioux Center that day. However, the car became stalled and they were soon the victims of a flood such as Sioux county has never before witnessed.
The body of Mr. Terpstra was brought to the Duven undertaking parlors at Orange City and the following day the funeral services were held at two o’clock from the First Reformed church at Hospers of which the deceased was a member. Rev. Stegeman delivered the funeral sermon in English and Rev. G. Douwstra of Hull spoke in the Holland language, while Rev. Roetman of Newkirk conducted services in the basement to an overflow meeting. The text for the funeral sermon was the 15th verse of Psalms 116, “Previous in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Both ministers paid tribute to the high ideals and aspirations which they knew Mr. Terpstra possessed. For these ideals he was admired by a host of acquaintances and respected by all who knew him. As a testimony of this respect all the business places were closed during the two hours service.
Deceased was born in the year 1881 in Oosterbierum in the Netherlands. When he was ten years of age he immigrated to America with his mother, his father having come two years previous. Coming directly to Sioux Center and afterwards settling in Orange City where he grew to manhood. He was educated in the Orange City schools and also finished a course at the N.W.C.A. there, then attended the watchmakers school at St. Paul and later took an optical course in Minneapolis. Some twenty-two years ago he started up in Hospers as a jeweler and has been connected with this line of work since.
In July of the year 1910 he was united in marriage to Miss Florence Druger also of Hospers and to this union one child was born, Eugene their little seven-year old son who perished with his father. The two were pals in life and in death they were taken as if never to be parted. He leaves to mourn a wife, two sisters, three brothers, 3 step sisters and one step brother, besides numerous other relatives and friends who greatly miss him and regret his tragic death. These dear ones have as their consolation that in the reviewing of his life they can not but feel that Mr. Terpstra led an upright Christian life. We extend here our heartfelt sympathy especially to the [sorrowing wife].
Florence Druger Terpstra married Reg.Mannes Stegeman Oct 1935.OBITUARY of Ritske Terpstra
Sioux County Herald of Apr 6, 1904
Old Man Terpstra who resides in the western part of town, is dangerously ill with cancer of the Stomach.From the Alton Democrat of Apr 30, 1904
Orange City News.
R. Terpstra aged sixty-eight died Tuesday of cancer of the stomach The funeral was held on Thursday at the Christian Reformed church.DeVolksvriend of Thursday Apr 18, 1904
Translation – by google.
During the past night Mr. R. Terpstra passed away gently and calmly in the midst of more than 68 years. He spent about four months struggling and the last five weeks the sick person slowly but surely deteriorated. He leaves behind his wife, as well as six children from the first marriage.
More than 14 years ago, Mr. Terpstra arrived here with his children from the Netherlands, lived for some years near Sioux Center, and for the last nine or ten years was a resident of Orange City.
It is fortunate that the deceased may be trusted that the exchange is for himself a change of faith in sight.The funeral is fixed for Thursday afternoon from the church of the C.G. (Christian Reformed) congregation.1900 picture of Ritske and Bertha Terpstra family from Denny Vermulm who is a descendant of Bertha Haagsma Terpstra.
Sioux Biographies maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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