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Elizabeth (Jordan) Martin


Posted By: Linda Smith
Date: 6/29/2024 at 08:53:22

Advocate Tribune
Indianola, Iowa
Thursday, October 5, 1882

MARTIN - died of cancer at her residence in Jackson township, September 28th, 1882, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Martin aged about 60 years.

Deceased, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Jordan, was born in Ohio and removed to Iowa and settled near Knoxville. In 1866 she was united in marriage with Wm. Martin, since which time she had lived in Jackson township.

She was a member of the UP Congregation of St. Charles, was a living, working, loving and beloved member; was able councellor [counselor] for the things which make for peace.

As a friend she was true and faithful, a loving tender wife and a loving faithful mother to her step-children. Never has the place of mother been filled better by one who has filled her place. The tender loving attentions of the children during her long sickness bear witness of the tender love they bore their mother, and now they mourn for her sorely and rise up and call her blessed.

Mrs. Martin was buried near St. Charles on Friday the 29th of September. Rev. Raitt preached.

Indianola Herald
Indianola, Iowa
Thursday, October 2, 1882

DIED at her home in Jackson township, September 28th, Elizabeth J. Martin.

Elizabeth Gordan was born near Millerburg, Holmes Co. Ohio February 8th, 1821. She moved to Indianola during the fall of 1862. the next year the family moved to Knoxville where she lived until married to Wm. Martin, June 19th, 1866.

She received saving faith at an early age, and welked with the people of god in the Associate church connection. She enjoyed a good hope trough grace and ever endeavored to adorn the doctrines of her Lod and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Being called to fill the very difficult place of a step-mother, she was enabled to do this as few can do it; and gained the respect and love of those children as they would respect and love their own mother. She was an affectionate and devote wife; and a most efficient help meet especially in things pertaining to the heavenly treasure.

She is missed in her neighborhood; missed in the congregation of which she was a valuable member; but who can tell how much is is missed in her family? At the time of her death she was a member of the United Presbyterian congregation of St. Charles. She died in the faith, and in confident expectation of a glorious resurrection.

She endured her painful and lingering suffering (her disease being malignant tumor or cancer) with fortitude and patience by waiting for him who said, "I will come again and receive you into myself, that where I am there ye may be also."


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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