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Mary Ellen (Kennedy) Henson (1926)


Posted By: Kathi Kuhl
Date: 6/9/2024 at 15:01:56

St. Charles News
St. Charles, Iowa
Thursday, August 19, 1926

Mary Ellen Kennedy, daughter of Louis and Ellen Kennedy, was born at Brownsville, Nebr., May 12, 1861 and died at the Iowa Lutheran Hospital at Des Moines August 14, 1926, aged 65 years, 3 months, and 2 days. While a small child, she, with her parents and two brothers, Will and Lee, came to Iowa and settled near Norwalk, living there until her marriage with A.G. Henson on November 18, 1879. With the exception of a few years in Kansas and Nebraska, Iowa has been her home.

Eleven children, seven daughters and four sons, were born to this union. Nine are still living, two little girls dying in infancy. All her children, but Benjamine were with her in sickness and death. She leaves to mourn for her, her children--Mrs. DeLinda Coulter, of Rockwell City, Walter, of Dickinson, N. Dak., Mrs. Minnie Hart, of Rutland, N. Dak., Stephen L. of St. Charles, Iowa, Benjamine F. of Rutland, N. Dak., Mrs. Nora Keyes, of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Sadie Bolger, of Greenfield, Iowa, Mrs. Nellie Picken of St. Charles, Iowa, and Albert Earl, of Truro, Iowa, twenty-three grand-children, and two half brothers, Charlie, and Fred Kennedy of Cumming, Iowa, also many other relatives and friends.

On December 31, 1919, her husband died, and since that time she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Picken and family at St. Charles. She was a kind and loving mother and will be sadly missed in her home and community.

"A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled."

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. A.E. George, on Monday afternoon. Interment was made in the Indianola cemetery.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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