Sylvara - Haltom Families
Posted By: vj sylvara (email)
Date: 9/24/2006 at 15:54:33
Martin Tillman Haltom was born January 5, 1825 in MontgomeryCounty, North Carolina to Rachel Haltom. Married September 9, 1847 to Elizabeth Elsome Randall (Owen County, In.), born January 2, 1824 in Kentucky. Martin was an only child. In Owen County, Martin only attended school for 4 months. He lived with his mother and they had only one book in their home, which was the Holy Bible. Martin grew up to teach school in Owen County.
Martin entered 70 acres in Morgan township of Owen Co. Indiana, April 1849. When the family decided to move to Iowa, Martin sold this land on December 11, 1852. He and Elizabeth and their three little girls left Owen County in a covered wagon and one team.
Martin settled in Clarke County, Iowa. Martin was a staunch Democrat and almost was elected to the Iowa legislature from his district. He served as a Justice of the Peace there and as township accessor.
. Martin Haltom was a Baptist minister. His wife was a Presybterian originally, joining the Missionary Baptist Church upon coming to Iowa. The children walked two miles to church. A story told by one of his children, described a wagon trip to church one morning when Martin had been baptized. He put the children in the back of the wagon and as it had been raining, Otter Creek was high when they crossed. The children thought they would be drowned when the water came up in the wagon box but they made it across all right.
Martin died of a stroke on April 10, 1882 in Clarke County. Wife Elizabeth died on March 4, 1880 of consumption. Both are buried in the Walker Cemetery, in Lucas County, Iowa, just across the county line.
i. Sarah Ann Haltom
ii. Rachel Ellen Haltom
iii. Clarissa Harlow Haltom
m.10-16-1868 Isaac Quinn (Lucas Co. Ia.)
iv. Ruth Victoria Haltom
v. Richard Spencer Haltom
m.11-24-1872 Mary C. Roberts (Lucas Co. Ia.) Schoolteacher
in Clarke Co. Ia., 1870. Children: James T. Haltom (1881-1931)
James Thomas Haltom served in Co. E, 15th U.S. Cavalry and in the
United States Marine Corps. He was a prison guard at one time.
James moved to Los Angeles, Ca., where he died January 21, 1931.
vi. Mary Priscilla Haltom
vii. Martha Elizabeth Haltom
viii. Eliza Jane Haltom
ix. Lucinda Evaline Haltom
Evaline Haltom and Charles Sylvara were married December 30, 1882 in Lucas County IowaTHE SYLVARA FAMILY
In the city of Lisbon, Portugal lived a merchant Joseph Silvara, with two sons Joseph and Manuel. It was at the time of Napoleon Wars, and Joseph engaged passage for his sons on a boat to America. The boys were eighteen and twenty years old at the time. Josef was placed on a boat to the South. Manuel landed in Pennsylvania and learned the furriers trade. In time he accumulated enough money to take up a grant of land in Northeast Pennsylvania, where he established his home. He married Janet Marsh a niece of Robert Morris, in 1819. They reared a family of seven sons and three daughters.
John was the fourth son of Manuel and Janet. He was married to Sarah Bixby of New York. To this union were born two sons, Charles and LaBarr. John was drowned in a spring flood while moving logs. His widow married Isaac Sones, and they her brother Charles Bixby and his wife Emily moved to Iowa. Her two sons moved to Iowa with them. LaBarr made his home with the Bixby's. The Bixby's lived in Liberty Center and later moved to Des Moines, where LaBarr grew up and became a lawyer and later a Police Judge in Des Moines. LaBarr never married.
Isaac and Sarah moved to a farm West of Norwood. They had two children. The girl died when she was sixteen. Ira grew to manhood and married Lucy Mills.
In 1882, Charles, son of John Sylvara and Sarah Bixby, married Lucinda Evaline Haltom, daughter of Martin Tillman Haltom and Elizabeth Elsome Randall. Martin was born in North Carolina and moved to Indiana, where he married Elizabeth Elsome Randall in 1853. Later, they moved to Iowa where they raised nine daughters and one son. Eva line was the next to the youngest in this family.
Evaline and Charles were married December 30, 1882. They took a claim near Greeley, Nebraska, along with his mother and younger half-brother, Ira Sones, son of Isaac Sones and Sarah Bixby. After proving up on their claim, they moved back to Iowa.
Later, Charles and Eva line and their family moved back to Nebraska. They sold their claim and again returned to Iowa where they bought a farm west of Lucas and moved to the farm in 1894. They lived on this farm until 1946, at this time the retired to live the rest of their lives in Chariton. They had nine children, three died in infancy. Perry, Ira, Golda, Roy, John and Richard grew up on the farm west of Lucas and all attended the Lucas School. Perry, Ira and Roy were all born in Greeley County, Nebraska.
Perry, the oldest graduated from Lucas High School and taught for several years in the rural schools of this area. He graduated from Pella Central College and became a Baptist minister. He took his Seminary work at Kansas City and Forth Worth. He married Leona Watts from Villisca, Iowa. They were the parents of five children. Ira, the second child, married Grace Rowland from Erickson, Nebraska. He was a farmer; they were the parents of five children. Golda graduated from Drake University and taught school for forty-seven years. Many of these were in the Chariton Junior High School. Roy, the fourth child, was a farmer. He married Kate Storm. They were the parents of six children. John, a rancher in California married Louella Herndon from Woodburn, Iowa. They lived most of their lives in California. They had two children. Richard was the youngest child of Charles and Evaline Sylvara. He was a farmer. He was a father of five children.
By Mary "Golda" Sylvara (1890-1985) of Chariton, Iowa
As originally recorded by Golda Sylvara before her death in 1985
Golda was the great-granddaughter of Don Emanuel Silvara, the original emigrant to this country.x. Laura Catherine Haltom
Lucas Queries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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