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Belle Plaine Union; Oct. 29, 1914
Dec. 31, 1921

Miss Nell Hall Married Saturday

Wedded to Mr. Frank Humeston in Chicago. Prominent in Belle Plaine and Vicinity.

Saturday ev南ing at 8 o'clock in Chicago, Miss Nell A. Hall of this city and Mr. Frank Humeston of Iowa City were united in marriage in the presence of a small company of friends. The ring service was used.

Mr. and Mrs. Humeston returned here Wednesday after a short visit with the mother and friends of Mr. Humeston at Union, Iowa. They left Thursday morning for Iowa City at which place they will make their home.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hall of this city. She is a young of woman of unusually genial disposition and has a wide circle of friends. For several years she was employed as book keeper in the office of the Eclipse Lumber Co. and Doctors Snitkay and Newland. She was an active member of the Delta Phi Club and otherwise prominent socially.

The groom is a comparative stranger here but on visits to this city has made a most favorable impression. He holds the responsible position of purchasing agent for tho State University of Iowa. He is a brother of Miss Kate Humeston, a teacher in the Whittier school building.

The happy couple have the best wishes of friends for a happy married life.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 07-Dec-2024 by
John Shuck,

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