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Benton County, Iowa
County Jurors for January 1925
The Vinton Eagle, December 30, 1924
The trial jurors drawn for the Jan. term number 125, of whom 41 are women and 84 are men.
Unless otherwise ordered, these jurors report for duty Monday, Jan. 26th

The jury lists are as follows:

Grand Jurors.

Aikley, V. W., Vinton
Dunklee, W. B., Benton 
Hasley, John, Florence 
Hawley C. E., Polk 
Heitman, Horman, Kane 
Lupton, P. L., Cedar, Mt Auburn 
Mosslnger, W. C., Belle Plaine 
McKinley, Wm. H., Harrison 
Radeke, W. 0., Leroy 
Reiss, J. S., Big Grove
Smith, P. R., Union 
Wyant, J. E., Shellsburg

Petit Jurors

H. W. Alpers, Taylor
Andrews G. L., Taylor
Auld, Aurthur, Jackson
Bigger, Anna, Vinton
Boehmke, Anna, Big Grove 
Bodlcker, Joe G., Eldorado 
Bostrom, Myrtle, Taylor
Brown C. W., Vinton
Burrell, Cliff, Polk 
Carter, M. V., Vinton,
Charlier, Eli, Harrison 
Charter, E. J., Taylor
Clime, J. D., Harrison 
Clough, Harriett, Vinton
Colvin, E. E., Vinton 
Dake, Ida, Cedar
Dass, Etta, Eldorado
Dexter, Minnie, Vinton 
Dickinson, Hattie, Canton
Dorsey, O. S,. Cedar
Dyrland, Gilmer, Florence
Edmonds, F. A., Taylor
Ellis, Helen, Vinton
Elson, Myrtle, Benton 
Erland, Chas., Eldorado
Freeman, Mary, Eldorado
Fry, W. E., Vinton 
Gay, J. F., Bruce 
Geiger, Glenn, Harrison 
Gilchrist Leo K., Vinton 
Gordon, L. P., Vinton 
Greaser, Della, Vinton
Greyson, B., Jackson
Gunn, J. H., Polk 
Guynn, C. A., Bruce 
Hanna, W. S., Vinton 
Hannemann, H. J., Big Grove 
Hanover, Roy, Shellsburg
Harbert, R. E., Shellsburg 
Harder, Wm., Kane 
Hartz, Frank, St. Clair 
Heezen, Esther, Vinton 
Hensln, Arthur, Taylor 
Hillgerson, Geo., Polk 
Hite, Elmer, Vinton
Hauser, Lester, Union 
Isabel, Chas., Vinton 
Jacobs, E. A., Vinton
Jameson, Gertrude, Vinton
Jiglar, Letha, Eden 
Johnson, G. 0., Fremout 
Johnson, H. 0., Eldorado 
Johnson, I. U., Shellsburg 
Johnson, Velma, Big Grove 
Junge, Wm. M. Homer
Kilz, Hattie, Polk 
Kramer, Arthur, Leroy
Kray, Harry, Eden
Lee, Alfred, Florence
Lent, R. R., Vinton
Levelle, Lydia, Belle Plaine
Levelle, Maud, Belle Plaine
Leverich, Arthur, Vinton
Long, J. A. Harrison
Lingery, Lydia, Shellsburg
Lormor, K. W., Cedar
Lutz, Chas., Monroe
Marsau, D. W., Homer
Mealhous, Henry, Jackson
Mendenhall, Beulah, Taylor
Miller, Elizabeth, Eldorado
Miller, Ray C., Taylor
Montague, Walter, Florence
McCorkle, J. W., Shellsburg
McCorkle, Magnolia, Shellsburg
McCormick, John, Union
McQuilken, Wayne, Bruce
Nichous, Effie, Taylor
Noeller, H. C., Vinton
Norwood, Rozella, Vinton
Odemell, J. A., Harrison
Offt, Alfred, Kane
Parr, Guy, Vinton
Rahn, Fred W., Bruce
Ray, E. K., Vinton
Reisser, Chas., Harrison
Rice, C. W., Cedar
Richart, Lester, Eden
Roland, R. G., Cedar
Rucker, Pearl, Belle Plaine
Rupp, Harry, Polk
Sauer, Claire, Vinton
Schenken, Margaret, Kane
Schlarbaum, Emma, Union
Schlotfelt, Clint, Vinton
Schminke, Elisebeth, Fremont
Scholerman, Geo. C., Homer
Schulter, Adam C., Florence
Schulte, Wm., St. Clair
Shaw, Minnie, Big Grove
Shomler, Alice, Canton
Shuck, Grant, Leroy
Skea, Harold, Benton
Snyder, Ancel, Vinton
Soden, Kate, Shellsburg
Spalding, C. A., Belle Plaine
Stone, A. D., Vinton
Urice, Eula, Jackson
Usher, Minnie, Vinton
Waltman, Fred, Polk
Walter, John, St. Clair
Wendel, Elinor, Fremont
Wenner, Mary, Jackson
Werner, Chas., Union
Wheeler, Besse, Iowa
Wieditz, Carl, Eden
Williams, Edna, Taylor
Williams, H. D., Cedar
Winters, Laura, Vinton
Woods, Joe, Jackson
Yerkes, Jay, Benton
Zimmer, M. P., Big Grove
Zoebel, Emma, Monroe

Article transcribed by John Shuck
March 2024

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