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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa
Register of Deaths Record 1880 - 1896
(Note: This is a work in progress)

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Page Number Date of Report Last Name First Name Sex Color Age Yrs. Age Mos. Age Dys. Occupation Date of Death Death Time M. Status Nationality Where Born No. Years in State Place of Death Cause of Death Complication Duration of Disease Place of Burial Date of Burial Name of Physician Residence of Physician
207 52 April 8, 1886 Cameron Maria Female White 30 8 20
January 30, 1886 .9 Married Irish Ireland
Belle Plaine, Ia., 2nd ward Consumption
9 years Belle Plaine, Ia February 1, 1886 J. McMorris Belle Plaine, Ia
194 28 July 30, 1884 Campbell Luella Adell Female White 22 2
House Keeper June 23, 1884
Widow American Ind.
Blairstown, Iowa Stricuture of Rectum Inflamation of Bowels six weeks Adell, Iowa June 24, 1884 S. S. Spicer M.D. Blairstown, Iowa
200 64 August 15, 1885 Carrell Catharine Female White 53 10
House Keeper August 1, 1885
Single Amer. Pa.
Vinton, Iowa Consumption
4 years Ever Green Cemetry August 3, 1885 Wm. K. Flatt Vinton, Iowa
183 53 April 20, 1881 Case Crettilda Female White 62 9 11
March 22, 1881 10 A.M.
Amer. Pa. 12 Canton Twp Branche Pneumonia
12 days Shellsburg, Ia March 24, 1881 I. S. Boles Shellsburg, Iowa
194 27 July 17, 1884 Case John Male White 52

Laborer July 13, 1884 6. Widower American Pennsylvania 20 Watkins, Benton Co, Iowa Killed by Locomotive on the C.N.W.R.R.
7 hours St. Clair Twp July 14, 1884 Hugo Wolff M.D. Watkins, Iowa
191 15 May 3, 1883 Case Mary Female White 46 5 7 House Keeper April 7, 1883 6 Married Amer. Ohio
Watkins, Benton Co, Iowa Bilious fever combined with emphysema pulmonin

St. Clair Twp May 2, 1883 Hugo Wolff Watkins, Iowa
187 21 April 25, 1882 Chaffee Louise W. Female White 38 8 21 Housewife January 1, 1882 12 M
Amer. Ohio
Blairstown Pneumonia Immediate cause Paralysis of heart
10 days Blairstown, Ia January 4, 1882 S. S. Spicer Blairstown, Iowa
204 17 November 27, 1885 Chizzum Kate B. Female White 13 6 29
November 8, 1885
Single Amer. Ia. 13 Big Grove Twp, Benton Co, Ia Diphtheria croup 10 days Carlisle Grove November 8, 1885 M. Meredith Vinton, Ia
204 14 November 27, 1885 Chizzum Robert W. Male White 15 6 12 Farmer November 19, 1885 2. Single Amer. Iowa 15 Big Grove Twp, Benton Co, Ia Diphtheria croup croup 2 weeks Carlisle Grove November 19, 1885 M. Meredith Vinton, Ia
184 63 June 27, 1881 Chopal Edgar Male White 4 3 12
June 26, 1881
Single Amer. Iowa
Mt. Auburn, Iowa

18 days Pratt Creek June 27, 1881 J. M. Long Mt. Auburn
178 23 September 20, 1880 Christenson Lagglais Female White 6 4

September 16, 1880 10 A.M. Single Dane Denmark
Leroy Twp Dysentery Peretonitis 2 weeks Blairstown, Ia September 17, 1880 N. Jasper Jones Blairstown, Benton Co, Iowa
198 40 June 17, 1885 Church Margaret C. Female White 83 9

June 4, 1885 3 ½ Widow English Mass. 48 Vinton, Ia Paralysis of the heart Inflamation of the Stomach 4 weeks Manchester June 6, 1885 A. R. Fellows Vinton, Ia
207 56 April 13, 1886 Clewitt Arthur Edwin Male White 7 4

December 11, 1885
Single Amer. Iowa
Blairstown Membranous Croup
3 days Blairstown December 13, 1885 S. S. Spicer Blairstown, Iowa
179 8 October 2, 1880 Collicott William Male White 71 4
Farmer September 25, 1880 5 A.M.

N C 25 Big Grove Twp Neuralyis of Stomach & heart
36 hours Big Grove Cem September 29, 1880 R. La Grange M.D. Garrison, Ia
177 9 August 31, 1880 Conley Shirley Male White 3 6 2
July 20, 1880 4 A.M. Single American Iowa 3 ½ Monroe Twp, Benton Co, Iowa Diphtheria
four days Monroe Twp August 20, 1880 P. C. Jones Monroe Twp.
199 49 June 26, 1885 Cook Louisa Female White 24 3 15 House Keeper May 22, 1885 9 Single Ger. Germany
Cedar Twp, Benton County, Ia Cancer Mesentiris supposed & alloid
1 year Greenwalts May 24, 1885 C. C. Griffin Vinton, Iowa
207 58 April 27, 1886 Corbett William Male White

Farmer August 25, 1884

Taylor Twp, Benton Co, Ia Suicide Insanity initiated by taking Strichnia two hours Evergreen Cemetry, Vinton, Iowa August 27, 1884 C. C. Griffin M.D. Vinton, Iowa
186 3 October 7, 1881 Cowell George Male White 16 2

July 20, 1881
Single Amer. Iowa 16+ Shellsburg, Iowa Consumption
two years Shellsburg, Iowa July 30, 1881 I. S. Boles Shellsburg, Iowa
197 28 March 12, 1885 Craig Jemima Female White 27

Housewife January 19, 1885
Married Irish Ireland
Belle Plaine, Ia Consumption
3 years Belle Plaine January 20, 1885 J. B. Cox Belle Plaine, Ia
180 14 November 15, 1880 Crawford Addie W. Male White 6 1 23
November 7, 1880
Single Amer. Iowa
Fremont Twp Croupus Diphtheria
7 days Parkers Grove Canton Twp November 8, 1880 I. S. Boles Shellsburg, Iowa
192 4 January 3, 1884 Culp William Male White

May 25, 1883 11 A.M. Married Amer. Iowa 20 Garrison, Ia Remittent Fever Nervous Prostration several months Carslyle May 27, 1883 E. T. Wilcox M.D. Garrison, Ia

Page Last Updated: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 06:11:37 CDT

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