| 1st Orleans Lutheran | | 325th St. |
| Aase Haugen Home * | | |
| Barnes | | State Hwy 139 |
| Big Canoe Lutheran | | Big Canoe Rd. |
| Big Canoe Norwegian Methodist | | Big Canoe Rd. |
| Bloomfield | | US Hwy 52 |
| Bluffton Community | | 264th Rd. |
23 | Bluffton Village * | | |
| Bohemian National | | Co. Rd. B-16 |
8 | Bourne * | | |
| Bruvold Farm * | | |
| Burr Oak | | in Burr Oak Village off of US Hwy 52 |
| Butz German Methodist | | Co. Rd. A-46 |
| Calmar Community Calmar | | State Hwy 24 |
| Calmar Lutheran Calmar | | 232nd Ave |
| Canoe German Methodist | | Canoe Ridge Rd. |
| Canoe Ridge Lutheran | | Canoe Ridge Rd. |
| Crossroads | | Co. Rd. A-18 |
58 | Decorah Pioneer | | Historical Marker |
| East Glenwood Lutheran | | Old Stage Rd. |
| Eddy | | 333rd Ave |
| Egge * | | |
| Evangelical United Bretheran | | 240th St. |
| First Lutheran | | State Hwy W-42 |
40 | Fort Burials | | (39 and 40 on Ft. Atkinson Preserve) |
| Frankville Cemetery | | Frankville Rd.. aka Co. Rd. W-48 |
| Freeport: Pleasant Valley. Methodist & Poor Farm | | River Rd |
| Fremont Lutheran | | 370th St. |
32 | Garfield | | 245th Ave |
| Glenwood aka Baker | | 143rd Ave. |
| Glenwood Lutheran | | Glenville Rd. |
| Greenwood aka Centennial | | Centennial Rd. aka Co. Rd. W-46 |
| Haug | | Co. Rd. B-16 |
| Hauge Lutheran | | Middle Hesper Rd. |
| Hesper Lutheran | | Co. Rd. W-40 |
| Hesper Pioneer * | | |
| Hesper Public/Quaker | | Village of Hesper |
| Highland Lutheran | | Highlandville Rd. |
56 | Hillside * | | |
| Hillside/Ossian | | State Hwy W-42 |
| Lewiston aka Young aka Riha * | | |
89 | Libbey * | | 285th st. |
| Lincoln Lutheran | | Co. Rd. W-14 |
| Locust | | 337th St. |
| Locust Lane_Salem | | Locust Rd. |
| Lutheran/Decorah | | Pershing Ave. |
| Madison Lutheran | | Madison Rd. |
| Madison Settlement | | Historical Marker. 265th Ave. |
| McIntosh | | 245th Ave. |
| Moneek | | Moneek Rd. |
| Mt Grove * | | Centennial Rd. aka Co. Rd. W-46 |
69 | Munro Grave on DNR land | | Quandahl Rd. |
| No. Washington Prairie Lutheran aka St. Petri Lutheran Valdres | | Valdres Rd, |
| Oak Hill | | SW edge Fort Atkinson |
24 | Old St Bridgets * | | |
| Orleans Lutheran | | Co. Rd W-14 |
| Phelps/Decorah aka Oak Hill, Montgomery | | Pleasant Ave. |
| Plesaant View | | Centennial Rd. aka Co. Rd. W-46 |
4 | Plymouth Rock | | Cold Water Creek Rd. (Dead End) |
| Pontoppidian Lutheran | | Glenville Rd. |
| Red School Burying Ground aka Oak Hill | | Old Oak Rd. |
6 | Rice | | 310th St. |
| Ridgeway Community | | 307th Ave |
| Russell | | Middle Hesper Rd. |
| Scandinavian Methodist aka Teslow | | Glenville Rd. |
| Smalley Graves | | 350th St. |
| Springfield Lutheran | | Middle Calmar Rd. |
| Springwater/Lutheran Locust | | Locust Rd. |
50 | Springwater/Quaker | | Locust Rd |
| St. Agnes Catholic | | Co. Rd. A-18 |
| St. Aloysius Catholic Calmar | | State Hwy 150 |
| St. Anthony of Padua | | Little Church Road |
| St. Benedicts Catholic/Decorah | | Pleasant Ave. |
| St. Bridgets Catholic | | 310th St. |
| St. Clements Catholic | | 172nd St |
| St. Francis Catholic/Ossian | | US Hwy 52 |
| St. James German Lutheran | | |
| St. Johns Catholic | | SE edge Fort Atkinson |
| St. Johns German Lutheran | | 240th St |
| St. Kierans Catholic | | 345th Ave. |
| St. Marys Catholic/Festina | | Co. Rd. B-32 |
| St. Wenceslaus Catholic Spillville | | Village Spillville |
| Stavanger Lutheran | | 115th St |
| Union Prairie | | US Hwy. 52 |
| United Lutheran | | 240th St. |
| Void aka East Madison | | Madison Rd. |
| Washington Prairie aka Pagin/Beard | | 205th St |
| Washington Prairie Lutheran | | Co. Rd. W-42 |
| Washington Prairie Norwegian Methodist | | Co Rd. W-42 |