Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages With Surname starting with C and D
The following marriages are from the records of Guilford Street, who was pastor at Hesper Society of Friends (Quakers), Hesper, Winneshiek County, Iowa 1972-1979. The marriages are recorded in a 1945 calendar. The marriages recorded with an asterisk were performed by Guilford Street, who had previously been a pastor at several other Friends churches in Iowa. Marriage locations are not included in the book. The marriages include friends and family as well as those marriages that took place in the churches where Rev. Street pastored. Click Here to view the marriages in the order that they appear in the book. Information in brackets is added by transcriber Connie Street this site was last updated on Friday, 26 June 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With C | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Carpenter, Hattie | Carpenter, Jake | September 6, 1916 -- Jake and Hattie Carpenter |
Carpenter, Jake | Carpenter, Hattie | September 6, 1916 -- Jake and Hattie Carpenter |
Carter, Elvin | Carter, Zora | June 20, 1937 -- Elvin and Zora Carter |
Carter, Janice | Carter, Russell | January 21, 1964 -- Russell Carter and Janice Bierman |
Carter, Joseph | Berry, Lucille | September 11, 1937* -- Joseph and Lucille Berry Carter |
Carter, Lucille | Carter, Joseph | September 11, 1937* -- Joseph and Lucille Berry Carter |
Carter, Russell | Bierman, Janice | January 21, 1964 -- Russell Carter and Janice Bierman |
Carter, Zora | Carter, Elvin | June 20, 1937 -- Elvin and Zora Carter |
Chandler, Helen | Coffin, Don | April 17, 1970 -- Don and Helen Chandler Coffin |
Chandler, Rosamond | Cummings, Robert | December 17, 1967 -- Rosamond Chandler and Robert Cummings |
Chidester, Beverly | Chidester, Dale | Aug. 17, 1947 -- Dale and Beverly Chidester |
Chidester, Dale | Chidester, Beverly | Aug. 17, 1947 -- Dale and Beverly Chidester |
Clampitt, Anna | Clampitt, Arthur | March 7 1912 -- Arthur and Anna Clampitt |
Clampitt, Arthur | Clampitt, Anna | March 7 1912 -- Arthur and Anna Clampitt |
Clampitt, Bruce | Clampitt, Jenny | July 25, 1938 -- Bruce and Jenny Clampitt |
Clampitt, Dean | Cornmescer, Helena | January 1, 1943 -- Helena Cornmescer and Dean Clampitt |
Clampitt, Ethel | Clampitt, Wendell | June 16, 1925 -- Wendell and Ethel Clampitt |
Clampitt, Hannah | Clampitt, Philip | June 12, 1960* -- Philip and Hannah Deutsch Clampitt |
Clampitt, Harry | Clampitt, Mildred | February 24, 1940 -- Harry and Mildred Clampitt |
Clampitt, Helena | Clampitt, Dean | January 1, 1943 -- Helena Cornmescer and Dean Clampitt |
Clampitt, Jenny | Clampitt, Bruce | July 25, 1938 -- Bruce and Jenny Clampitt |
Clampitt, Joanne | Clampitt, Richard | June 30, 1956 -- Richard Clampitt and Joanne Utezinger |
Clampitt, Joy Elizabeth | Clampitt, Ronald | Aug. 2, 1962 -- Ronald and Joy Elizabeth Holder Clampitt |
Clampitt, Kay | Clampitt, Leslie | July 14, 1966 -- Leslie Clampitt and Kay Eggleston |
Clampitt, Lela | Clampitt, Ralph | March 2, 1905 -- Ralph and Lela Clampitt |
Clampitt, Leslie | Eggleston, Kay | July 14, 1966 -- Leslie Clampitt and Kay Eggleston |
Clampitt, Mildred | Clampitt, Harry | February 24, 1940 -- Harry and Mildred Clampitt |
Clampitt, Paula | Clampitt, Roy | Aug. 20, 1919 -- Roy and Paula Clampitt |
Clampitt, Philip | Deutsch, Hannah | June 12, 1960* -- Philip and Hannah Deutsch Clampitt |
Clampitt, Ralph | Clampitt, Lela | March 2, 1905 -- Ralph and Lela Clampitt |
Clampitt, Richard | Utezinger, Joanne | June 30, 1956 -- Richard Clampitt and Joanne Utezinger |
Clampitt, Ronald | Holder, Joy Elizabeth | Aug. 2, 1962 -- Ronald and Joy Elizabeth Holder Clampitt |
Clampitt, Roy | Clampitt, Paula | Aug. 20, 1919 -- Roy and Paula Clampitt |
Clampitt, Shirley Jo | Alpers, Robert | Aug. 26, 1969 -- Robert and Shirley Jo Clampitt Alpers |
Clampitt, Wendell | Clampitt, Ethel | June 16, 1925 -- Wendell and Ethel Clampitt |
Clemens, Linda | Reece, Keith | October 6, 1961 -- Keith and Linda Clemens, Reece |
Clemons, Kathryan | Clemons, Richard | February 29, 1948 -- Richard and Kathryan Bieschke Clemons |
Clemons, Richard | Bieschke, Kathryan | February 29, 1948 -- Richard and Kathryan Bieschke Clemons |
Coffin, Don | Chandler, Helen | April 17, 1970 -- Don and Helen Chandler Coffin |
Coffin, Helen | Coffin, Don | April 17, 1970 -- Don and Helen Chandler Coffin |
Coleman, Oliver | Coleman, Violet | February 13 no year -- Oliver and Violet Coleman |
Coleman, Violet | Coleman, Oliver | February 13 no year -- Oliver and Violet Coleman |
Collier, Gerald | Collier, Jeannie | November 14, 1945 -- Gerald and Jeannie Collier |
Collier, Jeannie | Collier, Gerald | November 14, 1945 -- Gerald and Jeannie Collier |
Connly, Harold | Connly, Pauline | Aug. 17, 1937 -- Harold and Pauline Connly |
Connly, Pauline | Connly, Harold | Aug. 17, 1937 -- Harold and Pauline Connly |
Cook, Leland | Wallace, Sharon | June 21, 1964 -- Leland and Sharon Wallace Cook |
Cook, Marvin | Dick, Melinda | July 11, 1963 -- Marvin Cook and Melinda Dick |
Cook, Melinda | Cook, Marvin | July 11, 1963 -- Marvin Cook and Melinda Dick |
Cook, Sharon | Cook, Leland | June 21, 1964 -- Leland and Sharon Wallace Cook |
Cooper, Bernadine | Cooper, Marvin | January 20, 1954* -- Marvin and Bernadine White Cooper [probably Hesper] |
Cooper, Marvin | White, Bernadine | January 20, 1954* -- Marvin and Bernadine White Cooper [probably Hesper] |
Cope, Earl | Cope, Floy | Aug. 19, 1924 -- Earl and Floy Cope |
Cope, Edith | Ver Steegh, David | November 9, 1921 -- David and Edith Cope Ver Steegh |
Cope, Floy | Cope, Earl | Aug. 19, 1924 -- Earl and Floy Cope |
Cordes, Irene | Bryan, Earl | January 1, 1935 -- Earl and Irene Cordes Bryan |
Cornmescer, Helena | Clampitt, Dean | January 1, 1943 -- Helena Cornmescer and Dean Clampitt |
Cox, Lois | Cox, Orval | March 6, 1910 -- Orval and Lois Cox |
Cox, Marvin | Cox, Myrtle | January 31, 1937 -- Marvin and Myrtle Cox |
Cox, Myrtle | Cox, Marvin | January 31, 1937 -- Marvin and Myrtle Cox |
Cox, Orval | Cox, Lois | March 6, 1910 -- Orval and Lois Cox |
Cozad, Faye | Duncan, Richard | April 2, 1944* -- Richard and Faye Cozad Duncan |
Cranston, Bonnibel | Burns, Edward | January 30, 1955 -- Bonnibel Cranston and Edward Burns |
Crow, Doris | Beverlin, James | September 18, 1948 -- Doris Crow and James Beverlin (This is also listed under September 19. Probably Muscatine County.) |
Crow, Dorothy | Crow, Roy "Dan" | June 29, 1941* -- Roy "Dan" and Dorothy Williams Crow (probably Muscatine, Iowa) |
Crow, Roy "Dan" | Williams, Dorothy | June 29, 1941* -- Roy "Dan" and Dorothy Williams Crow (probably Muscatine, Iowa) |
Cummings, Robert | Chandler, Rosamond | December 17, 1967 -- Rosamond Chandler and Robert Cummings |
Cummings, Rosamond | Cummings, Robert | December 17, 1967 -- Rosamond Chandler and Robert Cummings |
Cutler, Lawrence | Hadley, Vera | May 8, 1938 -- Lawrence and Vera Hadley Cutler |
Cutler, Vera | Cutler, Lawrence | May 8, 1938 -- Lawrence and Vera Hadley Cutler |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With D | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Davis, Phyllis | Nehre, Marvin | July 27, 1968 -- Marvin and Phyllis Davis Nehre |
Davis, Twyla | Hoag, Walter | July 1, 1955 -- Walter and Twyla Davis Hoag |
Day, Clarence | Day, Della | October 20, 1910 -- Clarence and Della Day |
Day, Della | Day, Clarence | October 20, 1910 -- Clarence and Della Day |
Deutsch, Hannah | Clampitt, Philip | June 12, 1960* -- Philip and Hannah Deutsch Clampitt |
Devick, Betty Sue | Devick, Dennis | September 5, 1965 -- Dennis and Betty Sue Wetsel Devick |
Devick, Dennis | Wetsel, Betty Sue | September 5, 1965 -- Dennis and Betty Sue Wetsel Devick |
Dick, Avis | Dick, Orlando | July 11, 1941 -- Orlando and Avis Dick |
Dick, Melinda | Cook, Marvin | July 11, 1963 -- Marvin Cook and Melinda Dick |
Dick, Orlando | Dick, Avis | July 11, 1941 -- Orlando and Avis Dick |
Donald, Gladden Mc | Whitehead, Joanne | June 8, 1950 -- Joanne Whitehead and Gladden Mc Donald (divorced 1952) |
Donald, Joanne | Donald, Gladden Mc | June 8, 1950 -- Joanne Whitehead and Gladden Mc Donald (divorced 1952) |
Downing, Adolphs and Larry Lee | Hartman, Janet | June 6, 1968 -- Janet Hartman and Adolphs and Larry Lee Downing |
Downing, Janet | Downing, Adolphs and Larry Lee | June 6, 1968 -- Janet Hartman and Adolphs and Larry Lee Downing |
Drake, Rose | Drake, Will | January 5, 1893 -- Will and Rose Drake |
Drake, Will | Drake, Rose | January 5, 1893 -- Will and Rose Drake |
Duncan, Faye | Duncan, Richard | April 2, 1944* -- Richard and Faye Cozad Duncan |
Duncan, Richard | Cozad, Faye | April 2, 1944* -- Richard and Faye Cozad Duncan |
Dunham, David | Starry, Shirley June | April 17, 1964 -- David and Shirley June Starry Dunham |
Dunham, Edward | Dunham, Wanita | July 6, 1960 -- Edward and Wanita Dunham |
Dunham, LaVanda | Dunham, Lewis | July 6, 1933 -- Lewis and LaVanda Dunham |
Dunham, Lewis | Dunham, LaVanda | July 6, 1933 -- Lewis and LaVanda Dunham |
Dunham, Linda | Harris, John F. | Aug. 25, 1963 -- Linda Dunham and John F. Harris |
Dunham, Shirley June | Dunham, David | April 17, 1964 -- David and Shirley June Starry Dunham |
Dunham, Wanita | Dunham, Edward | July 6, 1960 -- Edward and Wanita Dunham |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With E | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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