Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1930 through 1933 With Surname starting with W through Z this site was last updated on Saturday, 27 June 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With W | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Wagner, Esther | Wagner, Willard | Wagner, Willard / Esther Hill : 1931----------------------------------------------------- Hill, Esther / Willard Wagner : 1931 |
Wagner, Hedwig | Negler, Victor S | Negler, Victor S / Hedwig Wagner : 1931------------------------------------------------- Wagner, Hedwig / Victor S Negler : 1931 |
Wagner, Willard | Hill, Esther | Wagner, Willard / Esther Hill : 1931----------------------------------------------------- Hill, Esther / Willard Wagner : 1931 |
Walter, Albion Herman | Finn, Alvina | Walter, Albion Herman / Alvina Finn : 1933-------------------------------------------- Finn, Alvina / Albion Herman Walter : 1933 |
Walter, Alvina | Walter, Albion Herman | Walter, Albion Herman / Alvina Finn : 1933-------------------------------------------- Finn, Alvina / Albion Herman Walter : 1933 |
Wampler, Forey | Whitney, Virginia | Wampler, Forey / Virginia Whitney : 1933----------------------------------------------- Whitney, Virginia / Forey Wampler : 1933 |
Wampler, Virginia | Wampler, Forey | Wampler, Forey / Virginia Whitney : 1933----------------------------------------------- Whitney, Virginia / Forey Wampler : 1933 |
Wandas, Anna | Klimesh, Louis J | Klimesh, Louis J / Anna Wandas : 1932---------------------------------------------------- Wandas, Anna / Louis J Klimesh : 1932 |
Wander, Celia | Wander, Joseph | Wander, Joseph / Celia Martie : 1930----------------------------------------------------- Martie, Celiz / Joseph Wander : 1930 |
Wander, Joseph | Martie, Celia | Wander, Joseph / Celia Martie : 1930----------------------------------------------------- Martie, Celiz / Joseph Wander : 1930 |
Wangsness, Clifford | Hovden, Mabel | Wangsness, Clifford / Mabel Hovden : 1930---------------------------------------------- Hovden, Mabel / Clifford Wangsness : 1930 |
Wangsness, Edith H | Wangsness, Henry O | Wangsness, Henry O / Edith H Thompson : 1931----------------------------------------- Thompson, Edith H / Henry O Wangsness : 1931 |
Wangsness, Elrick | Lee, Lillian May | Wangsness, Elrick / Lillian May Lee : 1932-------------------------------------------- Lee, Lillian May / Elrick Wangsness : 1932 |
Wangsness, Henry O | Thompson, Edith H | Wangsness, Henry O / Edith H Thompson : 1931----------------------------------------- Thompson, Edith H / Henry O Wangsness : 1931 |
Wangsness, Lillian May | Wangsness, Elrick | Wangsness, Elrick / Lillian May Lee : 1932-------------------------------------------- Lee, Lillian May / Elrick Wangsness : 1932 |
Wangsness, Mabel | Wangsness, Clifford | Wangsness, Clifford / Mabel Hovden : 1930---------------------------------------------- Hovden, Mabel / Clifford Wangsness : 1930 |
Ward, Bessie | Ward, Percy | Ward, Percy / Bessie Halse : 1933---------------------------------------------------------- Halse, Bessie / Percy Ward : 1933 |
Ward, George | Stopp, Maxine | Ward, George / Maxine Stopp : 1932-------------------------------------------------------- Stopp, Maxine / George Ward : 1932 |
Ward, Maxine | Ward, George | Ward, George / Maxine Stopp : 1932-------------------------------------------------------- Stopp, Maxine / George Ward : 1932 |
Ward, Percy | Halse, Bessie | Ward, Percy / Bessie Halse : 1933---------------------------------------------------------- Halse, Bessie / Percy Ward : 1933 |
Warner, Violace | Werner, Ralph | Werner, Ralph / Violace Warner : 1932---------------------------------------------------- Warner, Violace / Ralph Werner : 1932 |
Waters, Myrtle | Evenmoe, Henry | Evenmoe, Henry / Myrtle Waters : 1932---------------------------------------------------- Waters, Myrtle / Henry Evenmoe : 1932 |
Weber, Katherine | Treinen, Mike J | Treinen, Mike J / Katherine Weber : 1930----------------------------------------------- Weber, Katherine / Mike J Treinen : 1930 |
Wedo, Ben | Steele, Ellen | Wedo, Ben / Ellen Steele : 1931------------------------------------------------------------- Steele, Ellen / Ben Wedo : 1931 |
Wedo, Ellen | Wedo, Ben | Wedo, Ben / Ellen Steele : 1931------------------------------------------------------------- Steele, Ellen / Ben Wedo : 1931 |
Weidow, Aldyce | Weidow, Willie | Weidow, Willie / Aldyce Anderson : 1932------------------------------------------------- Anderson, Aldyce / Willie Weidow : 1932 |
Weidow, Willie | Anderson, Aldyce | Weidow, Willie / Aldyce Anderson : 1932------------------------------------------------- Anderson, Aldyce / Willie Weidow : 1932 |
Welch, Violet | Welch, Willard Alvin | Welch, Willard Alvin / Violet Amdahl : 1932------------------------------------------- Amdahl, Violet / Willard Alvin Welch : 1932 |
Welch, Willard Alvin | Amdahl, Violet | Welch, Willard Alvin / Violet Amdahl : 1932------------------------------------------- Amdahl, Violet / Willard Alvin Welch : 1932 |
Welling, Carl Henry | Young, Ruby | Welling, Carl Henry / Ruby Young : 1933------------------------------------------------- Young, Ruby / Carl Henry Welling : 1933 |
Welling, Ruby | Welling, Carl Henry | Welling, Carl Henry / Ruby Young : 1933------------------------------------------------- Young, Ruby / Carl Henry Welling : 1933 |
Wells, George H | Kramer, Kathryn May | Wells, George H / Kathryn May Kramer : 1933------------------------------------------- Kramer, Kathryn May / George H Wells : 1933 |
Wells, Katherine | Ruffridge, Kenneth | Ruffridge, Kenneth / Katherine Wells : 1930------------------------------------------- Wells, Katherine / Kenneth Ruffridge : 1930 |
Wells, Kathryn May | Wells, George H | Wells, George H / Kathryn May Kramer : 1933------------------------------------------- Kramer, Kathryn May / George H Wells : 1933 |
Wendling, Helen M | Amundson, Ernest L | Amundson, Ernest L / Helen M Wendling : 1932----------------------------------------- Wendling, Helen M / Ernest L Amundson : 1932 |
Wenthold, Bertha | Ehler, Felix | Ehler, Felix / Bertha Wenthold : 1933---------------------------------------------------- Wenthold, Bertha / Felix Ehler : 1933 |
Werhan, Beulah | Werhan, LaVerne | Werhan, LaVerne / Beulah Lundby : 1933-------------------------------------------------- Lundby, Beulah / LaVerne Werhan : 1933 |
Werhan, LaVerne | Lundby, Beulah | Werhan, LaVerne / Beulah Lundby : 1933-------------------------------------------------- Lundby, Beulah / LaVerne Werhan : 1933 |
Werner, Ralph | Warner, Violace | Werner, Ralph / Violace Warner : 1932---------------------------------------------------- Warner, Violace / Ralph Werner : 1932 |
Werner, Violace | Werner, Ralph | Werner, Ralph / Violace Warner : 1932---------------------------------------------------- Warner, Violace / Ralph Werner : 1932 |
Weymiller, Frank Jr | Tabatt, Mariam | Weymiller, Frank Jr / Mariam Tabatt : 1931-------------------------------------------- Tabatt, Mariam / Frank Weymiller Jr : 1931 |
Weymiller, Mariam | Weymiller, Frank Jr | Weymiller, Frank Jr / Mariam Tabatt : 1931-------------------------------------------- Tabatt, Mariam / Frank Weymiller Jr : 1931 |
White, August T | Helgeson, Ragna | White, August T / Ragna Helgeson : 1930------------------------------------------------- Helgeson, Ragna / August T White : 1930 |
White, John | Uhlenhake, Lucille | White, John / Lucille Uhlenhake : 1933-------------------------------------------------- Uhlenhake, Lucille / John White : 1933 |
White, Lucille | White, John | White, John / Lucille Uhlenhake : 1933-------------------------------------------------- Uhlenhake, Lucille / John White : 1933 |
White, Marie (Mary) | McKenna, Emmett | McKenna, Emmett / Marie (Mary) White : 1931------------------------------------------- White, Marie (Mary) / Emmett McKenna : 1931 |
White, Ragna | White, August T | White, August T / Ragna Helgeson : 1930------------------------------------------------- Helgeson, Ragna / August T White : 1930 |
Whitney, Virginia | Wampler, Forey | Wampler, Forey / Virginia Whitney : 1933----------------------------------------------- Whitney, Virginia / Forey Wampler : 1933 |
Wieczarek, Grace | Cox, Charles | Cox, Charles / Grace Wieczarek : 1933---------------------------------------------------- Weiczarek, Grace / Charles Cox : 1933 |
Wilbur, Eleanor | Dinger, Lloyd | Dinger, Lloyd / Eleanor Wilbur : 1931---------------------------------------------------- Wilbur, Eleanor / Lloyd Dinger : 1931 |
Williams, Hazel K | Winslow, Harry V | Winslow, Harry V / Hazal K Williams : 1930-------------------------------------------- Williams, Hazel K / Harry V Winslow : 1930 |
Wilson, Ida | Engler, Irwin E | Engler, Irwin E / Ida Wilson : 1933------------------------------------------------------- Wilson, Ida / Irwin E Engler : 1933 |
Winch, Naide C | Jerviss, Charles E | Jerviss, Charles E / Naide C Winch : 1931---------------------------------------------- Winch, Naide C / Charles E Jerviss : 1931 |
Winchell, Alice Charlotte | Winchell, Joe L | Winchell, Joe L / Alice Charlotte Sheggrud : 1931--------------------------------- Sheggrud, Alice Charlotte / Joe L Winchell : 1931 |
Winchell, Joe L | Sheggrud, Alice Charlotte | Winchell, Joe L / Alice Charlotte Sheggrud : 1931--------------------------------- Sheggrud, Alice Charlotte / Joe L Winchell : 1931 |
Winslow, Harry V | Williams, Hazel K | Winslow, Harry V / Hazal K Williams : 1930-------------------------------------------- Williams, Hazel K / Harry V Winslow : 1930 |
Winslow, Hazel K | Winslow, Harry V | Winslow, Harry V / Hazal K Williams : 1930-------------------------------------------- Williams, Hazel K / Harry V Winslow : 1930 |
Winter, Agnes | Winter, Victor | Winter, Victor / Agnes Bodensteiner : 1933-------------------------------------------- Bodensteiner, Agnes / Victor Winter : 1933 |
Winter, Victor | Bodensteiner, Agnes | Winter, Victor / Agnes Bodensteiner : 1933-------------------------------------------- Bodensteiner, Agnes / Victor Winter : 1933 |
Winters, Mrs Ethel | Winters, Oliver G | Winters, Oliver G / Mrs Ethel Cordell : 1933----------------------------------------- Cordell, Mrs Ethel / Oliver G Winters : 1933 |
Winters, Oliver G | Cordell, Mrs Ethel | Winters, Oliver G / Mrs Ethel Cordell : 1933----------------------------------------- Cordell, Mrs Ethel / Oliver G Winters : 1933 |
Witherite, Marion | Kelly, B G | Kelly, B G / Marion Witherite : 1931----------------------------------------------------- Witherite, Marion / B G Kelly : 1931 |
Woitschek, Earl | Kreid, Olive | Woitschek, Earl / Olive Kreid : 1932----------------------------------------------------- Kreid, Olive / Earl Woitschek : 1932 |
Woitschek, Olive | Woitschek, Earl | Woitschek, Earl / Olive Kreid : 1932----------------------------------------------------- Kreid, Olive / Earl Woitschek : 1932 |
Woldan, Alice | Frey, Ernest | Frey, Ernest / Alice Woldan : 1931-------------------------------------------------------- Woldan, Alice / Ernest Frey : 1931 |
Woldan, Alma | Frana, Henry | Frana, Henry / Alma Woldan : 1932---------------------------------------------------------- Woldan, Alma / Henry Frana : 1932 |
Woldum, Esther K | Carlson, J P | Carlson, J P / Esther K Woldum : 1933---------------------------------------------------- Woldum, Esther K / J P Carlson : 1933 |
Woldum, Viola Rhoda | Meyer, Carl Donald | Meyer, Carl Donald / Viola Rhoda Woldum : 1931-------------------------------------- Woldum, Viola Rhoda / Carl Donald Meyer : 1931 |
Wolfs, Ella | Wolfs, Otto | Wolfs, Otto / Ella Hilgerson : 1933------------------------------------------------------- Hilgerson, Ella / Otto Wolfs : 1933 |
Wolfs, Otto | Hilgerson, Ella | Wolfs, Otto / Ella Hilgerson : 1933------------------------------------------------------- Hilgerson, Ella / Otto Wolfs : 1933 |
Wyman, Elizabeth Ann | Hines, Robert E | Hines, Robert E / Elizabeth Ann Wyman : 1933----------------------------------------- Wyman, Elizabeth Ann / Robert E Hines : 1933 |
Wyman, Jesse Phillip | McLean, Mabel Elizabeth | Wyman, Jesse Phillip / Mabel Elizabeth McLean : 1933--------------------------- McLean, Mabel Elizabeth / Jesse Phillip Wyman : 1933 |
Wyman, Mabel Elizabeth | Wyman, Jesse Phillip | Wyman, Jesse Phillip / Mabel Elizabeth McLean : 1933--------------------------- McLean, Mabel Elizabeth / Jesse Phillip Wyman : 1933 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With X | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With Y | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Yarwood, Gladys | Baker, Lloyd | Baker, Lloyd / Gladys Yarwood : 1933----------------------------------------------------- Yarwood, Gladys / Lloyd Baker : 1933 |
Yarwood, Herbert H | Baker, Irene B | Yarwood, Herbert H / Irene B Baker : 1930---------------------------------------------- Baker, Irene B / Herbert H Yarwood : 1930 |
Yarwood, Irene B | Yarwood, Herbert H | Yarwood, Herbert H / Irene B Baker : 1930---------------------------------------------- Baker, Irene B / Herbert H Yarwood : 1930 |
Yates, Ruth E | Lentz, Lawrence | Lentz, Lawrence / Ruth E Yates : 1930---------------------------------------------------- Yates, Ruth E / Lawrence Lentz : 1930 |
Yirkovsky, Mary A | Cullins, George Clare | Cullins, George Clare / Mary A Yirkovsky : 1932------------------------------------ Yirkovsky, Mary S / George Clare Cullins : 1932 |
Yocum, Beatrice | Bergmann, August | Bergmann, August / Beatrice Yocum : 1930----------------------------------------------- Yocum, Beatrice / August Bergmann : 1930 |
Young, Carl R | Slupe, Mildred M | Young, Carl R / Mildred M Slupe : 1933-------------------------------------------------- Slupe, Mildred M / Carl R Young : 1933 |
Young, Mildred M | Young, Carl R | Young, Carl R / Mildred M Slupe : 1933-------------------------------------------------- Slupe, Mildred M / Carl R Young : 1933 |
Young, Ruby | Welling, Carl Henry | Welling, Carl Henry / Ruby Young : 1933------------------------------------------------- Young, Ruby / Carl Henry Welling : 1933 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With Z | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Zahasky, Florence | Zahasky, Roy | Zahasky, Roy / Florence Hauber : 1933---------------------------------------------------- Hauber, Florence / Roy Zahasky : 1933 |
Zahasky, Roy | Hauber, Florence | Zahasky, Roy / Florence Hauber : 1933---------------------------------------------------- Hauber, Florence / Roy Zahasky : 1933 |
Zeien, Frances C | Zeien, John M Jr | Zeien, John M Jr / Frances C Meyer : 1931---------------------------------------------- Meyer, Frances C / John M Zeien Jr : 1931 |
Zeien, John M Jr | Meyer, Frances C | Zeien, John M Jr / Frances C Meyer : 1931---------------------------------------------- Meyer, Frances C / John M Zeien Jr : 1931 |
Zeissler, Curt | Frank, Emma | Zeissler, Curt / Emma Frank : 1933-------------------------------------------------------- Frank, Emma / Curt Zeissler : 1933 |
Zeissler, Emma | Zeissler, Curt | Zeissler, Curt / Emma Frank : 1933-------------------------------------------------------- Frank, Emma / Curt Zeissler : 1933 |
Zeman, Katherine | Zeman, Louis A | Zeman, Louis A / Katherine Jauert : 1931----------------------------------------------- Jauert, Katherine / Louis A Zeman : 1931 |
Zeman, Louis A | Jauert, Katherine | Zeman, Louis A / Katherine Jauert : 1931----------------------------------------------- Jauert, Katherine / Louis A Zeman : 1931 |
Zobeck, Emma | Zobeck, Joseph | Zobeck, Joseph / Emma Strnad : 1931------------------------------------------------------- Strnad, Emma / Joseph Zobeck : 1931 |
Zobeck, Joseph | Strnad, Emma | Zobeck, Joseph / Emma Strnad : 1931------------------------------------------------------- Strnad, Emma / Joseph Zobeck : 1931 |
Zweibohmer, Marie | Bullerman, John | Bullerman, John / Marie Zweibohmer : 1931---------------------------------------------- Zweibohmer, Marie / John Bullerman : 1931 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With z | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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