Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1851 through 1855 With Surname starting with P through R this site was last updated on Sunday, 29 April 2012 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With P | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Palmer, Mary Ann | Moorehouse, James | James Moorehouse/Mary Ann Palmer, September 24, 1854, R.G. Newland, JP, license issued September 23, 1854 |
Palmer, Rebecca | Snyder, Nelson | Nelson Snyder/Rebecca Palmer, October 26, 1854, David Reed Co, Judge |
Parson, Inger | Olson, Ole | Mr. Ole Olson/Miss Inger Parson, October 16, 1852, N. Brandt, Minister |
Patterson, Amelia Philona | Livingstone, Edward | Edward Livingstone/Amelia Philona Patterson, December 10, 1855, Joseph G. Tuttle, J.P. |
Patterson, Charty | Benson, Egbert | Mr. Egbert Benson/Miss Charty Patterson, December 24, 1852, John Bateman, J.P. |
Peacock, Mazan | Weltsie, Hiram O. | Hiram O. Weltsie/Mazan Peacock, November 14, 1855, E.C. Byam |
Pedersdatter, Marthia | Tosterson, Neilson | Neilson Tosterson/Marthia Pedersdatter, September 1, 1853, John Bateman, Justice |
Pedersen, Arne | Halgrinsdatter, Sigred | Arne Pedersen/Sigred Halgrinsdatter, Jan 8, 1854, V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Aseline | Pedersen, John | John Pedersen/Aseline Gabridsdatter, Whitsundy(?), 1854, V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Bannell Guttrums | Pedersen, Endre | Endre Pedersen/Bannell Guttrums Datter, December 25, 1855, Nathaniel Otis, J.P. |
Pedersen, Cary | Pedersen, Ole | Ole Pedersen/Cary Egge, October 29, 1854,V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Endre | Datter, Bannell Guttrums | Endre Pedersen/Bannell Guttrums Datter, December 25, 1855, Nathaniel Otis, J.P. |
Pedersen, John | Gabridsdatter, Aseline | John Pedersen/Aseline Gabridsdatter, Whitsundy(?), 1854, V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Lars | Johnsdatter, Sibziaz(?) | Lars Pedersen/Sibziaz(?) Johnsdatter, Dec 31, 1854, V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Ole | Egge, Cary | Ole Pedersen/Cary Egge, October 29, 1854,V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Sibziaz(?) | Pedersen, Lars | Lars Pedersen/Sibziaz(?) Johnsdatter, Dec 31, 1854, V Koren Minister |
Pedersen, Sigred | Pedersen, Arne | Arne Pedersen/Sigred Halgrinsdatter, Jan 8, 1854, V Koren Minister |
Penfield, Annette | Teeple, George | George Teeple/Annette Penfield, October 23, 1853, John Bateman, Justice Peace |
Penrod, Frederick | Bender, Mariah | Frederick Penrod/Mariah Bender, February 11, 1855, P. Lathrop J.P. |
Penrod, Mariah | Penrod, Frederick | Frederick Penrod/Mariah Bender, February 11, 1855, P. Lathrop J.P. |
Petersen, Asley | Petersen, Rasmin | Rasmin Petersen/Asley Oledatter, October 21, 1855, V Koren Minister |
Petersen, Rasmin | Oledatter, Asley | Rasmin Petersen/Asley Oledatter, October 21, 1855, V Koren Minister |
Peterson, Christiane | Halvorson, John | Mr. John Halvorson/Miss Christiane Peterson, July 21, 1853, Rev. N. Brandt |
Peterson, Elice(?) | Helgeson, Tom(?) | Tom(?) Helgeson/Elice(?) Peterson, July 27, 1852, Rev. N. Brandt |
Peterson, Ellen Maria | Peterson, James | James Peterson/Ellen Maria Olds Datter, December 24, 1854, C.S. Clanson Lutheran Minister |
Peterson, Helene | Egge, Erick P. | Mr. Erick P. Egge/Miss Helene Peterson, July 25, 1853, Rev. N. Brandt |
Peterson, James | Olds Datter, Ellen Maria | James Peterson/Ellen Maria Olds Datter, December 24, 1854, C.S. Clanson Lutheran Minister |
Peterson, Margaret | Larson, Lewis H | Lewis H Larson/Margaret Peterson, June 27, 1855, David Reed Co Judge |
Polly, David C | Windle, Martha | David C Polly/Martha Windle, January 21, 1855, P. Lathrop J.P. |
Polly, Martha | Polly, David C | David C Polly/Martha Windle, January 21, 1855, P. Lathrop J.P. |
Porter, Annette | Porter, H. F. | Mr. H. F. Porter/Miss Annette Tillerson, August 28, 1853, Alfred Bishop, Minister |
Porter, H. F. | Tillerson, Annette | Mr. H. F. Porter/Miss Annette Tillerson, August 28, 1853, Alfred Bishop, Minister |
Poulson, Jas [James] D. | Nelson, Mary | Jas [James] D. Poulson/Mary Nelson, December 25, 1853, John Johnson, Minister |
Poulson, Mary | Poulson, Jas [James] D. | Jas [James] D. Poulson/Mary Nelson, December 25, 1853, John Johnson, Minister |
Prichard, Isabell | Prichard, John R | John R Prichard/Isabell Tannon, October 12, 1855, E.C. Byam |
Prichard, John R | Tannon, Isabell | John R Prichard/Isabell Tannon, October 12, 1855, E.C. Byam |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With Q | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With R | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Rathborn, Clara J. | Rathborn, Dwight | Mr. Dwight Rathborn/Miss Clara J. Munroe, March 27, 1853, John Bateman, J.P. |
Rathborn, Dwight | Munroe, Clara J. | Mr. Dwight Rathborn/Miss Clara J. Munroe, March 27, 1853, John Bateman, J.P. |
Rathborn, Elizabeth | McKay, John | John McKay/Elizabeth Rathborn, February 7, (no year), David Reed Co Judge |
Ream, Elizabeth | Ream, Nicholas | Nicholas Ream/Elizabeth Briscow, May 30, 1852, David Reeds Co. Judge |
Ream, Margaret | Vail, John | Mr John Vail/Miss Margaret Ream, November 4, 1852, Isaac Underhill, J.P. |
Ream, Nicholas | Briscow, Elizabeth | Nicholas Ream/Elizabeth Briscow, May 30, 1852, David Reeds Co. Judge |
Reeb, C. Unreadable | Reeb, Colm | Colm Reeb/C. Unreadable Hollinbarke, February 21, 1854, Jas Brown, J.P. |
Reeb, Colm | Hollinbarke, C. Unreadable | Colm Reeb/C. Unreadable Hollinbarke, February 21, 1854, Jas Brown, J.P. |
Reed, Ebenezer | Gillam, Marry | Ebenezer Reed/ Marry Gillam, October 15, 1854, R.G. Newland JP |
Reed, Marry | Reed, Ebenezer | Ebenezer Reed/ Marry Gillam, October 15, 1854, R.G. Newland JP |
Reynolds, Almira E. | Reynolds, Siles L | Siles L Reynolds/Almira E. Cole, November 12, 1855, Joseph Brown, J.P. |
Reynolds, Elizabeth | Warren, Robert S | Robert S Warren/Elizabeth Reynolds, August 9, 1854, David Reed Co. Judge |
Reynolds, Siles L | Cole, Almira E. | Siles L Reynolds/Almira E. Cole, November 12, 1855, Joseph Brown, J.P. |
Richardson, Henry | Bowers, S.A. | Henry Richardson/S.A. Bowers, October 25, 1855, A.C. Andrews Minister |
Richardson, S.A. | Richardson, Henry | Henry Richardson/S.A. Bowers, October 25, 1855, A.C. Andrews Minister |
Rogers, Abalona B. | Rogers, Sile R. | Sile R. Rogers/Abalona B. Chappel, October 24, 1854, M.B. Sherwin, JP |
Rogers, Sile R. | Chappel, Abalona B. | Sile R. Rogers/Abalona B. Chappel, October 24, 1854, M.B. Sherwin, JP |
Rollins, Joel S. | Bush, Martha L. | Joel S. Rollins/Martha L. Bush, February 7, 1855, M.B. Sherwin J.P. |
Rollins, Martha L. | Rollins, Joel S. | Joel S. Rollins/Martha L. Bush, February 7, 1855, M.B. Sherwin J.P. |
Ross, Elizabeth A. | Holverson, Toler | Toler Holverson/Elizabeth A. Ross, April 29, 1855, Lewis Boughner J.P. |
Rossmanson, Betsey | Rossmanson, Knudt | Knudt Rossmanson/Betsey Larson, August 25, 1855, John Johnson Minister of the Gospel |
Rossmanson, Knudt | Larson, Betsey | Knudt Rossmanson/Betsey Larson, August 25, 1855, John Johnson Minister of the Gospel |
Routnour, Delena | Lee, Wm | Wm Lee/Delena Routnour, December 23, 1854, David Reed Co Judge |
Rupile, Almedia M | Crandall, James M | James M Crandall/Almedia M Rupile, December 31, 1854, Geo Watson Justice of the Peace |
Russell, Caroline | Giles, B.F. | B.F. Giles/Caroline Russell, December 9, 1855, Joseph Brown |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With S | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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