Iowa State Alumni
(now known as Iowa State University)

Ames, Iowa

Iowa State College Alumni, Winnebago County, ISU Bulletin, 1914

Alumni giving their addresses as Winnebago County in 1914

1) Ex-students were not defined. I believe they were students who attended and would have graduated with the indicated graduating class, had they finished.
2) Addresses given were those known in 1914, not at the time of graduation. Researchers should browse the complete database on the IAGenWeb Iowa History Project for names of alumni who may have attended this college, but who were living someplace other than Winnebago co. in 1914, or for those who were deceased by 1914. The complete database includes photos and alumni articles in addition to the list of alumni 1872-1917.

Alumni giving their addresses as Winnebago County in 1914

Hanson, R.E. none / 1910 - Ex-student Forest City, Iowa
Platts, Chas. B.S. in Agron. / 1911 Lake Mills, Iowa
Gjellefald, O.N. B.S. in C.E. / 1912 Forest City, Iowa - president of the Winnebago co. Branch of the Alumni Assoc. in 1917
Herm, Ole G. B.S. in C.E. / 1914 Lake Mills, Iowa
Schaffer, Roscoe not given / 1914 Forest City, Iowa - secretary of the Winnebago co. Branch of the Alumni Assoc. in 1917

The Alumnus of Iowa State College; Alumni Directory, June, 1914, Vol. IX, No. 9
The Alumnus of Iowa State College, April, 1917, Vol XII, No. 7

~Data transcribed by Sharyl Ferrall for Winnebago County IAGenWeb

Page Last Updated 11/07/2020 00:15:28