Index to 
Southeastern Iowa Participation
In the Civil War

Our thanks to Steve Burgess for photos from his personal collection, the Prairie Grove Battlefield Park Museum in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, those who work there, and Marge Neal of the Washington County Genealogical Library for their assistance in locating this information.

Last updated: August 22, 2004

Southeast Iowa men from Henry, Jefferson, Lee, Louisa, Van Buren and Washington County served together during the Civil War in the 19th Iowa Infantry.

Within three months of the end of the war, J. Irvine Dungan wrote " The History of the 19th Iowa Volunteer Infantry". Augustine Robinette, who served in the 19th Regiment Company C with J. Irvine Dungan also kept a diary. Both of these men were in the same Regiment and Company as my great grandfather, Joseph Snider. Thus, I was delighted to discover the name Joseph Snyder in the list of men who had attended the Old Soldiers 1909 reunion . He died in August the following year so this was his last reunion. Perhaps many more of you will find your ancestors among these men.

Some time after the war biennial reunions of the Old Soldiers began, possibly around 1871. While these were mostly Civil War soldiers, a very few Spanish American War survivors were also included. What was said to be the biggest reunion ever held in Washington, Iowa occurred in 1909 where for the first time food was provided for the attendees, served by the ladies from the W.A.C. The September 29th-30th, 1909 reunion consisted of the 8th, 19th and 25th Regiments. A photo of the 1909 reunion was located and purchased by Steve Burgess who has generously provided it for our use here. Rosters of the men from the 8th and 19th regiments that attended the 1909 reunion are included. Steve has also recently acquired a Tenth Reunion of  the 19th Iowa Infantry ribbon held in Eldon, Iowa in October 7-8, 1891 and included a photo for you to enjoy. Another ribbon of interest is the Palmer Post Ribbon.

Surprisingly, the Washington Evening Journal account of the 1909 reunion included a photo and comments about Major F. R. Earle . Major Fontaine Richard Earle was a Cane Hill citizen who became the Major of the 34th Arkansas, and their first big battle was Prairie Grove. Major Earle was in charge of guarding some of the boys of the 19th Iowa, on their way to the prison camp at Tyler, Texas. This southern gentleman is equally important in telling the story of the Civil War.

Some sections of the newspaper clippings were missing when these pages were constructed and Steve has helped clarify some of the incidents that were eluded to in the articles. Steve also knew the grandson of William S. Moore who was a friend and acquaintance of Major F. R. Earle and helped research these battles further on the internet.

Major Earle became the minister of the Church in Cane Hill and Moore was on the building committee of the same church. After the War, Earle became President of the Cane Hill College, and was a Presbyterian Minister for almost 30 years. He is the fellow standing with his hat in the air.

The Washington Democrat account was the original 1909 newspaper that had been folded into small segments. Each fold had cracked and started to crumble when they were loaned to me to scan for this website. Some words or lines will be missing in the articles and cracks will be seen across some of the faces of the men pictured. But it is a great find. The pictures are primarily those of officers and those who gave speeches at the reunion. You will need to have Acrobat Reader 5.0 to view them. We even found a few photos of Civil War mothers in 1910.

Washington Democrat  Weekly Newspaper- Old Soldiers Reunion, September 29th, 30th, 1909 published in September 29th and the following week in October 1909

Segment 1:  - containe photos of Capt. G. W. Summerville, Co. H; Col. D. J. Palmer; Corp J. W. Morton Co. C., 19th; R. W. Brookhart; Maj. General Herron, the youngest Maj. Gen .in the Army, an Iowa man.
Segment 2:  - contains photos of Capt J. H. Gray, Co. C, 19th Ia.; Lieut L. B. Cocklin, Col C d. August 1900;.Sgt D.D. Proper, Co. I , 19th; Col. Josiah Patterson;  Maj. F. R. Earl, guarded the 19th, commanded Confederate Infantry, now a Presbyterian minister.
Segment 3:  - Marion Campbell, Adj. 8th Inf; Stanley Miller, Corp. in Spanish American War, now QuarterMaster of the 54th Reg.; G. W. Marsden; Corp. Jas. H. Young; Lieut. Rodman;  Capt T. H. Stanton.
Segment 4:  -Sgt. J. T. Duncan color bearer; Lt. Col. John Bruce, commanded the 19th the last two years of the war, was a Federal Judge in Alabama until his death; Col. Samuel McFarland, Killed at Prairie Grove Dec. 7, 1862 while leading a charge; Maj. Wm Stubbs; Liv Hollingsworth 1st Lt. in Spanish American War;
Segment 5: - Col. D. J. Palmer as he looked in 1909 and remnants of his speech.
Segment 6: - Mothers of Old Soldiers in 1910 clippings
Segment 7: - Joseph Sommers barn where a war meeting was held. We are also fortunate enough to have a photo of one of the young boys that attended that war meeting, Uriah Cummings (sometimes spelled Cummins) It is questionable whether or not he actually served in the Civil War. Uriah was only 3 months old in 1850 and 11 yrs. old in 1860 which would have made him only 12-13 yrs old when this meeting was held.

Washington Evening Journal Microfilm copies of September 30th and October 1, 1909 issues:

Again these printed copies of the microfilm are incomplete. Some text is on on most pages but names of those pictured are included as points of reference. A few more items may be added at a later date.

September 22, 1909 - Before the Reunion
September 25, 1909 - Progress report on preparations for the big reunion
September 27, 1909 - 16th Infantry by train and Cavalry's overland trek from Des Moines to Omaha for the military tournament being held there.
Page 1, September 30, 1909 - Account of the opening day of the Old Soldiers reunion
Segment 2:-
Segment 3:-
Jeffreys - Rest of Segment 4 to be added later, missing center column.
Segment 5:
Segment 6: -
Segment 6: -
Segment 7: -
Segment 8:a - Murphy, drummer boy
Segment 8b - E. C. Condit, 19th Iowa
Segment 8c -  Text
Segment 8d -  McFarland photo and text
Page 2a, Segment 1 - Text
Segment 2b - More Text - roster
Segment 2b2 -  Rest of roster
Harvey&Kellogg - includes some names from rosters.
Page 3 to be added later

Civil War Statistics for Washington County, Iowa

Population in 1860   -2,755
Soldiers in the Union Army -
Enlisted/Commissioned  - 633
Drafted  -1
Total      -634
Of that total this is the breakdown of their exit from the
Killed or Mortally Wounded   - 38
Died as a POW              -3
Died of Disease                         -77
Disabled                                   - 95
Deserted                                    -3
Discharged                                    -69
Mustered Out at War's End       -310



Henry County, Iowa in the Civil War

Civil War - 4th Cavalry -  page 640-644   

The Fourth Regiment of Iowa Cavalry was organized under the proclamation of President Lincoln, dated July 23, 1861. The original roster of the regiment shows that the twelve companies of which it was composed were ordered into quarters by Governor Kirkwood, on dates ranging from August 25 to November 2, 1861. The place of rendezvous designated in the order was Mount Pleasant, Iowa, where the companies were mustered into the service of the United States by Captain Alexander Chambers, of the United States Army, on dates ranging from November 23, 1861, to January 1, 1862.(1) Most of these companies had perfected their organization and were awaiting assignment when the Governor's order was issued, but some of them had only an incipient organization at
the that time, hence the disparity in the dates upon which they were mustered into the service. Upon the date of the muster of the last company, the regiment numbered 1,086 men and officers. The camp was named "Camp Harlan," in honor of the distinguished Senator from Iowa, whose home was in Mount Pleasant. Barracks were erected for
the use of the men and officers and stable for the horses.

Civil War - 4th Cavalry- page 644 - 647

On the 11th of May, Lieutenant Colonel Swan was ordered to move rapidly in the direction of Hayses Bluff and
reconnoiter that fortified position for the purpose of ascertaining whether it was still occupied by the enemy. Early
in the afternoon, the advance guard of the regiment came within sight of works, and continued to advance
cautiously, but not encountering opposition. Captain Peters with his company was ordered to move forward for
closer observation and meeting with no enemy, he rode into the fort and found but twenty of the enemy, who
surrendered without resistance.

Civil War - 4th Cavalry - page 648 - 654

General Sherman highly commended Colonel Winslow for his successful management of the expedition, in a personal letter, from which the following extracts are taken:

Page 648

  "You did exactly as you were ordered and acted perfectly right.. I wish now I had ordered you to destroy all cars instead of attempting to save them, but my instructions were based on General Grant's wishes as conveyed to me in person...I now assure you of my great respect..I esteem you highly as A most promising cavalry officer, and only ask you , --- find yourself to obey orders, and when left to your discretion to do just what your judgment suggests. Only remember that boldness and dash are the characteristics of good cavalry...I will watch your progress always and wish you to consider me your friend and to call on me freely when you will..."

Civil War - 4th Cavalry - 654-655

  In General Orders No. 6, dated at Fort Scott, Ks, October 26, 1864, General Pleasanton recounts the achievements of his cavalry division and says of Winslow's Brigade:

  The gallant action of Phillips Brigade of Missouri Cavalry, and Winslow's Brigade, in capturing eight of the enemy's guns, on the Osage was so distinguished as to draw praise from the enemy...The night fighting of Colonel Winslow on the Big Blue deserves the highest commendation. The regiments of the Fourth Brigade are authorized to place upon their colors "Big Blue" and "Osage".

Civil War - 4th Cavalry - Partial Roster of Men

  Another expedition in which 110 men of the Fourth Iowa--under command of Captain Beckwith-participated, left Memphis early in December and was conveyed by transports to a point on the river near which, it was reported, a large quantity of arms and medical stores, belonging to the rebel arm, were stored, awaiting transportation, and guarded by but a small force of rebels, who were visiting the arrival of a larger force with wagons to remove the arms and stores tothe interior. The camp of the guard was surrounded just at daybreak and after a brief resistance, they surrendered. On thousand rifles, ammunition for same, besides a large quantity of revolvers, quinine and other medical stores, were captured and, with the prisoners, taken to Memphis. Such captures were of great importance, as the rebels were merely in need of such supplies, which, on account of the destruction of so many of their factories and the maintenance of a strict blockade along the coasts, they found it very difficult to procure,. It is one of the marvels of history, that the soldiers of the rebel army, lacking as they did. In the latter days of the war, so many of the supplies necessary for their maintenance, should have been able and willing to prolong the hopeless struggle. They were brave American soldiers fighting for a cause they thought was just, and the brave men who finally conquered them, can well afford to pay tribute to their valor and endurance.

Abstracted from History of Louisa County 1878

THE ELEVENTH INFANTRY was mustered into the United States service at Davenport, Iowa, in September and October, 1861, with A.M. Hare, of Muscatine, as Colonel; Jno. C. Abercrombie, as Lieutenant Colonel; and Wm. Hall, of Davenport, as Major. Company A was from Muscatine County; Company B, from Marshall and Hardin Counties; Company C, from Louisa County; Company D, from Muscatine County; Company E, from Cedar County; Company F, from Washington County; Company G, from Henry County; Company H, from Muscatine County; Company I, from Muscatine County; Company K, from Linn County. Was engaged in the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battles of Corinth, Vicksburg, Atlanta campaignm battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. Was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 15, 1865.


Diaries of Mifflin Jennings during the Civil War -  The diaries of my great-great grandfather  were transcribed in the early 1980s from three small pocket-sized leather-bounddiaries kept by Mifflin Jennings.  By the war’s end, Mifflin had been promoted to First Sergeant, Co. C, 11th Iowa VeteranVolunteer Infantry. These diaries were originally made in pencil and ink, and some have faded.  The originals are in my possession or soon will be at the Kansas State Historical Society museum and research facility. Ron Smith

Washington County, Iowa in the Civil War

The History of the 19th Iowa Infantry by J. Irvine Dungan, 1865

19th Iowa Infantry, Co. C  - Roster of men  enlisting from Washington County.

In 1862 the Civil War began to involve the trans-Mississippi states in a serious way. As a result President Lincoln issued a call for 300,000 new volunteers on July 9, 1862. The 19th Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the first unit formed in Iowa after the President's call. Each of the 10 Companies were to comprise the 19th Infantry and enrolled different counties, but for the most part, men from Washington County and town enrolled in Company C ensuring that some of the recruits were acquainted.

The Division was activated in Keokuk in August of 1862. One historian was J. Irvine Dungan of Company C. Dungan
was 21 and gave his occupation as student. When released from service, Dungan traveled to Wapello to consult with Dr.
Thomas Bell and his journal for dates and other particulars, and published his History of the Nineteenth Regiment Iowa
Volunteer Infantry in Davenport in 1865.


1. Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol 2, pages 509 to 544 inclusive
2. Roster of the Fourth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Cavalry--1861-1865. An appendix to "The Story of a Cavalry Regiment", by William Force Scott; New York; Press J. J. Little & Co. 1902
3. Lieutenant Colonel Drummond went into the field with the regiment, but after a few months, resigned, and returned to his position in the Fifth United States Cavalry. He was killed while gallantly leading his men into battle in a charge at Five Forks, April 1, 1865.
4. Report of the Adjutant General, 1864, page 512  War- 19th Regiment  - Company K, 19th Regiment