Conger Family

Last updated 06 May 2023

This page provides family history information about Jonathan Clark Conger, his wife Jane Sloan Conger, and their family.

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Conger Family Tree

Conger Descendants Report

Biographies, Obituaries and other Tidbits

Jonathan Clark Conger Obituary

Jane Sloan Conger Obituary

Marietta Elizabeth Conger Stanton Obituary

Florence Conger Twining Obituary

Clara Conger Wilson Obituary

Medora Conger Mitchell Article from the Washington Gazette

An Old Settler's Story - Fictional account of an interview with Jonathan C. Conger from the Washington Evening Journal


Conger Metcalf - Great Grandson of the Conger's, and son of granddaughter Medora (Mitchell) Metcalf


Thaddeus Harlan Stanton Biography - The Conger's Son-in-law; husband of their daughter Marietta.

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