Lewis Publishing Company
113 Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois
Kackley, Dr. |
441 |
Kanoff, Phoebe M. |
552 |
Kanoff, William |
552 |
Karr, Mary |
331 |
Karr, Willis |
459 |
Kasson, John A. |
423,684 |
Kasteel, Mary |
300 |
Kater, Adelaide M. |
542 |
Katzenbarger, D. |
688,690 |
Katzenbarger, J. V. |
679,673,688 |
Kearney, P. |
717 |
Keating, Henry |
688,721 |
Keating, Joshua |
721 |
Keating, M. W |
720 |
Keating, W. H. |
720 |
Keating, William |
717 |
Keesee, Martha T. |
570 |
Keifer, Mary |
252 |
Keith, A. E. |
724,725,726,730 |
Keith, A. F. |
500,501 |
Keith, Abraham E. |
472 |
Keith, Alexander |
472 |
Keith, Dr. E. |
450 |
Keith, E. |
440 |
Keith, Edwin C. |
473 |
Keith, Eliza |
472,500 |
Keith, Emma C. |
501 |
Keith, Fannie |
580 |
Keith, George M. |
473 |
Keith, Lizzie M. |
500 |
Keith, Louisa J. |
473 |
Keith, Margaret |
473 |
Keith, Mrs. Charles |
580 |
Keith, R. S. |
500,725,726 |
Keith, Wilford K. |
473 |
Keller, Benjamin |
324,328,434 |
Keller, Benjamin A. |
325 |
Keller, C. E. |
325 |
Keller, C. J. |
325 |
Keller, Carrie E. |
325 |
Keller, Clara B. |
306 |
Keller, Curtis |
306 |
Keller, E. K. |
324 |
Keller, Edith O. |
306 |
Keller, Eleanor |
324 |
Keller, Elinor |
328 |
Keller, Elizabeth |
306 |
Keller, Eva J. |
325 |
Keller, Florence J. |
306 |
Keller, George E. |
324 |
Keller, I. W. |
259,376,444,450 |
Keller, Isaac W. |
306,421,423,429,430 |
Keller, Isaac W. |
439,440,450,451,453 |
Keller, Jessie F. |
325 |
Keller, John |
359 |
Keller, John J. |
306 |
Keller, John N. |
324 |
Keller, Judge Isaac W. |
455 |
Keller, Levi |
306 |
Keller, Louie |
306 |
Keller, Margaret A. |
359 |
Keller, Mary V. |
324 |
Keller, Paroda |
259 |
Keller, Paroda A. |
306 |
Keller, Rachel |
306 |
Keller, Rosa B. |
324 |
Keller, Sarah C. |
328 |
Keller, Sarah E. |
324,325 |
Kellerton Independent (newspaper) |
438 |
Kellerton Lodge, No. 425 |
457 |
Kellerton Lodge, No. 90 |
457 |
Kellerton, Town of |
455 |
Kelley & Becker |
470 |
Kelley & Hopkins |
470 |
Kelley, Clara N. |
470 |
Kelley, Clara V. |
470 |
Kelley, John |
470 |
Kelley, M. T. |
470 |
Kelley, Olive V. |
470 |
Kelley, R. B. |
718 |
Kelley, W. M. |
733 |
Kelley, W. N. |
726 |
Kelley, William N. |
470 |
Kelley, William N. Jr. |
470 |
Kelly, Charley |
303 |
Kelly, John |
303,458,459 |
Kelly, Martha |
303 |
Kelly, Mary |
303 |
Kelly, Peter |
303 |
Kelly, Sarah |
303 |
Kelly, Susan |
303 |
Kelly, William |
303 |
Kelp, Mrs. Ann |
613 |
Kelsaw, |
674 |
Kemplin, Eunice |
599 |
Kemplin, Evaline |
599 |
Kemplin, John |
599 |
Kemplin, Maria |
599 |
Kemplin, William |
599 |
Kemplin, William H. |
599 |
Kemplin, Wilson P. |
599 |
Kenady, Mary |
508 |
Kendall Brothers |
438,456 |
Kendall, Frank |
537 |
Kendall, J. W. |
456 |
Kendall, John C. |
538 |
Kendall, John T. |
537 |
Kendall, Laura E. |
538 |
Kendall, Ludia A. |
537 |
Kendall, Margaret |
256,260 |
Kendall, Mary E. |
537 |
Kendall, Sarah |
522 |
Kendall, T. P. |
537 |
Kendall, T. W. |
537 |
Kennedy, Dr. |
479 |
Kenney, |
675 |
Kennison, C. J. |
688 |
Kent, Addie I. |
632 |
Kent, Alfred |
632,688 |
Kent, Alma |
430 |
Kent, Elijah |
689 |
Kent, Enoch |
689 |
Kent, Kensel |
632,673,674 |
Kent, Maria L. |
632 |
Kent, Mary Emma |
632 |
Kent, Merrill C. |
632 |
Kent, Mima Jane |
632 |
Kent, Nelson M. |
688 |
Kent, Oscar E. |
632 |
Kent, Postoffice |
545 |
Kent, Sarah Ann |
632 |
Kent, Town of |
737 |
Kenworthy, Thomas |
460 |
Kepler, Elizabeth |
602 |
Kerr, Elizabeth |
612 |
Kerr, Mary A. |
337 |
Kesler, Elias |
429 |
Ketchum, Anna Laura |
546 |
Ketchum, Charles E. |
546 |
Ketchum, Edwin S. |
545 |
Ketchum, George A. |
546 |
Ketchum, George P. |
546 |
Ketchum, Herbert W. |
546 |
Ketchum, Mary E. |
546 |
Kew, Postoffice |
462 |
Keyes, Caroline |
329 |
Killer, H. C. |
721 |
Killgore, Cynthia A. |
529 |
Killingsworth, D. H. |
453 |
Killion, David |
688 |
Killion, James L. |
686,690 |
Killion, Paulina |
296 |
Kimberland, Nancy |
275 |
Kindblade, Gustavus |
427 |
King, A. E. |
441,460 |
King, Christina |
378 |
King, Eliza |
322 |
King, J. L. |
694,728 |
King, Rev. E. M. |
452 |
King, Rev. W. |
733 |
King, Sarah Ann |
280 |
King, Selina A. |
322 |
King, T. N. |
295 |
King, W. |
322,737 |
King, William |
457 |
Kinkade, Amanda A. |
586 |
Kinkade, Clara |
586 |
Kinkade, Elmer E. |
586 |
Kinkade, Harvey W. |
586 |
Kinkade, William |
586 |
Kinsell, Addie |
315 |
Kinsell, Clive |
274 |
Kinsell, D. C. |
273,294,315,450 |
Kinsell, Daymude E. |
281 |
Kinsell, Dewitt Clinton |
271 |
Kinsell, Elizabeth |
274 |
Kinsell, Enoch B. |
271 |
Kinsell, Hannah |
271 |
Kinsell, Harry |
274 |
Kinsell, Isabel M. |
281 |
Kinsell, John |
281 |
Kinsell, John W. |
281 |
Kinsell, Mary V. |
294 |
Kinsell, Rex E. |
281 |
Kinsell, Sarah |
272,273 |
Kinsell, Sophenia A. |
281 |
Kinsell, Z. T. |
273,450,451,454 |
Kions, Elizabeth |
245 |
Kipplinger, Rev. |
719 |
Kipplinger, S. W. |
737 |
Kirbey, J. S. |
315 |
Kirby, G. C. |
683 |
Kirby, J. S. |
450,451 |
Kirby, Mary |
554 |
Kirby, Winnie |
451 |
Kirke, Martha |
275 |
Kirkendall, J. D. |
720 |
Kirkham, Ella |
357 |
Kirkham, Orlando |
434 |
Kirkham, Rodolphus |
434 |
Kirkland, Hannah |
571 |
Kirkpatrick, Dr. |
701 |
Kirkpatrick, Nancy |
252 |
Kirvy, John S. |
278 |
Kitchen, Sarah |
474 |
Kitterman, Leah M. |
515 |
Kleinfelter, Rev. |
719 |
Kleinfelter, W. |
737 |
Klingensmith, Anna |
549 |
Klingensmith, Catherine |
506 |
Klingensmith, D. |
549 |
Klingensmith, F. A. |
549 |
Klingensmith, Flora J. |
550 |
Klingensmith, Hannah |
377 |
Klingensmith, Keziah E. |
549 |
Klingensmith, M. R. |
549 |
Klingensmith, Mary |
549 |
Klingensmith, N. W. |
549 |
Klingensmith, Nancy J. |
549 |
Klingensmith, S. W. |
549 |
Klingensmith, William |
549 |
Kneale, Catherine |
643 |
Kneale, Jane |
505,533,643 |
Kneale, Thomas |
643 |
Knight, M. J. |
233 |
Knight, Matthew |
233 |
Knight, Sophia |
233 |
Koch, Elizabeth |
566 |
Kock, Frederick |
688 |
Kooker, Rev. A. D. |
733 |
Kooker, Rev. D. H. |
719,733,737 |
Krell, S. |
737 |
Kurtz, John |
382 |
Kurtz, Martha |
382 |