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Story County, Iowa Inventory Patents

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Results for Names Matching "VOGEL"

Name Patent Title Patent
City Year
Jerald VOGEL method and means for measuring dynamic and static air pressure on a ground surface beneath a lawn mower system 05929339 Ames 1999
Jerald VOGEL method and means for measuring dynamic and static air pressure on a ground surface beneath a negative air system 06065347 Ames 2000
Jerald VOGEL Continuously variable natural frequency and damping vibration isolation system 08490952 Ames 2013
Jerald M. VOGEL apparatus for preventing the transmission of vibrations 04497078 Ames 1985
Jerald M. VOGEL action release for a muzzleloader 06922932 Ames 2005
Jerald M. VOGEL retractable face safety for a firearm 06996930 Ames 2006
Jerald M. VOGEL firing system for a firearm 07076902 Ames 2006

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