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Story County, Iowa Inventory Patents

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Results for Names Matching "MERFELD"

Name Patent Title Patent
City Year
Nick MERFELD row crop gathering belt for combine heads 06230476 Nevada 2001
Nick MERFELD Drop tube system for planting field seeds in rows with different varieties of seeds 09635804 Nevada 2017
Nick MERFELD method and apparatus for continuously harvesting grain from a row of mature grain plants comprised of plant segments and alley segments 07398636 Nevada 2008
Nick MERFELD method and apparatus for planting seed in a seed research plot 07111567 Nevada 2006
Nick MERFELD method and apparatus for continuously harvesting grain from a row of mature grain plants comprised of plant segments and alley segments 06848243 Nevada 2005
Nick MERFELD method and apparatus for planting seed in a seed research plot 06832567 Nevada 2004
Nick MERFELD method and apparatus for presenting grain for nir spectography examination 06749810 Nevada 2004
Nick MERFELD method and means for planting field seeds in rows with different varieties of seeds 06474500 Nevada 2002
Nick MERFELD unloading system for particulate materials bins 06330767 Nevada 2001
Nick MERFELD seed package handling system for test plot combine 06319118 Nevada 2001
Nick MERFELD package conveyor system for seed test plot combines 06293863 Nevada 2001
Nick MERFELD Method of operating a planter for planting seeds in a field for experimental purposes 10624256 Nevada 2020

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