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Story County, Iowa Inventory Patents

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Results for Names Matching "IJADI-MAGHSOODI"

Name Patent Title Patent
City Year
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI silylene- and disilyleneacetylene polymers from trichloroethylene 04940767 Ames 1990
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI low temperature joining of ceramic composites 05922628 Ames 1999
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI low temperature joining of ceramic composites 05858144 Ames 1999
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI diorganosilacetylene-alt-diorganosilvinylene polymers and a process of preparation 05457074 Ames 1995
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI diorganosilacetylene-alt-diorganosilvinylene polymers and a process densifying porous silicon-carbide bodies 05312649 Ames 1994
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI nonlinear optical and conductive polymeric material 05254289 Ames 1993
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI diorganosilacetylene-alt-diorganosilvinylene polymers and a process of preparation 05241029 Ames 1993
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI poly(silylene)vinylenes from ethynylhydridosilanes 05162478 Ames 1992
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI nonlinear optical and conductive polymeric material 05115062 Ames 1992
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI silyl- and disilanyl-1,3-butadiyne polymers from hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 04965332 Ames 1990
Sina IJADI-MAGHSOODI low temperature joining of ceramic composites 06214472 Ames 2001

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