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Results for Names Matching "HAMMOND"

Name Patent Title Patent
City Year
Earl HAMMOND Terpene ester compounds as autoxidation inhibitors for frying oils 07722909 Ames 2010
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having low linolenic acid and elevated stearic acid contents 05714668 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having low linolenic acid and low palmitic acid contents 05714670 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having low linolenic acid and elevated stearic acid contents 05714668 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND a17 soybeans having low linolenic acid content and descendents 05714669 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having low linolenic acid and low palmitic acid contents 05714670 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated elginems-421 05714672 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND elevated palmitic acid production in soybeans 05750846 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans capable of forming a vegetable oil having specified concentrations of palmitic and stearic acids 05750844 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having low linolenic acid content and palmitic acid content of at least eleven percent 05763745 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean vegetable oil having elevated concentrations of both palmitic acid and stearic acid 05795969 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated ax7017-1-3 05850029 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean vegetable oil possessing a reduced linolenic acid content 05986118 Ames 1999
Earl G. HAMMOND reduced linolenic acid production in soybeans 06133509 Ames 2000
Earl G. HAMMOND method of converting free fatty acids to fatty acid methyl esters with small excess of methanol 06965044 Ames 2005
Earl G. HAMMOND method of converting free fatty acids to fatty acid methyl esters with small excess of methanol 06965044 Ames 2005
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated elginems-421 05714672 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND a16 soybeans having low linolenic acid content and descendents 05710369 Ames 1998
Earl G. HAMMOND manufacture of salted cheese 03798340 Ames 1974
Earl G. HAMMOND manufacture of salted cheese 03798340 Ames 1974
Earl G. HAMMOND manufacture of salted cheese 03798340 Ames 1974
Earl G. HAMMOND process for reducing cholesterol in animal fats 05264599 Ames 1993
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean variety 9253 05530183 Ames 1996
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having low linolenic acid content and method of production 05534425 Ames 1996
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans having elevated contents of saturated fatty acids 05557037 Ames 1996
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans and soybean products having low palmitic acid content 05585535 Ames 1996
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans and soybean products having low palmitic acid content 05585535 Ames 1996
Earl G. HAMMOND soybeans and soybeans products having high palmitic acid content 05602311 Ames 1997
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated a89-259098 05663485 Ames 1997
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated a89-259098 05663485 Ames 1997
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated ax 4663-5-4-5 05684230 Ames 1997
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated a1937 nmu-85 05684231 Ames 1997
Earl G. HAMMOND soybean designated a1937 nmu-85 05684231 Ames 1997
Earl G. HAMMOND cheese making process 02982654 Ames 1961

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