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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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From Birth Register Volume 1 1880-1890 Page 175
Certificate Number 354Date Issued
Child Given Name  ReumerChild Surname
Child Sex Female Child Race
Date of Birth 05 Feb 1882 Palestine Twp Story Co IAPlace of Birth
Father's Given Name Noble H. ReumerFather's Surname
Father's Occupation FarmerAmericanFather's Nationality
Father's Birth Place Iowa27Father's Age
Mother's Given Name Georgia AnnTodddMother's Maiden Name
Mother's Surname ReumerPalestine Twp Story Co IAMother's Residence
Mother's Nationality AmericanIowaMother's Birth Place
Mother's Age 262Number of Child This Mother
Medical Attendant's Name P.H. Sharp M.D.Kelley IAMedical Attendant's Address
Certificate Signer's Name P.H. Sharp M.D.Kelley IACertificate Signer's Address
Returned by Name P.H. Sharp M.D.
Transcription Comment...
The family surname is very difficult to read and may be incorrect.

© 1999–2024 Mark Christian

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