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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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From Birth Register Volume 1 1880-1890 Page 145
Child Given Name Zeddie Allen McCainChild Surname
Child Sex Male WChild Race
Date of Birth  Place of Birth
Father's Given Name John Henry McCainFather's Surname
Father's Occupation FarmerFather's Nationality
Mother's Given Name Phoebe CatherineWheatleyMother's Maiden Name
Mother's Surname McCainColo Story Co IAMother's Residence
Mother's Nationality AmericanUnited StatesMother's Birth Place
Certificate Signer's Name John Neal McCainCertificate Signer's Address
Transcription Comment...
'Affidavit made by John Neal McCain 1002 W Boone St Marshalltown who is an older half-brother age 72'

© 1999–2024 Mark Christian

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