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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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Results for the surname "TRIPP"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
TRIPP 03 Sep 1883 29 Sep 1883 Henry N. TRIPP Eliza E. FORD Gilbert Story Co IA
Evlen TRIPP 27 Jan 1900 William A TRIPP Merlie BRILEY Washington Twp
Opal E. TRIPP 29 Jun 1908 W.A. TRIPP Myrtie BRILEY Washington Twp

Results from Mother's Maiden Name...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
Gladys Velva ROSS 09 Nov 1900 Arthur E. ROSS Mary Bell TRIPP Washington Twp
Mildred I. ROSS 19 Sep 1908 Art E ROSS Mary Bell TRIPP Washington Twp

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