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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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Results for the surname "LOUNSBERRY"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
Frank H LOUNSBERRY 16 Mar 1906 James G. LOUNSBERRY Lydia Anna SHAFFER Richland
Horace Charles LOUNSBERRY 06 Apr 1889 20 Apr 1889 J.H. LOUNSBERRY Roxie DANSKIN Sherman Twp Story Co IA
John Devine LOUNSBERRY 10 Jul 1887 29 Aug 1887 John H. LOUNSBERRY Roxie DANSKIN Sherman Twp Story Co IA

Results from Father's Surname if Different from Child's...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
LOUNSBERY 04 Apr 1884 14 Jun 1884 Jno LOUNSBERRY Roxie F. DANSKIN Sherman Twp Story Co IA

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