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Story County Iowa Birth Records

Story Co. Home Page

Results for the surname "HENRY"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
HENRY 10 Jul 1882 21 Sep 1882 James HENRY James, Mrs.
HENRY 15 Feb 1884 12 Mar 1884 James HENRY Margeret DRAKE Nevada Twp Story Co IA
Carrie M. HENRY 18 Jun 1889 11 Jul 1889 Jas. T. HENRY Alice E. PIZER Iowa Center Story Co IA
Teddy Rooseveldt HENRY 31 Jul 1903 James T HENRY Alice Elizabeth PIZER Indian Creek Twp

Results from Mother's Maiden Name...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
Mary KELLEY 16 Apr 1903 Edward KELLY Lulu May HENRY Collins Twp

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