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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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Results for the surname "GOSSARD"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
GOSSARD 17 Dec 1888 15 Jan 1889 J.F. GOSSARD Alice PALMATIER Kelley Story Co IA
Cecile Grace GOSSARD 17 Jun 1882 19 Jul 1884 M.W. GOSSARD Sadie CAMPBELL Nevada Story Co IA
Genevieve GOSSARD 01 Nov 1886 09 Nov 1886 M.W. GOSSARD Sarah N. CAMPBELL Grant Twp Story Co IA
Lawrence Jay GOSSARD 03 Jul 1884 31 Jul 1884 Jesse GOSSARD Alice PALMATIER Washington Twp Story Co IA

Results from Mother's Maiden Name...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
BROWN 09 Jul 1880 01 Sep 1880 William BROWN GOSSARD Near Ames Story Co IA
STEVENS 15 Aug 1886 18 Oct 1886 Carl C. STEVENS Florence GOSSARD Palestine Twp Story Co IA
STEVENS 25 Mar 1888 25 May 1888 Carl C. STEVENSON Florence GOSSARD Palestine Twp Story Co IA
Zell STEPHENS 30 Jul 1884 31 Jul 1884 C.C. STEPHENS Florence K. GOSSARD Palestine Twp Story Co IA

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