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Story County Iowa Birth Records

Story Co. Home Page

Results for the surname "GOOD"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
GOOD 24 Sep 1889 30 Sep 1889 George GOOD Mary J. SACKETT
Charles George GOOD 15 Sep 1908 Geo I.M. GOOD Blanch WILSON Collins Twp
Emma Pearl GOOD 26 Jun 1903 Geo. Irvin Monroe GOOD Blanche Pearl WILSON Collins

Results from Mother's Maiden Name...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
MEYERS 10 Aug 1886 27 Nov 1886 Urias MEYERS Elizabeth GOOD Maxwell Story Co IA
Orphia Marie MEYERS 07 Jun 1902 Urias MEYERS Elizabeth C GOOD Nevada Twp

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