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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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Results for the surname "BAUGE"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
BAUGE 08 Oct 1880 06 Nov 1880 Ole N. BAUGE Jennie E. TEGLAND Ames Story Co IA
Abner Cecil BAUGE 30 Dec 1902 L.N. BAUGE Annie FJELLAND Palestine
Jennings S. BAUGE 09 Mar 1889 11 Apr 1889 Ole N. BAUGE Jennie TEGLAND Ames Story Co IA
Martin Theodor BAUGE 22 May 1906 Lars N. BAUGE Anna FJELLAND Palestine Twp
Nels Steward BAUGE 01 Mar 1884 06 May 1884 T.M. BAUG aka BAUGE (Cem Rec) Martha NERMS Palestine Twp Story Co IA
Sanford BAUGE 16 Feb 1900 Lars N. BAUGE Anna SAMPSON Palestine Twp
Sanford M. BAUGE 19 Mar 1901 Lars N. BAUGE Anna F. FJELLAND Palestine Twp

Results from Family's AKA Name...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
Nels Steward BAUGE 01 Mar 1884 06 May 1884 T.M. BAUG aka BAUGE (Cem Rec) Martha NERMS Palestine Twp Story Co IA

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