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Story County, Iowa
Index to Birth Certificates

Story Co. Home Page

Results for Names Matching "ARNOLD"

See Introduction About Acquiring Certificates.

Surname Given Name Date of
Maiden Name
Box Source
Arnold Gladys Mildred 14 Nov. 1920 Story Amdahl 0540 B3654 SHSI
Croker (Baby Girl) 26 Dec. 1911 Story Arnold 0132 B3650 SHSI
Croker Glenn Leo 30 May 1913 Story Arnold 0225 B3650 SHSI
Croker Max 22 Aug. 1916 Story Arnold 0064 B3652 SHSI
Croker Max 22 Aug. 1915 Story Arnold 0315 B3652 SHSI
Hicks Dorothy Irene 28 Oct. 1914 Story Arnold 0019 B3651 SHSI
Hicks Francis Arnold 28 July 1912 Story Arnold 0299 B3650 SHSI
League Donald Richard 19 Sept. 1914 Story Arnold 0046 B3651 SHSI
Reingardt Bernie Ivadale 12 Feb. 1912 Story Arnold 0087 B3650 SHSI
Reingardt Carrol Henry 29 May 1919 Story Arnold 0275 B3653 SHSI
Reingardt Doris Henrietta 15 Jan. 1917 Story Arnold 0346 B3652 SHSI
Reingardt Irene Marie 30 Apr. 1909 Story Arnold 0231 B3649 SHSI
Reingardt Kenneth Conrad 08 Oct. 1913 Story Arnold 0232 B3650 SHSI
Rengardt Dorothy Gwendolyn 12 Mar. 1915 Story Arnold 0323 B3652 SHSI
Swafford Dorothy Elizabeth 23 Sept. 1910 Story Arnold 0329 B3649 SHSI
Wagner Robert Arnold 19 May 1918 Story Arnold 0626 B3653 SHSI

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