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Community History Zearing, Iowa by Donald H. Grimm 1956

Zearing Book Index

Results for Names Matching "GILMORE"

Click on Page Number to View Page
Given Name Surname(s) Page Book Section
Catherine (Gilmore) Norton 16 The First Settlers
Edward Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Elizabeth Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Elizabeth Breen Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Grace (Thornton) Gilmore 187 Family Section
James Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
James Gilmore 79 Community Churches
Jerusha (Norton) Gilmore 16 The First Settlers
John Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
John Sr. Gilmore 13 The First Settlers
John Sr. Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
John Sr. Gilmore 152 Family Section
Luther Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Lydia Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Martha Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Nettie Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
Thomas Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
William Gilmore 14 The First Settlers
William Gilmore 79 Community Churches

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