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Community History Zearing, Iowa by Donald H. Grimm 1956

Zearing Book Index

Results for Names Matching "ABBOTT"

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Given Name Surname(s) Page Book Section
Andrew Jackson Abbott 104 Family Section
Anna E. (Grimm) Abbott 104 Family Section
Bert Abbott 15 The First Settlers
E. A. Abbott 41 Zearing Business Summary
Emma (Abbott) Sparrow 104 Family Section
Harriet (Wickham) Abbott 79 Community Churches
Harriet Elizabeth (Wickham) Abbott 15 The First Settlers
John Q. Abbott 37 Zearing Government/Postal Service
John S. Abbott 37 Zearing Government/Postal Service
Mary Goldie (Stimson) Abbott 184 Family Section
Rachel (Deal) Abbott Springer 131 Family Section

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