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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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98Community History, Zearing, Iowa

Iola Lodge No. 234 was chartered on April 24, 1907, with J. A. Wellington, the instituting officer. The charter members were :

Guy E. CliftOtis Rogers
Henry D. MoonAlbert C. Young
Hartwell P. Chandler Sr.Clarence W. Allen
Lewis H. MoonRobert R. Pollock
William B. KerseyFred E. Smith
Dr. Charles W. PowellCharles W. Haase
Henry S. SwaggertFrank S. White
Dan DavisJohn Henry Norton
Leo L. WingCarl H. Anderson
Floyd L. FarberThomas Young
Bert PriceWinnie W. Carver
Oscar WallworkDavid M. Powell
Harley PriceA. Ray McBride
L. Cressie AllenDaniel Holveck
Harry G. MartinDr. Arthur J. McCormack Grip
L. Fitch
First Officers
Leo L. WingChancellor Commander
Charles W. HaaseVice Chancellor
Grip L. FitchPrelate
Dr. Charles W. Powell Master of Work
Dr. Arthur J. McCormack Keeper of Records and Seal
Harry G. MartinMaster of Exchequer
Henry D. MoonMaster of Finance
Hartwell P. Chandler Sr.Master of Arms
Carl H. Anderson Outer Guard

The last report of Iola Lodge No. 234 was compiled in July, 1917. Ray M. Lightfoot was the Chancellor Commander when the lodge disbanded in 1917. Zearing members of the Knights of Pythias joined the lodge at Story City, Iowa, when the lodge disbanded.

Zearing Alumni Association

The Zearing Alumni Association is an active organization in 1955. Much of the credit for the building of the alumni association goes to Jennie Deal Perry. She kept the organization alive during the early years of its existence. Jennie was the president of the organization for more than twenty years.

The first class to graduate from the local high school was in 1895. They were entertained at a dinner at the Clift home. Then the juniors took charge. A junior-senior reception was held until 1915. There wasn't any reception in 1915 or in 1916. In 1917, the Zearing Alumni Association was formed.

The largest graduating classes to date were in the 1930's. Ger-

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