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Zearing, Iowa 1956 History

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96Community History, Zearing, Iowa
Nellie Manning—June 30, 1925
Marguerite Cerka—December 31, 1925
Leta Rankin—June 30, 1926
Ella Kurth—December 31, 1926
Blanche Harrington—June 30, 1927
Dora Fish—December 31, 1928
Elsie Bailey—December 31, 1930
Dorothy LeFevre—June 30, 1931
Cleo Wickham—December 31, 1931
Marguerite Cerka—June 30, 1932
Clara Waldie—November 10, 1932

Rebekah Lodge No. 479 was consolidated with Colo Rebekah Lodge No. 270 at Colo, Iowa, on December 23, 1932.

Royal Neighbors of America
Zearing Camp No. 1635

Margaret Walker, Supreme Recorder, Rock Island, Illinois, and Elsie Moore Bailey of Camp 1635, furnished the following history of the Royal Neighbors.

Camp 1635 was organized on October 22, 1900, with Gertrude Beatty Norton as the first Oracle. Emily Tight Hix was the first Recorder. Nellie Dimmitt Allen was the first Receiver.

The charter members of Camp 1635 are listed under their married names if they were married at the time the camp was chartered. The charter members were:

Elva HoberlandSarah Colburn
Ana ThatcherMartha Moore
Elnora ReeseLaura Wyckoff
Nellie AllenAlta Moon
Myrtle ThomasMary Clemons
Mary StimsonCora Bolton
Elizabeth WilsonJennie Billings
Elizabeth DealJessie Norton
Clara WaldieAlice Sauer
Sadie BurkhartJennie Price
Clara NortonMyrtle Ingledue
Emily HixGertrude Norton

The local records have been lost or destroyed except for the secretary's book dated January 1, 1927. The following served as Oracle after 1927. All are listed under their married names.

1927-30Elsie Bailey1934Clara Anderson
1931-32Minnie Herr1935-36Gladis Gaunt
1933Marguerite Cerka1937Florice Deal

Ilo Hoberland Holveck served as Recorder from 1927 until her death in 1932. Elsie Moore Bailey became Recorder in 1932. The lodge has not been active for many years.

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